Chapter 159: Emperor Jiajing's excitement, this is his immortal origin! Old Zhu's sneer!

Emperor Jiajing's pursuit of immortal cultivation has no upper limit. As long as there is the slightest hope, he will try his best to try, just to become an immortal, in order to be immortal!


After suddenly learning the news that an immortal had descended to Daming, Jiajing immediately urged Yan Shifan to bring the person who brought the news back ~ bring over!


A general who looked haggard and tired and dusty appeared in front of Zhu Houxi, the person who was sent back by Tang Kekuan to deliver the news.

"Your Majesty... Immortals! "

"The immortals have descended to mortal !!"

"A real immortal! An immortal who can fly away! "

As soon as he saw the emperor, before the emperor could ask, the general said loudly in a trembling and excited voice: "They descended from the sky, and the momentum was amazing, and they easily killed the wokou as soon as they made a move..."

When Emperor Jiajing heard his words, he was immediately shocked, and the light in his eyes became fierce, staring at Jiang Kun, the general who spoke.

"Jiang Kun, you must know that talking nonsense in front of Xu is to kill the head." Jiajing Emperor Zhu Houxi's tone was cold and serious, with a strong imperial coercion: "You are responsible for every word you say!" "

Emperor Jiajing's cold and serious tone, as well as strong coercion, made Jiang Kun look stunned, and his body trembled.

He naturally knows ...

The horror of the crime of cheating!

Of course

Now everything he said was true, and naturally there would be no such thing as a crime of cheating, so ...

"Your Majesty, I will guarantee with my life that every word I say is true, and there is absolutely no falsehood." Jiang Kun gritted his teeth and said, "The immortals have really come to Daming!" And......

The immortals also named and asked His Majesty to come over to meet them! "


"It's the immortals who want to pass on the immortal fate to His Majesty!"


When Emperor Jiajing heard Jiang Kun's words, his heart suddenly roared, and a look of excitement suddenly appeared on his face, and the light in his eyes was hot and excited.

The immortal named him to see him!


It's a great thing!

"You carefully explain everything you have seen, and you must not leave anything out..."

Although his heart was full of expectation, Emperor Jiajing still maintained a trace of calm, staring at Jiang Kun deadly: "How did the immortals come, what kind of appearance they looked like, what means did they have, why did they want to see Xuan..."

"All this..."

"You tell me all about it!"

Emperor Jiajing's eyes flashed with a burning light, but his mood was apprehensive and nervous, hoping to hear good news from Jiang Kun.

When Jiang Kun arrived at this time, he naturally did not dare to say more nonsense, and immediately said everything he saw and heard to Emperor Jiajing.

Emperor Jiajing, Yan Song, Yan Shibo and the others were listening carefully to everything he said, and when he described the scene of the arrival of the Hongwu Daming Immortal Cultivation Army, they all described it...

The expressions on the faces of these people were completely stunned!

A thick look of horror appeared in everyone's eyes!

In Jiang Kun's description, immortals are indeed able to fly to the sky, do have the power to destroy the sky and the earth, the flight of the imperial sword, and even the degree of volleying void, are not a word...


"It's really an immortal!"

"Hahahaha! Xu finally waited..."

"Wait for the chance to become an immortal!!"

"Xu also has a chance to become a true immortal!"

Emperor Jiajing couldn't help but laugh out loud with excitement, and even his body trembled slightly, he had been cultivating immortals all his life, but there were no good results.

Right now

True immortals descend,

It is undoubtedly great news for him!

"Immediately notify the imperial Chinese military officials to hold a court meeting in the Fengtian Temple!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The excitement in Emperor Jiajing's eyes could hardly be concealed, and he suddenly turned back to Yan Shifan and Yan Song's father and son and said, "I want to discuss going to Haikou to see the immortals immediately!" "

When Yan Song heard Emperor Jiajing's words, he was immediately taken aback.


What Jiang Kun said was too shocking, and the immortals described were too real, but ,...... Yan Song still had a trace of doubt in his heart!

After all

But he looked at the immortals that Emperor Jiajing had cultivated all his life, and as a result, Mao had not cultivated, and he did not believe in the so-called immortal cultivation.

"What are you still stunned for? Just go! "

Emperor Jiajing looked at Yan Song's stunned appearance for a moment, and immediately scolded with dissatisfaction: "Don't delay the opportunity to become an immortal, go and inform the imperial Chinese military officials!" "

Reprimanded by Emperor Jiajing, Yan Song suddenly came back to his senses, nodded repeatedly, and then turned back to Yan Shifan and said, "You go quickly." "

The corner of Yan Shifan's mouth twitched, His Majesty secretly said that His Majesty let you go as an old man, and if you turn your head, let me go, it's really not the son of man.

Of course

Even if he was speechless in his heart, Yan Shifan did not dare to say anything, quickly nodded and turned around and left, and soon let people go to inform the civil and military officials of the dynasty.


The civil and military officials in the DPRK were all shocked when they suddenly learned that His Majesty was going to hold a morning meeting.

Gao Gong, Xu Jie, Zhang Juzheng and others all felt very incredible about Emperor Jiajing's sudden convening of a court meeting.

You know,

Emperor Jiajing has not paid attention to imperial politics for more than twenty years, let alone such a thing as convening a court meeting!

"Your Majesty, what's wrong today?!"

"Did something big happen? Otherwise, why would His Majesty suddenly summon me to wait for a court meeting?!" "

"Master Xu, do you have any news?"

"Elder Yan Ge, you should know what the situation is, right?"


On the Fengtian Hall, a group of civil and military officials were talking about it, and the eyes of the vast majority of people looked towards Yan Shifan's father and son.

Everyone knew that Yan Song was deeply favored by Emperor Jiajing, and many things of Emperor Jiajing were handed over to him to handle, and he was often the first to get news.

Yan Song faced the doubtful inquiries of a group of civil and military officials, but he was very calm, and the whole person stood in the hall like a clay statue, and did not respond to everyone's inquiries.


Yan Song did not intend to tell the Wen Wu officials about the matter before Emperor Jiajing came, but chose to remain silent.

He chose to be silent, and the civil and military officials in the court naturally did not dare to have any opinions, so he could only hold the doubts in his heart and wait for the arrival of the Jiajing Emperor.

"Your Majesty to !!"

When there was a lot of discussion in the hall, a sharp voice sounded, which suddenly made the discussion disappear instantly.

Brush brush brush !!

One by one, he looked towards the top of the hall, and then saw the figure of Jiajing Emperor Zhu Houxi step by step and sat on the dragon chair.

"See Your Majesty!"

Seeing Zhu Houxi sitting on the dragon chair, the civil and military officials in the hall saluted him at the same time and shouted in unison.


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