Chapter 151: Zhu Biao's envy, set off for the Jiajing Dynasty, give the Jiajing Emperor a surprise!

The Jiajing Dynasty World Quest, as a gift reward quest, is not very difficult.


Zhu Bai did not let the Daming army pour out like he did with the young song world.


He also planned to lead only one dragoon legion and kill him.

But Xu Da and Lan Yu both wanted to go.

"Since you all want to go, Duke Liang, then send out two dragon riding legions."

Seeing Xu Da and Lan Yu, in order to compete for the place in the battle, Zhu Bai shook his head helplessly and said to the two: "You each lead a dragon riding legion, and there will be a task given to you at that time." "

Xu Da Lanyu and the two, when they heard Zhu Bai say this, their faces suddenly showed joy, and they nodded to him excitedly.

"Now that you've decided, let's go now?"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked a little impatient, and said to Zhu Bai with a smile: "Solve the affairs of the Jiajing Dynasty as soon as possible, so as to open a new world copy!" "

He also did not put the copy of Jiajing Chao in his eyes.

Instead, I plan to solve this world quest as soon as possible, so as to open a more powerful quest and get more generous rewards. 31

Not only Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't wait, but the others present were also a little impatient to solve the copy of the Jiajing Dynasty.

When everyone was expecting, Zhu Di, who hid on the side and did not want to be seen by Zhu Yuanzhang, muttered: "When I arrive in the Jiajing Dynasty, I must clean up Zhu Houxi, this bastard!" These waste descendants have caused me to be cleaned up by the old man all day, and I have to pour my anger on them..."

But whenever the descendants of the future generations are mentioned, as long as he is present, Lao Zhu will definitely be angry with him, which makes Zhu Di depressed for a long time.

Old Zhu can be angry with him, then he... You can also take the descendants out of anger!

When I think of this...

Zhu Di's heart was finally a little balanced!

Of course

At this time, no one noticed his muttering, and everyone's attention was on Zhu Bai, looking at him expectantly.

"Then let's go right away."

Seeing that Old Zhudu couldn't wait, and the pork chops were not too wasteful of time, he nodded and was said: "Strive to completely get the Jiajing Dynasty within half a month, and include the Jiajing Dynasty in the territory of the Daming Heavens Alliance!" "

For him, expanding the sphere of influence of the Daming Heavens Alliance was of great benefit, because the larger the population, the more immortal cultivation geniuses appeared, and the more powerful tool people under him...

The more tool people there are, the easier it is for him!

As soon as the words are finished,

Zhu Bai slowly got up and walked towards the outside of the hall.

"Brush brush brush!"

Zhu Yuanzhang and the others also quickly got up, followed Zhu Bai, and walked towards the outside of the hall.

The news that Hongwu Daming's army was about to go on another campaign had spread in Daming three days ago, and at this time, the entire Yingtian City and countless Daming people were looking forward to this matter.


There are many Daming people who want to follow the army and go to the Jiajing Dynasty to see the Daming in the future!


Zhu Bai took Zhu Yuanzhang and the others to the outside of the imperial city, ready to open the door of time and space.

"His Royal Highness King Xiang, the Dragoon Legion is already in place..."

As soon as he arrived outside the imperial city, Xu Da said to Zhu Bai with a smile: "As long as an order is given, the Dragoon Legion can immediately enter the gate of time and space and go straight to the Jiajing Dynasty." "

Lan Yu also said for the first time that his dragon riding legion was also ready and could leave at any time.

Listening to Lan Yu Xu Da's words, Zhu Bai just nodded slightly, did not say much, and looked into the distance.


Several huge gates of time and space towered between heaven and earth.


Daming already has a time-space door connecting the Yongle Dynasty, the Orthodox Dynasty, the Avatar World, and the Young Song World, and these time-space doors have always been open.

Connect these worlds as a whole.

Hongwu Daming is the central point of these worlds.

Through the gate of time and space, people from different great planes can communicate with each other. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Today's Daming is something we didn't dare to think about before..."

Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Bai walked together, and found that Zhu Bai looked like a gate of time and space, and a look of emotion appeared on his face: "The current Daming, the vast territory and the strength of the country, are really unprecedented..."

Speaking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes couldn't help but show a touch of pride, feeling very proud that his empire was so powerful.

"In the future, it will continue to get bigger and stronger..."

Zhu Bai glanced at Zhu Yuanzhang out of the corner of his eyes, and said with a smile: "The world to attack in the future will be unimaginably strong, as long as it is won, the overall strength of Daming will have a qualitative leap!" "

Listening to his words, Zhu Yuanzhang became even more excited.

Zhu Biao, who was on Zhu Bai's right, listened to his conversation with Lao Zhu, and suddenly spoke to Lao Zhu with some expectation: "Dad, this time... Let me go with it? "

Zhu Biao, who has always been in the Hongwu Daming Prison Kingdom, also wanted to go with him at this time.


As soon as Zhu Yuanzhang heard his words, he immediately shook his head: "No, you are the prince, if you leave, who will oversee the country?" "

Zhu Biao: "..."

For the first time, he felt that the identity of the prince made him very hurt...

Zhu Yuanzhang just said a word, so he didn't say more about this matter, but said to Zhu Bai: "Bai'er, open the door of time and space!" "

Zhu Bai nodded slightly, and the light in his eyes became brilliant.


I saw that as soon as he waved his hand, the void in the distance suddenly boiled, and the truly dazzling golden light suddenly erupted, and one after another void cracks appeared, and finally slowly cracked into a huge door of time and space!

The newly emerged Space-Time Gate, arranged together with the previous Space-Time Gates, gives people a strong sense of oppression. As soon as the 830 Gate of Time and Space appeared, it immediately made countless Daming people boil, and their faces were full of excitement and full of yearning for the new world.

"Let's go!"

After Zhu Bai opened the door of time and space, without any hesitation, his figure flashed and appeared on the old dragon king who had been waiting in the sky for a long time.

The old dragon king roared, his huge wings flapped a little, and then he flew towards the gate of time and space!

"Expedition !!"

Zhu Bai set off, Zhu Yuanzhang did not have any hesitation, roared and immediately set out, driving the little dragon king to directly chase Zhu Bai and enter the gate of time and space.


Xu Da and Lan Yu, leading a huge army of dragon horses, also entered the gate of time and space one after another, following Zhu Bai and Zhu Yuanzhang!

Under the attention of everyone, Daming's army entered the gate of time and space to the Jiajing Dynasty and went straight to the Jiajing Dynasty!

Watching their figures completely disappear into the gate of time and space, countless Daming people cheered one after another, and their eyes flashed with a strong color of expectation.

Everyone is looking forward to the victorious return of the Daming army.


They all understood that as long as the Daming army returned victoriously, they would inevitably gain great benefits, and the strength of the entire Daming would rise to a new level again!


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