Chapter 169: Li Hanyi's exclamation, the strength of the formation, broke the Jiajing Emperor's path of cultivating immortals!

"Why isn't it that simple? Is it difficult to practice? "

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Bai with expectant eyes and said, "It shouldn't be difficult for this Lei Wujian to be able to arrange such a powerful formation in just a few days of cultivation!" "

Zhu Bai: "..."

Old man, you are really the kind of person who only sees thieves eating meat and does not ~ see thieves being beaten!


Lei Wujian's success made Zhu Yuanzhang and the others think that cultivating the way of formation was a very simple thing, and they could also succeed casually.

"The most important reason for his success is that he has this talent, and... Luck - the ingredients are also great. "

Looking at Zhu Yuanzhang's expectant face, Zhu Bai couldn't help but say: "Don't see him become so quickly, but change someone, even if I personally guide him, it may not be so simple." "


"He also paid for it!"

"The power increase formation is not as simple as you seem."

Saying that,

The expression on Zhu Bai's face became serious, looked at Lei Wujian in the distance, and said in a deep voice: "You guys observe carefully and feel his breath..."

Zhu Yuanzhang and the others were shocked, subconsciously looked back, looked at Lei Wujian, and did as Zhu Bai said.

"Why is his breath so chaotic?!"

After Zhu Yuanzhang observed Lei Wujian, he was immediately startled, because he found that Lei Wujian's face was pale, sweating profusely, and the whole person's breath was quite disordered, as if he had suffered a considerable injury.

"Eaten back?"

After Xiao Zhu Di observed it, he was also taken aback, and asked Zhu Bai with his face unchanged: "He has greatly increased his cultivation strength in a short period of time, and he has to pay a price, right?" "

"That's right!"

Zhu Bai nodded: "Like this type of formation, many times there will be a certain regurgitation, which will make the person who casts the formation suffer trauma after the formation disappears." "

"This kind of formation will only be used when it is a last resort."

"It's desperate."

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang and several people were frightened, and the expression on their faces became hesitant, originally they wanted to learn, but now...

"Forget it, let's better cultivate our immortal method, this formation..."

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head, obviously retreating a little: "When we have time, we will slowly study and study, and now forget it..."

Lei Wujian's appearance at this time was obviously not very good.

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang felt that the way of cultivating immortal formations was not something that ordinary people could get involved in, at least he was not interested in it now.

"I think I can learn it..."

As soon as Zhu Yuanzhang's words were finished, old Zhu Di narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at Lei Wujian in the distance, and said in a deep voice: "Because I think that this kind of secret technique that greatly improves one's strength in a short period of time is a good means of saving lives, and when facing a dangerous situation, it can suddenly break out and reverse the situation." "

"I feel the same way!" Little Zhu Di on the side nodded in approval, and then looked at Zhu Bai: "Twelfth brother, when you are free, give your fourth brother me something about the immortal cultivation formation, I want to learn it!" "

A look of surprise flashed in Zhu Bai's eyes, and after glancing at the two, he saw that they both had a look of expectation in their eyes, so he nodded slightly.

"It's okay if you want to learn."

For Old Zhu Di and Little Zhu Di who wanted to learn the Immortal Formation method, Zhu Bai naturally had no need to refuse, after all, it was indeed as they said, this thing was a life-saving means to learn.

At this time,

Lei Wujian walked over and came to Zhu Bai with an excited face.

"His Royal Highness King Xiang..."

Lei Wujian, who was excited, was full of gratitude in his eyes: "According to the method you said, I finally successfully realized the power of heaven and earth today, and let my divine thoughts merge with the power of heaven and earth, and finally successfully took advantage of the situation..."

When he said this, Lei Wujian trembled with excitement, and even if his face was pale, he couldn't hide the excitement and gratitude on his face.


Lei Wujian felt that he had now opened a brand new door, a road to the top, and paved in front of him!

He firmly believes that as long as he keeps walking, sooner or later he will be able to become an immortal ancestor in the way of formation! This was something he didn't dare to think about before, but now it really happened to him!

"Take a good look at cultivation."

Looking at the excited Lei Wujian, Zhu Bai showed a smile on his face and said with a smile: "Jiajing Daming still needs you to manage it in the future, and you still need to train more formation cultivators for Daming." "


Lei Wujian nodded excitedly: "I won't let your highness down!" (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Looking at his excited appearance, Zhu Bai showed an indifferent smile on his face, and he was quite satisfied with his performance in his heart.

This is the ultimate tool man!

"By the way, Bo'er..."

After deciding that he didn't want to cultivate the formation, Zhu Yuanzhang no longer thought about this matter, but thought of the topic he had just talked about with Xiao Zhu Di and the others, his eyes flashed slightly, and he suddenly asked Zhu Bai: "What do you plan to do with Zhu Houxi?" "

Brush brush brush!

Old Zhu Di, little Zhu Di's gaze instantly fell on Zhu Bai, and a strong curiosity flashed in his eyes.

None of them thought that how to deal with Zhu Houxi's good way, now they can only hope for Zhu Bai.

"What to do with Zhu Houxi?"

A look of surprise flashed on Zhu Bai's face, he didn't expect Zhu Yuanzhang to suddenly ask this, he hadn't really thought about this matter before.

After all

Zhu Houxi is not worth thinking about in his heart!

"That's right, this dog thing must clean him up!" Zhu Yuanzhang nodded heavily, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes: "We must make him deeply realize how unqualified he is to be an emperor, and let him be punished as he deserves!" "

Listening to him say this, Zhu Bai suddenly groaned slightly, thought for a while, and then his eyes lit up. A smile appeared on his face, and he asked Zhu Yuanzhang with a smile: "Dad, what do you say is the thing that Zhu Houxi cares about the most now?" "

"What is it?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was slightly stunned, and his brain couldn't turn for a while.

"Xiu Xian! Cultivate immortals! "

Little Zhu Di on the side, but his eyes suddenly lit up, and he shouted: "Isn't Zhu Houxi, this dog thing, addicted to cultivating immortals?" Now rushing towards us in a hurry, isn't it also for the cultivation of immortals?! Therefore, the most important thing for this product now must be immortal cultivation! "

"That's right!"

Zhu Bai nodded with a smile and agreed with Zhu Di's statement.

"You mean..."

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes lit up, obviously understanding what Zhu Bai meant: "Punish him by cutting off his path of cultivating immortals?" The more he wanted to cultivate immortals, the more he wouldn't let him cultivate immortals?! "


A sharp light flashed in Zhu Bai's eyes, and he said slowly: "He wants to cultivate immortals, then we will completely cut off his path of cultivating immortals!" This punishment should be considered cruel enough, right? "


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