Chapter 144: The scalp is numb, and the earthen turtles of Li Hanyi and others are despised by the people of Daming?

Why did Li Changsheng and these people willingly follow Zhu Bai to the Daming World?

Naturally, it is for the sake of becoming an immortal!


When Zhu Bai proposed to personally teach them the Immortal Cultivation Method, even Li Changsheng, a land immortal powerhouse, had excitement in his eyes.

Zhu Bai ignored their excitement and turned his head to look at Zhu Biao.

"Big brother, you ask people to arrange a place for them to stay."

Zhu Bai said to Zhu Biao: "They are all masters with quite good strength..."

Zhu Biao saw that Zhu Bai so naturally ordered his eldest brother and prince to do things, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly,

Of course

Zhu Biao did not have any dissatisfaction with this, but nodded slightly: "No problem, I will arrange this matter." "


His gaze fell on Li Shanchang and said to him: "You will be responsible for arranging their accommodation and entertaining them." "

In the face of Zhu Biao's orders, Li Shanchang naturally did not dare to say more nonsense, and quickly nodded: "Don't worry, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, I will arrange it." "

After speaking, Li Shanchang looked at Li Changsheng and the others: "Everyone, please come with me." "

Li Changsheng and the others were not nodded, and quickly followed Li Shanchang to leave.

At this time, Zhu Bai, Zhu Yuanzhang and the others also quickly rushed back in the direction of the palace.

In the world of young songs, Zhu Bai attaches great importance to it.


He now has plans to cultivate Li Changsheng and these people well.

In addition to him, Li Changsheng's cultivation realm can be said to be the strongest in the current Daming Heavens Alliance world.

This person's talent is extremely terrifying, and his potential is limitless.

If you cultivate well, it can be a big help for him. Therefore, Zhu Bai planned to spend a little more time on the geniuses like Li Changsheng and Li Hanyi.

Li Changsheng, Li Hanyi and the others still didn't know what Zhu Bai would do to them, and they were following Li Shanchang and entering Yingtian City together.

The moment they entered Yingtian City, Sikong Changfeng and these people suddenly had the feeling that Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden.

"This Daming world is also too terrifying, right? Acupuncture roadside random catch people are immortal cultivators? "

"Oh my God! Look at that little doll over there... At most, it's five or six years old, right? How do I feel that the strength in his body is stronger than many masters? "

"I'll go! Am I blinded? I just saw a fish in the river... To stare at me curiously with a human look? "


Everything they saw along the way stunned the people of Xueyue City, and all kinds of sightings were unprecedented for them.

Magical things can be encountered everywhere.

This opened their eyes, but at the same time, they suddenly had the feeling of sitting in a well and watching the sky before.


Li Shanchang, who took Sikong Changfeng and these people, listened to their various exclamations and discussions, noticed the shocked looks on their faces, and couldn't help but laugh in his heart: "Didn't His Royal Highness King Xiang say that the young singer world is very strong?" "

"How come people from this world ..."

"One and two are the same as dirt buns?"


The people of Daming have greatly inflated their self-confidence. Under all the immortal cultivators, the people of Daming already regarded Daming as the immortal world.

The immortal world, for other worlds, is naturally a holy land-like existence, and as people in the immortal world, they are naturally superior to people in other worlds!


In the face of people from the world of young singers, Li Shanchang naturally has a strong sense of pride and superiority.

Not only did he see it like this, but in fact, the surrounding Daming people also had this mentality...

Countless Daming people pointed fingers and talked about Li Changsheng, people from other worlds.

"Another dirt bun coming to Daming?!"

"These earth buns, it's really the green smoke from the ancestral tomb, they can actually come to Daming to cultivate immortals, I hope they don't live up to the good intentions of His Royal Highness the Holy King..."

"I don't know what benefits they can bring to Daming? Don't just rub Daming's fairy edge..." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"His Royal Highness King Xiang is really too benevolent, and every time he attacks the next world, he will bring them a huge opportunity..."


The surrounding onlookers were full of discussions, and they did not hide what they said.

What they said fell into the ears of Sikong Changfeng and the others, making them a little depressed.

These people of Snow Moon City, when they were in the world of young songs, have always felt that they are superior.

As a result, he ran to this Daming, but he was looked down upon by all kinds of people and treated as a dirt bun.

What depressed them the most was that they couldn't refute ...


Put yourself in the shoes of these people, for Daming, this world of immortal cultivation, they are really dirt buns, and they have never seen the world of immortal cultivation...

Li Changsheng's heart was strong enough, and he completely ignored the various discussions he heard in his ears.

He has always been observing what he saw and heard along the way with a curious mind, wanting to deeply understand the powerful and mysterious aspects of this world.

Under the leadership of Li Shanchang, Li Changsheng and these people unknowingly came under the Tiangong Divine Monument, and Li Changsheng's eyes were already deeply attracted by the Divine Monument.


Li Hanyi's gaze also noticed the Tiangong Divine Monument at this time, looking at the huge divine monument, Li Hanyi's heart jumped wildly: Have you felt the magic of that stone stele?

I stared at the stone tablet, and it seemed that something was looming in my mind, it seemed...

"I can't tell what it's like!"

"But very subtle!"

Li Changsheng nodded slightly, obviously he also had the feeling of Li Hanyi.

"In your minds, what looms is the method of cultivating immortals..." Li Shanchang heard the voices of Li Changsheng and others, stopped, glanced at the stone tablet with awe in his eyes, and then glanced at Li Changsheng and the others: That stone tablet is the Tiangong Divine Monument of Daming!

"There are countless immortal cultivation exercises on it, and all the people of Daming can comprehend it!"

"Of course, now that you have surrendered to Daming, you can also go to the Tiangong Divine Monument to understand the method of cultivating immortals!"

"As for what exercises can be comprehended, it depends on chance..."


As soon as Li Changsheng and the others heard Li Shanchang's words, their brains suddenly buzzed, and they were stunned one by one!

"Isn't it..."

Sikong Changfeng's eyes widened, and his expression was incredulous: "Daming's method of cultivating immortals, just put it here in such a large court, let everyone go to understand?" This, this, this... The method of cultivating immortals! Actually exposed to the public?! "

He was stunned!

Can't believe what I hear...

Not only him, but even Li Changsheng was shocked after hearing this, and felt very incredible!

"Is it weird?! This is...... His Royal Highness King Xiang gave the people a blessing immortal fate for the Great Tomorrow! "

The shocked look of Li Changsheng and the others made Li Shancheng pout, feeling that they were rare and strange: "The magic and power of Daming are far from what you can imagine, don't look at the powerful Daming with the eyes of your kind of small place!" "


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