Chapter 153: Zhu Yuanzhang exploded in anger, and all the wakou can bully Daming like this?!

Under the terrified gazes of both the Jiajing Daming generals and the Wokou pirates, Zhu Bai came out of the gate of time and space with the Daming Xiuxian army and came to the Jiajing Daming plane.

Their arrival is like a heavenly god, the momentum is earth-shattering, and the sense of oppression is full. Whether it was Tang Kekuan and Daming's soldiers, or Wokou, they were all frightened by the terrifying appearance scene!

Above the sky dome, Zhu Bai stood on the old dragon king, looking at the scene below, his eyes flashed for a while, and he was thinking about the positioning of Jiajing Daming.

The world of avatar has become the dragon breeding base of Daming.

Yongle Daming became the sub-center of the Heavenly Daming Alliance.

The young singer world Snow Moon City, currently positioned as the place of trial for Daming.

As for the positioning of the Jiajing Dynasty, Zhu Bai needs Zhu Bai to make arrangements according to the current situation.

Every world plane of the Daming Heavens Alliance, especially the plane of Daming, Zhu Baidou wanted them to have their own characteristics, each perform their own duties, and cooperate with the center of the Hongwu Dynasty.

In this way,

It will allow the Daming Heavens Alliance to achieve achievements in all aspects, and eventually unite into a powerful whole with the strength to crush the heavens!

"By the way..."

Suddenly, Zhu Bai's eyes lit up: "Perhaps, the Immortal Formation Law School can be set up in the Jiajing Dynasty, so that the people of the Jiajing Dynasty can focus on the study of the Immortal Formation and cultivate a large number of powerful formation geniuses..."

After such a 240 thought came to his heart, Zhu Bai suddenly became cheerful, and there was a plan in his heart.

And at this moment,

[Detected host descending to the Jiajing dynasty.] 】

[Now start sending out the Jiajing Dynasty plane mission. 】

[Mission details: Pacify the Jiajing dynasty, exterminate the clan and the wokou, rectify the government and the public, and return the people of Daming to a langlang Qiankun, so that Jiajing Daming will step into the immortal cultivation sequence. ] 】

[Task reward: The system will make a judgment based on the host's score for completing the task, and issue excess rich rewards, and additional rewards will be obtained if the task score reaches S+. 】

A series of system prompts sounded in Zhu Bai's mind.

"The system task is coming..."

Zhu Bai's eyes flashed, and a smile appeared on his face: "This task, the difficulty of completing is not large, there should be a chance to get an S+ score and get additional rewards." "

For the Jiajing Dynasty mission, Zhu Bai is still quite confident. After all, compared to the task of the young singer world that had just been completed, the difficulty of the task of the Jiajing Dynasty was several grades lower.


Just as Zhu Bai's mind flashed, Zhu Yuanzhang appeared beside him, staring at the scene below, his brows slightly wrinkled: "What year is this time and space?" Did anything major happen in the Jiajing Dynasty this year? Zhu Houxi, that bastard east (dbdh) west, what is he doing now? "

Little Zhu Di and Old Zhu Di also came to Zhu Bai's side at this time, and as soon as Zhu Yuanzhang's words were finished, their eyes also showed a strong sense of curiosity.

"It seems like a battlefield below!"

"The Daming army... What enemy are you fighting against? "

"Or a naval battle? It's kind of interesting..."


The two Zhu Di, big and small, were curious at the same time, and whispered.

Listening to their discussion, Zhu Bai raised his eyebrows, raised slightly, and his face became a little subtle, according to the information of the system, he learned that it was now Daming's general soldier Tang Kekuan, leading Daming's soldiers to fight with the Wokou.


The final result was not very good, and even Tang Kekuan was punished and removed from his post because of the defeat in the battle.

"Isn't it good?"

Seeing Zhu Bai's delicate face, Zhu Yuanzhang was immediately shocked: "Isn't it, we have reached the time node when Daming is facing the crisis of losing the country, right?!" "

As soon as he said this, Zhu Yuanzhang's face suddenly became bad.

Not only his face is not good. Zhu Di and the others heard his words. The expression on his face also changed suddenly. A gloomy light appeared in his eyes.

For the destruction of Daming, they naturally couldn't accept it.

"Perdition is not to..."

The ugly looks of Zhu Yuanzhang and the others made Zhu Bai couldn't help but shake his head and said lightly: "But the situation is really bad, now, Daming is being hung and beaten by the woko." "


When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his expression changed drastically: "Daming was actually hung and beaten by the wokou? Boer, are you sure you're not kidding? Why hang Daming to fight? "

The expressions on the faces of the two big and small, Zhu Di, Xu Da, Lan Yu and others, also changed suddenly, and their eyes showed a strong look of shock, and they were all stunned by Zhu Bai's words.

In their opinion,

The small wakou across the coast is just a small projectile country, similar to a village in Daming, and it is not worth mentioning at all. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In their time, the little wokou could not lift their heads when they beat them, and they never dared to croak their teeth in front of them. As a result, now, he suddenly learned that the little wokou was chasing Daming's army to fight, which was simply a great shame.

"Waste Zhu Houxuan."

Xiao Zhu Di's face was livid, and his eyes flashed with anger: "Lao Tzu saw him, and the skin was picked up for him!" "

Angry little Zhu Di wanted to figure out what the situation was now, so his huge divine thoughts suddenly surged out like a tide and shrouded them below.


He locked up a person in the Daming army below, and the official general Tang Kekuan.

"Come up to Lao Tzu!"

A fierce light flashed in Xiao Zhu Di's eyes, and with a wave of his hand, a huge force suddenly fell on Tang Kekuan.


Daming General Tang Kekuan was looking at the mysterious army that suddenly appeared in the sky with a horrified expression, only feeling cold and numb scalp.

"These ... Who is it exactly? Immortals? "

Tang Kekuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his voice trembled: "This must be an immortal, right?" will fly in the sky ... Definitely immortal! "

The Daming generals around him also looked terrified and shocked at this moment.


They were also frightened.


Tang Ke was creepy and felt a mysterious aura shrouding him, like a mysterious big hand, suddenly grabbed himself and lifted himself up.


Seeing his body uncontrollable and suddenly soaring into the air, Tang Kekuan was suddenly frightened, his face turned pale, and he let out a terrified scream.

"Lord General !!"

The Daming soldiers beside him, watching him suddenly being carried upside down and flying towards the sky, were also frightened, and some even fainted directly in fright.


Only hearing the whistling wind, Tang Kekuan felt his body rise rapidly, seeing that the scene below was getting smaller and smaller, and the despair and panic in his eyes became more and more intense.

"It's over—"

At this moment, Tang Kekuan felt that he was going to be cold.


Before he could recover from his panic and despair, his body suddenly slammed and fell on the dragon's body, slamming him and grinning.


He found a big dark face, suddenly approached in front of him, and was staring at himself with fierce eyes: "Dog thing, you are the general soldier of Daming, right?" "

The one who brings the big face together...

It was Zhu Di!

He stared at Tang Kekuan viciously, and the anger in his eyes almost burst out!


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