Chapter 164: Is that Daming's army? Daming's dragon? What's wrong with the world?

The sudden arrival of the Daming Xiu Immortal army plunged the entire Wokou Kingdom into panic.

Countless people from the Woku Kingdom looked up at the sky in horror.

Looking at the terrifying dragon and feeling the heavy oppression like going to the mountain, the entire country of the Wokou shivered.

"Our people, haven't we communicated with each other yet?"

Emperor Go-Nara's face turned pale, but instead of ignoring the persuasion of the ministers around him, he immediately fled, but asked with a hint of luck: "They suddenly appeared, didn't they come to deal with us?" After all, it is impossible for us to provoke such a terrifying existence..."

If he wanted to break his head, he couldn't understand why these mysterious armies that suddenly arrived came from.

Now he only hoped that the other party did not come with the purpose of destroying them.


He couldn't think of what kind of power the Yokou Kingdom could have in the face of such a terrifying mysterious army.

The other party is simply like a god, full of a strong sense of oppression.

"Your Majesty, no, our people can't talk to each other at all..."

A minister shook his head in horror: "No matter what means we use to greet each other, the other party has no response, but we can clearly feel that the other party's murderous aura is getting heavier and heavier..."

"Obviously, the other party is not good!"

"So Your Majesty the Emperor, you still listen to us, hurry up and get out of here..."

"Go faster, leave before the other party starts, leave the palace or even leave Kyoto, maybe there is a glimmer of hope..."

Minister Wokou strongly persuaded Emperor Gonara to leave quickly.


A burst of screams suddenly sounded in the palace of the Wokou.

"Not good!"

"The other party has lowered the height!"

"They're probably going to do something to us! What can I do about this? "


Countless people who looked up at the Daming Immortal Cultivation Legion in the sky, watching the dragon slowly lower its height, suddenly screamed in panic.

Emperor Gonara trembled, a flash of panic flashed in his eyes, and his eyes looked at the sky again.

Then he saw the dragon legion, which was rapidly lowering its height,

After the dragon legion lowered its height, they could see the terrifying dragon figure more clearly.

The steel-like body, the dark scale armor flashing with cold light, as if it can penetrate the huge dragon claws of the golden cracked stone, gives people a great sense of oppression.

"Hmm... Is that? "

Emperor Gonara suddenly shrank his pupils, stared at a banner, and exclaimed violently: "Did you see that flag?" That flag... Does it feel a little familiar? "

As soon as he finished speaking, a minister beside him suddenly shouted in horror: "Daming! That's the banner of Daming! Your Majesty...... It seems to be the banner of Daming! "

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the surrounding ministers of the Wokou Kingdom immediately changed wildly, and a terrified light flashed in their eyes.

Their gazes fell on the large banner.

When they saw the flag clearly, they were all dumbfounded, because they found that the flag turned out to be the flag of Daming!

"How could it be the banner of Daming?!"

In an instant, Emperor Gonara was terrified, and a strong chill surged throughout his body, making his body tremble violently: "If it is the banner of Daimyo..."

Emperor Go-Nara was instantly frightened!

Because he knows very well,

If that's the banner of Daming,

Then this mysterious army must have come to destroy them!

What the Wokou Kingdom did on the coast of Daming, he, the emperor of the Wokou Kingdom, was naturally clear!

"It's over!"

"It's the banner of Daming!"

"These are Daming's army! They're here to destroy us!

"How did the Daming army suddenly become so terrifying?! What happened to Daming? Did they get the favor of the gods?! "

"..."(Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

Not only was Emperor Gonara creepy, but the ministers of the Wakoku Kingdom around him were also frightened and scattered.

And just when they were frightened, Xu Da in the sky had already begun to give orders to let his dragon cavalry army attack the country of the Wokou!

"Kill !!"

Xu Da's killing intent boiled: "Kill all the Yokou people!" Turn Wokou into history! "

With Xu Da's roar, the left army of the Daming Dragoon Legion under him immediately poured out and rushed down like a tide!

At the moment when the army was dispatched, the combat knife in Xu Da's hand suddenly burst out with brilliant light, and a knife slashed towards the palace of the Wokou Kingdom below!

"Buzz !!"

The battle in his hand shook violently, the brilliant knife light was dazzling, and a hundred-square-foot long blade suddenly bloomed out from above the blade body!

The moment the sword light appeared, the sky seemed to tremble for a moment, and the huge sword light fell from the sky and instantly smashed above the palace!

"Boom !!"

With an earth-shattering terrifying roar, the terrifying sword light slashed in the palace, and the palace houses were instantly split in two by the sword light and collapsed with a bang!

On the ground,

A huge deep pit appeared, the earth trembled violently, and the entire palace trembled, as if it was about to collapse at any time!


Emperor Gonara looked at the sword light falling from the sky, instantly split the large palace in two, cut out a terrifying deep ditch, he was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he fell to the ground with a plop, and a brownish-yellow liquid emerged between his legs.

And beside him,

The ministers of the Wokou Kingdom were also so frightened that they collapsed on the ground, and even some of them were a little timid, and they were directly frightened and fainted!

How had they ever seen such a terrifying attack before?!

Now they are shocked, the Daming Dragoon army has launched a general attack, all kinds of magical techniques have been unleashed by the Daming Dragoon soldiers, and in an instant, all kinds of divine light flickered, between the sword light and shadow, the capital of the Wokou Kingdom became a purgatory on earth!

Countless Yokou people were slaughtered madly!

The terrifying scene of the capital of the Wokou Kingdom was reflected in the sky of Haikou City through Zhu Bai's magical projection, and fell into the eyes of countless Daming Jiajing soldiers.

"This is the terrifying strength of the immortal army? The Kingdom of the Wokou... There is no room for resistance! Tang Kekuan looked at the picture, the Daming Xiu Immortal Dragon Riding army, madly crushing and slaughtering the Wokou, couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva fiercely, his eyes were full of horror: "This immortal means are really terrifying!" "

"It's okay...

"They're not here to trouble Daming!"

"Otherwise, all of us will have to die..."

Tang Kekuan's gaze couldn't help but look in the direction of Zhu Yuanzhang and the others, looking at their tall and majestic figures, his eyes were full of awe and jealousy.

He knows......

The country of the wokou is finished today!

It is very likely that from today onwards, there will be no such thing as the country of the Wokou in this world...


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