Chapter 143: Establishing the Daming Xueyue Branch City and the Immortal Cultivation Academy, Li Hanyi's eyes lit up!

"Imperial Master, I've already thought about it!"

Zhu Zhanji's face showed a firmness, and he said to Zhu Yuanzhang very seriously: "I am willing to replace the imperial grandfather to guard Xueyue City and make a contribution to Daming!" "

Looking at his serious look, Zhu Yuanzhang's face showed a look of surprise, obviously quite surprised by his performance, of course...

And a touch of relief!


Aren't all his descendants strange!

"Since you're going, let's go."

After thinking for a while, Zhu Yuanzhang nodded to Zhu Zhanji: "It is also good for you to go through the experience." Experience well over there and run Xueyue City well with Yu Qian, which is a very important stronghold for Daming. "

"Don't worry, the Crown Prince!"

Zhu Zhanji had a confident look on his face: "I think I still have some ability, and with Yu Qian's cooperation, there should be no problem in managing Xueyue City well." "

Seeing him so confident, Zhu Yuanzhang nodded with satisfaction.

From the history of the orthodox Daming, he knew that Zhu Zhanji was quite capable.

"Okay, this matter is so decided, and after discussing the charter, you will go to Snow Moon City."

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't think much about it anymore and settled the matter.

Zhu Di saw that Zhu Yuanzhang had settled the matter, and suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"As long as it's not me going, it's no problem for anyone to go..."

Muttering in his heart, a smug look flashed in Zhu Di's eyes: "However, who let me have a good grandson?" I know how to share my worries for my grandfather..."


Before Zhu Di was happy, Zhu Yuanzhang's gaze suddenly fell on him.

"You don't need to guard Snow Moon City, but..."

A meaningful smile appeared on Zhu Yuanzhang's face, and he looked at Zhu Di with a smile: "In the matter of conquering the world of young singers, we think you are still the most suitable person..."

Zhu Di: "??! "

What the heck?!

What does it matter to me to conquer the world of young singers?

Zhu Di's face changed, and he immediately panicked.

Didn't it say that he wanted to turn the young singer world into a testing ground for the Daming monks?!

What do you mean by letting me conquer? There's no need for it!

"Dad, isn't the Young Song World a trial field reserved for Daming cultivators to practice?"

Zhu Di, whose scalp was numb, said with a sad face: "Wouldn't it be enough to let the cultivators of the trial conquer a little bit?" There's no need to let me go..."

Saying that,

Zhu Di's pleading eyes looked at Zhu Bai on the side: "Brother Twelve (DBCI), you talk, you can't really throw me into the world of young singers, right?" "

Zhu Bai: "..."

Let me say what?

The old man is obviously just teasing you, what do I have to say?!

"Fourth brother, in fact, I think it's good for you to go to the world of young singers and have a good experience, maybe after some training, you can successfully break through the Jindan realm..."

Looking at Zhu Di's tangled face, Zhu Bai said with a smile: "Although the heaven and earth aura of the young singer world is not as good as Hongwu Daming, there are still quite a few strong people over there, and if you go over there to find more strong people to compete with, it will be extremely good for your cultivation improvement..."

Zhu Di: "..."



The twelfth brother doesn't help himself anymore...

"Hear that? Hurry up and get ready! At that time, go to the world of young singers with your grandson, and if you haven't broken through the Jindan realm, you are not allowed to return to Daming! "

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled: "If you come back and find that you have not reached the Jindan realm, you lose Lao Tzu's face, and your legs will be broken for you!" "

Zhu Di's tears almost flowed!

He never dreamed that he would suddenly be thrown into the world of young singers to experience...


Looking at the expressions of the old man and Zhu Bai, it was obviously serious...

"Go and !!"

Finding that things could not be changed, Zhu Di suddenly gritted his teeth and looked fierce: "Laozi kills the young singer world!! "

Looking at him like this, Zhu Bai couldn't help but shake his head, and did not say anything more, but suddenly turned his head and looked at the people of Snow Moon City who were still on the dragon in the sky.

Li Hanyi, Li Changsheng, Sikong Changfeng, and other experts of Snow Moon City were all still on the dragon at the moment, observing the Daming world below...

Everything in the Daming world has completely calmed them down.

For a moment,

They all had a feeling of trance, and they couldn't believe that there was such a powerful world in this world!

"Master, have you found that everyone below has a mysterious aura flowing in their bodies, which may be the mana that King Xiang said?"

After observing the people below for a while, Li Hanyi found a situation that shocked him very much: "That is to say, everyone in this world... Will you cultivate immortals? All immortals?! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"This Daming..."

"How strong is it?!"


Li Hanyi felt that Xueyue City was very powerful, but after seeing Daming, she found that she used to sit in a well and watch the sky!

"Indeed, as you can see..."

Li Changsheng's eyes were deep, but his heart was extremely shocked: "It is worthy of the world of cultivating immortals, when everyone is really like a dragon, it seems that this time we chose to do the right thing, and we also have hope to become real immortals!" "

When he said this, Li Changsheng, a land immortal powerhouse, could no longer maintain his usual calm state of mind like an ancient well, and his heart was surging.

He did it all,

Not to mention Sikong Changfeng, Lei Wujian these people.


A huge force suddenly enveloped them, and before they could react, the mysterious power made their bodies soar into the air.

The sudden situation made Li Changsheng and the others' faces change slightly, but after discovering that it was Zhu Bai's breath, they did not make any struggle.

Allowing Juber to wrap them up and appear above the city.

"Li Changsheng, Li Hanyi, Lei Wujian, Sikong Changfeng..."

As soon as they landed, Zhu Bai's voice sounded in their ears: "Several of you, from today onwards, follow behind Li Shanchang." "

Zhu Bai's words made Zhu Biao, Li Shanchang, and others who did not know his plan yet, a look of surprise and doubt flash on their faces.

However, they reacted quickly.

"Twelfth brother, do you want them to follow Li Shanchang and learn to establish the Immortal Cultivation Academy, and then build a branch of the Daming Immortal Cultivation Academy in Snow Moon City?"

A look of surprise flashed in Zhu Biao's eyes, and he turned back to Zhu Bai and asked.

As soon as these words came out,

Everyone immediately understood and knew Zhu Bai's intentions.

"That's right."

Zhu Bai nodded slightly, staring at Li Changsheng: "You will become the first dean of the Snow Moon City Branch of the Daming Xiuxian Academy, so you must follow Li Shanchang to study hard, no problem, right?" "

"No problem!"

At this time, Li Changsheng knew very well what he should do, so he quickly nodded and replied, "Everything is subject to the arrangement!" "

"Well, that's good."

Zhu Bai nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "Before this, I will give you people from Xueyue City a sermon to teach you the true method of cultivating immortals!" "

"Brush !!"

The eyes of everyone in Xueyue City suddenly lit up!


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