Chapter 160: Here it comes, Emperor Jiajing came with joy, and Zhu Di can't wait!

Zhu Houxi sat on the dragon chair with a majestic expression, his gaze swept over the civil and military officials below, but everyone who was swept by his gaze subconsciously lowered their heads.

"The reason why Xu hurriedly summoned Zhong Ai Qing is that there is a great good thing to discuss with Zhong Ai Qing..."

After scanning the circle of people, Zhu Houxi slowly spoke: "It is a great thing that can change the history of Daming, a great opportunity..."

Brush brush brush brush -

When Xu Jie, Zhang Juzheng and other heavy ministers heard Zhu Houxi's words, their faces suddenly changed slightly, and their eyes showed a thick look of consternation.


They suddenly had some worries in their hearts.

When the emperor says a good thing, it is not necessarily a good thing...

Before the matter was clarified, none of them planned to ask, but raised their heads in surprise and looked at Zhu Houxi, wanting to see what he said about "two eight zero".

And they looked,

I suddenly found that Zhu Houxi's face was full of excitement at this moment, and the whole person looked a little excited and excited.

"Dear Aiqing..."

Thinking of the immortal coming to Daming, Zhu Houxi, who looked a little excited and excited, suddenly said loudly: "The immortal has come to Daming!! "


"Immortal Immortal!"

"They came to Daming and eliminated the Wokou for Daming!"

"Now, the immortals still have a decree to let Xu go to see him immediately!"

Zhu Houxi's excited voice reverberated in the hall, spreading throughout the ears of every civil and military official, instantly making them all stunned.

A moment later,

The civil and military officials who came back to their senses boiled, and exclaimed one after another.

"Immortals? Your Majesty, what are you talking about?! "

"How can there be immortals in this world? Your Majesty, who the hell is deceiving you?! "

"Your Majesty, you must not go, I am afraid that there is fraud in this!"


Whether it was Zhang Juzheng, Gao Gong, Xu Jie, or other civil and military officials, they were all skeptical about the immortals mentioned by Zhu Houxi!

None of them believe it...

There are really immortals in this world!

If there really were immortals, the emperor had been cultivating immortals for so many years, he would have been able to become an immortal long ago, so why would he grow older and older the more he cultivated?!


The so-called immortal cultivation is all deceptive, that is, to deceive those who do not accept old age and do not want to die, it is impossible for there to be immortal immortals!

The main hall Chinese the reaction of the military officials.

Zhu Houxi was obviously not surprised.

The excitement on his face did not recede because of the reaction of the hundred officials.

"There are really immortals in this world!"

"Now, the immortals are in Haikou, waiting to pass!"

"Xu has already decided..."

"Go to Haikou immediately!"

"Xuan, I want to meet the real immortals!"

"I want to obtain the true method of cultivating immortals!"

Zhu Houxi's eyes flashed with excitement and excitement, and he said loudly to the civil and military officials in the hall: "In order to show that they pay enough attention to the immortals, all the military and military officials of the imperial Chinese need to go with Xuan!" "

His words immediately stunned all the people in the hall, and they looked at the excited Zhu Houxi in amazement.

For them, the news came too suddenly, too bizarrely. They couldn't believe that these words would come out of the mouths of the princes.

"Your Majesty..."

Zhang Juzheng's face changed and changed, and after hesitating for a while, he couldn't help but speak: "This so-called immortal, I'm afraid it's not... A misunderstanding, right? "

At this time, Zhu Houxi was obviously in a state of extreme excitement, and Zhang Juzheng did not dare to directly deny that what he said about immortals was false. Therefore, I can only tactfully say that this may be a misunderstanding and want to persuade him to give up. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Gao Gong, Xu Jie and the others also had a solemn look on their faces at this time, and there was a hint of worry in their eyes.

Zhu Houxi's behavior really made them incomprehensible.

"No misunderstanding!"

Zhu Houxi didn't have the heart to explain too much to them at this time, nor did he feel the need to explain to them, as the emperor, he suddenly glanced at everyone with majestic eyes: "All of you are ready at once, and today you will set off for Haikou!" "

The civil and military officials in the hall were immediately completely dumbfounded when they heard Zhu Houxi's words. None of them could have imagined that the emperor had already made up his mind.

Is this to ignore and insist on taking them to Haikou to meet the so-called immortals?!


The civil and military officials in the hall had different faces, but they all had worried and doubtful looks in their eyes, and they couldn't understand what Zhu Houxi meant now.

"Now let's go back and prepare immediately, and leave immediately in the evening!" Facing everyone's doubts and puzzlement, Zhu Houxi, who was bent on becoming an immortal, did not give them any explanation, but said coldly: "If anyone delays the opportunity to become an immortal, Hugh is not merciful." "

"Go back and get ready!"

Zhu Houxi obviously didn't plan to talk more nonsense with them, and directly waved his hand to let them get out and go back to prepare for departure....

After the ministers of culture and martial arts were driven out of the Fengtian Temple, the expressions on their faces were quite solemn and nervous.

"What the hell is going on Your Majesty?!"

"Is the arrival of the immortals true or not?!"

"I don't think this immortal coming is real! After all, there can't be any immortals, ghosts, and gods in this world! "

"Alas, Your Majesty insists on going your own way, and we can only cooperate..."


All the civil and military officials looked a little worried, but they did not dare to hesitate, and they accelerated their pace and rushed home separately,

Zhu Houxi had already given the death order, and naturally they did not have the courage to disobey, so they could only hurry back and prepare and set off this evening.


The news that Emperor Zhu Houxuan was going to see the immortals quickly spread in the circle of officials, and then quickly spread throughout Beiping City.

The people of Beiping City were stunned when they learned that the emperor was going to Haikou to see the immortals, and they wondered if the emperor was cultivating a bad brain.

Unexpectedly, he wanted to take the Manchu Dynasty to meet the so-called immortals who did not have a shadow... It's really incomprehensible!

On the evening of the day,

All the civil and military officials who were qualified to rank in the Fengtian Hall gathered in the palace one after another, ready to travel far away.

"Let's go!"

Zhu Houxi, who couldn't wait, didn't even say a word of nonsense after seeing that the ministers of culture and martial arts were coming, and immediately boarded his carriage and slowly walked towards the outside of the palace.

Zhu Houxi's carriage started, and the civil and military officials 4.1 naturally did not dare to hesitate, and quickly boarded the carriage prepared for them by the imperial court, and one after another kept up with the rhythm of junior high school!


Zhu Bai, who was thousands of miles away, was observing the entire Jiajing Daming through the way of divine thought, analyzing the overall strength and potential of Jiajing Daming, and preparing for the future arrangement.


Zhu Bai's divine thoughts could already envelop the entire Daming, and when he paid special attention to the imperial palace of the Jiajing Dynasty, a surprised look suddenly appeared on his face.


Looking at the mighty convoy of carriages driving out of the palace, a playful smile appeared at the corner of Zhu Bai's mouth, and he suddenly turned back to Zhu Di, who was following him boredly, and said: "Emperor Jiajing is leaving, and you will soon be able to meet the Immortal Cultivator Emperor among the emperors of your vein..."

Zhu Di: "..."

These words...

Why doesn't it sound right?!


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