Chapter 150: Li Hanyi sacrificed, and Old Zhu couldn't wait to beat Emperor Jiajing!

Li Hanyi was eager to break through to a higher realm in cultivation, and even, before, she was willing to cultivate the Heartless Sword in order to obtain a powerful cultivation.

Right now

There was an opportunity to become stronger, in front of her, she basically did not hesitate, so she decided to follow Zhu Bai.

Inside Jubai's palace.

He is sitting in a large chair, leisurely sipping the best tea, constantly combing through what has happened recently in his mind and making plans for the next step.

Li Hanyi sat across from him and made tea for him.

Her gaze couldn't help but glance at Zhu Bai from time to time.

Since deciding to follow Zhu Bai, she was taken back to her palace by Zhu Bai, and now her identity is the "maid" beside Zhu Bai.

Of course

The identity of the "maid" is her own definition of "five seven seven", but Zhu Bai did not think so much, in his opinion, he just wanted to cultivate Li Hanyi into a powerful enough tool person to charge for himself and brush copies.

"System, the next official copy, when will it be refreshed?"

Zhu Bai, who was pondering, suddenly asked the system: "The next copy world should be stronger than the young song line, right?" "

[The next quest world will be refreshed in three months.] 】

[Of course, if the host can complete the gifted copy world, the new copy world will also be refreshed in advance.] 】

[If the host wants to refresh the new replica world in advance, first take the "Jiajing Dynasty Dungeon" world.] 】

In my head, the voice of the system sounded.

"Can you still play like this?"

Zhu Bai was slightly surprised in his heart, and a look of joy flashed in his eyes: "Then it seems that it is necessary to get the copy of the Jiajing Dynasty as soon as possible." "


Zhu Bai had already planned to open the door of time and space to the Jiajing Dynasty three days later and lead the army to descend.

Right now

He even thought a little, and immediately led the army and killed the Jiajing Dynasty.

"Forget it, it's still three days later, and I'm not in a hurry at this time..."

After thinking about it, Zhu Bai gave up the idea of acting immediately: "Old Zhu, they have just returned from the world of juvenile song travel, their butts haven't sat hot yet, let them digest it for a few days before talking..."

After winning the world of young singers, the entire Daming has gained huge benefits, and these people of Lao Zhu naturally have to digest and absorb it well and improve their strength.

After making a decision in his heart, Zhu Bai also planned to rest well in these two or three days. After all, since he came to this world, his spirit has been tense, almost spinning.

I haven't had a good rest yet...

Zhu Bai was thinking about things, and Li Hanyi, who was opposite him, had been observing him, and after seeing the tea in his teacup, he quickly refilled a cup.

Fragrant tea beauty, there is a bit of leisurely and elegant artistic conception.

Let Zhu Bai's mood be more relaxed and happy than ever.

"His Royal Highness King Xiang..."

Just as Zhu Bai closed his eyes and enjoyed, Yiyi asked Zhu Bai: "Do I really hope to break through to the Yuan Infant realm quickly..."


Zhu Baiyou opened his eyes, his gaze fell on Li Hanyi's beautiful face, looking at the anticipation in her eyes, nervous, and an indifferent smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Of course you can."

Li Hanyi's current situation, Zhu Bai is clear: "You almost accumulated, you only need to practice a powerful exercise, go to the enlightenment tower to retreat, at most half a year, you can break through the Yuan Infant realm." "


Li Hanyi was suddenly overjoyed, and a look of joy and anticipation flashed in his eyes, but it soon turned into a touch of helplessness: "Your Royal Highness King Xiang, the exercises I am practicing now are what I comprehended from the Heavenly Gong Divine Monument, it is a Heaven-level exercise, as for the higher-level exercises, I can't comprehend them..."

Zhu Bai nodded slightly, not surprised by this.

Li Hanyi's talent doesn't have to be said, but comprehending the exercises, sometimes it is a little bit of chance, her contact with the Heavenly Gong Divine Monument is too short, and she can comprehend a Heaven-level exercise, which is already quite good!

"Here, I have an exercise that is very suitable for your cultivation..."

After carefully looking at Li Hanyi, Zhu Bai suddenly said: "It's a top-level immortal method..."


Li Hanyi's eyes lit up, and a strong look of expectation flashed in her eyes, but she did not speak, but waited for Zhu Bai to continue to speak. ,

Because, (read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

She was worried that if she opened her mouth, she would leave a bad impression on Zhu Bai impatiently, and even make Zhu Bai look down on herself.

Zhu Bai felt the apprehension and expectation in Li Hanyi's heart, and smiled slightly, but he did not choose to give her exercises immediately, because he wanted to wait to see if he could get more suitable and better exercises after winning the copy of the Jiajing Dynasty World0........

"You don't have to worry..."

Zhu Bai pondered for a moment, and slowly said to Li Hanyi: "After taking the Jiajing Dynasty back first, I will teach you the exercises." "

A look of disappointment flashed in Li Hanyi's eyes, but he didn't dare to say anything more, so he could only nod gently.

"Now, first consolidate your cultivation."

Zhu Bai did not care about what Li Hanyi was thinking at this time, but said indifferently: If the foundation of cultivation is not consolidated, even if your realm is improved, the benefits obtained will not be very good."

"Okay, it's quite late, let's rest first."

"From now on, if only you lived in the same palace with King Ben."

Li Hanyi was shocked, opened his mouth slightly, and then nodded: "Okay, Your Highness..."


Three days later.


As soon as the sky broke, Zhu Yuanzhang's rough voice howled dryly: "It's time to open the door of time and space today, how are you prepared?" "

In the hall, Zhu Bai heard Zhu Yuanzhang's voice, and immediately shook his head helplessly, turned his head to look, and saw that Zhu Yuanzhang's figure had walked in.

And behind him,

Zhu Di, Zhu Biao, Xu Da, Lan Yu and others also followed!


These people's faces all had a look of anticipation.

"It seems that everyone is impatient..."

Looking at everyone's performance, Zhu Bai said with a smile: "Dad, you have already decided, the candidates and the army for this expedition?" "

Not yet 3.0

Zhu Yuanzhang said of course: "Shouldn't this matter be decided by you Bai'er?" We...... Only responsible for cooperating with you! "

The corner of Zhu Bai's mouth twitched, a little speechless.


He didn't talk nonsense, when even said his plan: "The strength of the Jiajing Dynasty is a little stronger than the orthodox Daming, but it is not much stronger, so this time there is no need for the Daming army to pour out, just two dragoon legions to follow us!" "

"Duke Wei Guogong, Duke Liang Guogong, you lead the Flying Dragon Legion and follow and kill it! As for the other Daming Immortal cultivation armies, just continue to stay in the Hongwu Daming time and space and strengthen their cultivation! "


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