Chapter 165: How about turning the Kingdom of Yin into a pill experiment center? Zhu Yuanzhang: What a great idea!

When the Daming Dragoon Legion was attacked by the Walker Country, the Woku Kingdom immediately fell into disaster, and the army of the backward country was wiped out almost in the first place!

The imperial palace of the Wokou Kingdom was completely an undefended existence for the Daming Dragoon Legion.

Xu Da's several attacks made the palace of the Wokou Kingdom almost turn into ruins, and the entire palace turned into purgatory, with countless deaths and injuries.

At this point,

Emperor Nara of the Woku Kingdom was completely frightened and stupid, and his whole person collapsed on the ground, and the fear in his eyes could hardly be concealed.

Xu Da, who entered the palace, immediately discovered the traces of Emperor Gonara and went straight to him with a knife.

If you want to destroy the inheritance of the Wakou, then the emperor of the Wakou Kingdom must be killed, and this is very clear.


After entering the palace, he soon came to Emperor Gonara and walked towards him with a knife.

"Wei Guogong, you have already exhausted the limelight, now it's my turn, right?" When Xu Da was walking towards Emperor Gonara with a knife, Lan Yu, the Duke of Liangguo, suddenly appeared beside him, squinting at Emperor Gonara and said, "This dog thing, shouldn't it be handed over to me to shoot?" "

Xu Da paused in his steps, glanced at Lan Yu out of the corner of his eye, and snorted lightly: "Whoever discovers the prey first is who's, Liang Guogong, you don't always want to rob other people's prey, right?" "

The corner of Lan Yu's mouth twitched, and she snorted unpleasantly.

Of course

Xu Dadu had already said this, even if he was a little depressed in his heart, Lan Yu didn't have much to say.

"You guys... Are you from Daming? "

Emperor Gonara, who was paralyzed on the ground, watched Lan Yu and Xu Da walking towards him, and trembled and spoke: "What do you want to do?" It's the Emperor of the Wokou Kingdom, you..."

"Boom !!"

Before Emperor Nara finished speaking, a chill suddenly appeared on the faces of Xu Da Lanyu, and the aura on his body burst out, surging towards him like a tide.

The terrifying aura fell on Emperor Go-Nara, like a mountain pressing on him, causing his body to suddenly fall to the ground, his face turned purple, and he let out a painful scream.

"The King of the Woku Savage actually dares to claim to be His Majesty the Emperor?! Find death! Xu Da's eyes were boiling with murderous intent, and his eyes stared at Emperor Gonara like electricity, and suddenly swung out a knife.


The knife flashed,

With a bang,

The light of the sword fell on Emperor Go-Nara,

I saw that his body, under the light of the sword, instantly turned into a blood mist, and there was no corpse!

"Your Majesty!"



The ministers and generals of the Wokou Kingdom watched the emperor instantly turn into a cloud of blood mist, and suddenly frightened, and let out a terrifying and terrified shout!

They couldn't believe that their Emperor Majesty had been killed so easily!

That was their emperor!!

He was actually killed in the palace!


They can't accept it!

After killing Emperor Gonara with one sword, the expression on Xu Da's face was still cold, as if it was a common thing to kill Emperor Wokou.

And the scene of his killing of Emperor Nara fell in the eyes of the generals of Daming Jiajing, but it made the soldiers all frightened and stupid!

"The Emperor of the Woku Kingdom died like this?!"

"Haha... That's great! The Emperor of the Woku Kingdom is dead! It's good to die! Good death! Let this dog thing send someone to Daming to do things! Dead now, right?! "

"Immortal mighty !!"


After the shock, the Jiajing Daming soldiers instantly burst into earth-shattering cheers, and they were all very excited about the killing of Emperor Go-Nara!


They had also thought countless times that they would kill the Emperor of the Woku Kingdom and smash the corpse of the Emperor of the Woku Kingdom into ten thousand pieces!

Right now......

Somebody did it for them!! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Zhu Bai was also watching Xu Da's every move, watching him kill Emperor Go-Nara and order the continued slaughter of the Wokou.

"The battle is set."

Seeing that the Daming army continued to begin to sweep the Wokou, Zhu Bai showed a satisfied look on his face, and nodded with a smile: "From now on, the Wokou Kingdom will become history, and it will never have any impact on the Central Plains Continent again!" "


"I intend to turn the country of Wokou into an experimental center..."

A sharp light flashed in Zhu Bai's eyes, and he said slowly: "An experimental center dedicated to testing pills!" "

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard Zhu Bai's words, he immediately showed a curious look: "Bai'er, what do you mean by this?" Test pills? "

Old Zhu Di and Little Zhu Di also looked at Zhu Bai with a curious face.

"Alchemy, there are often various accidents..."

Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang and the others, Zhu Bai looked at himself curiously, and after a slight hesitation, he slowly said: "Especially refining all kinds of pills used to kill enemies, the danger factor is very high, and there will even be an explosion of the Dan furnace!" "

"The power of the explosion of the alchemy furnace..."

"But it's quite terrifying!"

"Sometimes an explosion of an alchemy furnace can destroy an entire city..."

"Even if it's not the explosion of the alchemy furnace, but the successful refining of some top-level elixirs, there will be extremely dangerous things!"

"For example, when the Divine Pill is formed, there will be a Dan Tribulation descending, which is very similar to the Heavenly Tribulation when a cultivator breaks through the realm!"

"Destructive, extremely terrifying..."

"If it is placed in Daming's territory, it may accidentally hurt the ordinary people of Daming!

"Therefore, after I have cleared the Wokou, I will specially deploy various alchemy sites for refining dangerous elixirs on the four islands of the Wokou Country..."

Zhu Yuanzhang and the others were instantly stunned, they knew about alchemy, but alchemy was so dangerous, they really didn't know...


Zhu Bai's arrangement made them feel very good!

"Dangerous things should be done by outsiders..." Zhu Yuanzhang narrowed his eyes slightly, and slowly said: "So, we think Bai'er, your arrangement is quite good!" After everyone in the Wakou Kingdom is cleaned up, the territory of the Wakou Kingdom will be turned into an alchemy experiment..."

"Moreover, this matter must be arranged as soon as possible!"

"After all, the people of Daming have now begun to contact alchemy, and I believe that more and more people of Daming will soon be able to refine pills!"

"As long as 4.2 of them show up one or two top talents...

"Daming will soon be able to refine top-level elixirs with his own people!"

"So this matter must be taken seriously!"

When he said this, Zhu Yuanzhang's face became a little solemn, but the light in his eyes was very hot, and his mood was a little exciting....

For the powerful elixir, Zhu Yuanzhang was naturally very eager for it. After all, many times there is a powerful elixir auxiliary that can change many things!

Listening to Zhu Yuanzhang's words, Zhu Bai showed a satisfied look on his face, and nodded slightly: "Don't worry, I know this matter in my heart, now... Just wait for the country of the Wokou to be cleansed! "


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