Chapter 152: The chaos of the Wokou, Daming can't resist? Waste of the Jiajing Dynasty!

Daming, Jiajing Dynasty.

Emperor Xiuxian Zhu Houxi, addicted to immortal cultivation, has been ignoring imperial politics for more than twenty years.

The entire Daming court was managed and controlled by the Daming cabinet.

Although the Daming cabinet maintained the Daming court, it only tinkered with the entire imperial court, and could not make the rapid development of the Daming at all.

Many things, without Zhu Houxi, the emperor, the ministers of the Daming cabinet, did not pay attention to it at all.

Just like the Woku in the east threatening the coastal cities of Daming, the ministers of the Daming cabinet did not pay much attention to it at all.


The Daming cabinet transferred a huge amount of money and silver to let the Daming army deal with the Wokou pirates, but because of the loose armament, the effect was not very good.

In the case of wasting a lot of imperial court finances, not only did not eliminate all the Wokou, but even made the Wokou more and more arrogant, seriously threatening the safety of the people in the coastal cities of Daming.


There are many pirates in the coastal cities of Daming, who often land in the coastal cities of Daming, burn, kill and plunder, and do all kinds of evil.


A very exaggerated situation has arisen...

That is, there are often a few wakou chasing and killing thousands of soldiers and horses of Daming!


For Daming, it is a great shame!


Faced with this situation, the Daming cabinet still did not attach great importance to it, and has not come up with a definite and feasible plan to eliminate the Wokou pirates.



Haikou City.

A great war between the Wokou and the Daming is breaking out.

Tang Kekuan, deputy commander-in-chief of Daming, personally led the Jiajing Daming army and fought with the Wokou in Haikou City, killing rivers of blood.


Today's situation is quite bad for Daming.

The Ming army led by Tang Kekuan had a very weak will to fight, and it could even be said that it had no intention of fighting, and its combat effectiveness was extremely weak.

In this case, in the face of the brutal Wokou army, the army of Daming Jiajing was defeated and retreated, and the original encirclement and suppression strategy had to become a siege strategy.

On a Daming sail battleship, Deputy General Tang Kekuan, his face was as gloomy as water at the moment, and his eyes flashed with anger.

The successive defeats in battles made this Daming general extremely annoyed, and at the same time a little haggard. He couldn't accept the situation that the Daming army had nothing to do with the little bokou pirates.

Just when Tang Kekuan's face was gloomy and his heart was raging with anger, one of his generals hurriedly walked towards him: "General soldier, the situation is not good, who has broken through the defense line, we can't trap them anymore, they may escape at any time, and may even impact us head-on..."

"What? Can't get stuck with the Wokou? How can it be?! When Tang Kekuan heard the words of his generals, he immediately became furious: "What are you doing to eat?" What makes you so embarrassed?! "

Tang Kekuan roared and cursed, and the generals under him listened to his angry scolding and roaring, their faces were quite tangled and depressed, but they were helpless.

And at this moment,

Another general hurriedly came: "It's not good General Soldier, I just got the news that a group of bokou thieves has landed in Haikou City, and is burning, killing and plundering, and our people can't stop them, or don't dare to stop them..."

"Waste !!"

When Tang Kekuan heard the news, his eyes suddenly darkened, and he almost fainted: "Don't care about the sea, return immediately, and destroy the landing wokou first!! "

The angry Tang Kekuan ordered one after another, so that the Daming navy immediately returned to encircle and suppress the Wokou who had landed.


The entire Daming navy was in chaos, and they did not care about the wakou pirates who were still running around at sea, but changed their strategy and planned to eliminate the landing wokou first.


The Wokou who landed on the shore would definitely cause the people of Daming to suffer heavy casualties.

There is no doubt about this.

On the sea,

A large number of ships of the Wokou pirates were cruising, and when they found that the Daming naval fleet led by Tang Keen was retreating rapidly, they suddenly broke out into arrogant laughter!

"The Daming Navy has retreated!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"We won!"

"Long live the Great Wokou!"

"Pursuit! Pursue them immediately! Don't let them go back! Cooperate with the brothers who have already landed and hit the Daming army hard! "


On the ships of the major Wakou navy, one by one, the vicious Yokou pirates shouted loudly, adjusted the direction of the ships, and chased and killed in the direction of the retreat of Tang Kekuan's army.

Their goal is clear, that is, to delay time for the landing of the Wokou pirates.

Let them burn and loot for longer.

Plunder more wealth.

Faced with this situation, Tang Kekuan was angry and anxious, but did not pay attention to it, but ordered the army to retreat at full speed, preparing to encircle and suppress the Wokou in the rear first.

Just as Tang Kekuan's army approached the coast, above the sky, there was suddenly a faint thunder roar, and then the entire sky suddenly became pitch black!

The terrifying coercive aura suddenly came from the sky overhead, and it was unified in the heaven and earth below, making the entire heaven and earth look depressed and terrifying.

Whether it was the people of Daming or the Wokou pirates, they all looked up at the sky in shock, looking at the sky that suddenly became pitch black, and everyone showed a terrified look on their faces!

"What's going on? Why did it suddenly change? "

Tang Kekuan looked at the sudden change in the sky, and his face showed a terrified look, but before he could come to his senses, the wind suddenly howled in the heaven and earth, and the huge wind made the waves on the sea suddenly stronger!

The huge wind and waves made Daming's ships, as well as the ships of the Wokou pirates, begin to shake violently, bumping up and down, and it seemed that they would be torn apart by the waves at any time!

Such a terrifying sight made both sides panic for a while.

"Boom !!"

In the horror of countless people, an earth-shattering terrifying thunder suddenly came from the sky, and a bucket-sized lightning suddenly flashed in the sky.

After the thunder flashed, the void began to boil and distort, and a huge void crack suddenly formed, followed by a golden light flickering and surging within the void crack.


A desolate and majestic dragon roar that seemed to come from the ancient flood desolation came from the void crack, and a huge roar made the entire heaven and earth shake violently!

"What's that?!"

Tang Kekuan's eardrums hurt from the roar of the dragon, and his face was full of horror, and when he saw a figure that appeared in the crack of the void, he was even more frightened.


The figure of the old dragon king flew out from within the gate of space, and the huge figure of the old dragon king covered the sky, like a huge dark cloud.

The moment it appeared, the whole world became extremely depressed, and the terrifying dragon coercion made countless Daming soldiers and pirates tremble with fear

As they shivered, the little dragon king behind the old dragon king followed, followed by the army of dragon riders one after another...


The entire sky is filled with dragons!

Nagging for a while,

There were even a large number of Daming soldiers and pirates, looking at the terrifying scene in the sky, their legs were so frightened that they collapsed on the ground, looking at the dragon riding army in the sky in horror!


The third one, still continuing, absolutely strive to burst more, quality assurance!

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