Chapter 170: See, Jiajing Emperor he saw, it was an immortal in the sky!

Zhu Houxi was obsessed with cultivating immortals, and now Zhu Yuanzhang and these people were very clear.

They know,

People like Zhu Houxi must be extremely excited and excited after learning that they can really cultivate immortals.


When he saw that he had the opportunity to cultivate immortals, suddenly cutting off his hopes for cultivating immortals would definitely make him unacceptable!

"This decision is very good!"

A cold light flashed in Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes, and he gritted his teeth: "That dog thing is not qualified to cultivate immortals!" If he is his emperor well, even if he is not good in the end, we will not be so angry..."

"As a result, for the sake of ethereal immortality, this product actually ignored the people of the world, and did not go to the dynasty for decades..."

"It's a mess!!"

"He must be taught a lesson!"

Zhu Yuanzhang, who gritted his teeth in "four, four, three", agreed with Zhu Bai's decision, intending to teach Zhu Houxi a profound lesson and completely cut off his path of cultivating immortals.

Old Zhu Di and Little Zhu Di listened to the words of Zhu Bai and Zhu Yuanzhang, and neither showed any opposition attitude, and they were very supportive.

"Count it up, this guy..."

Xiao Zhu Di suddenly calculated the time, and said to Zhu Bai and the others with a smile: "It should be almost here, right?" "

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes flashed, narrowed his eyes slightly, and his heart had already begun to calculate, after seeing Zhu Houxi, what kind of "meeting gift" to give the other party and treat him well.

"Huh? This guy..."

As soon as Zhu Bai heard Xiao Zhu Di's words, his divine thoughts subconsciously surged out, shrouded in the entire Daming, and found the figures of Zhu Houxi and these people, and when he saw the state of these people at this time, Zhu Bai chuckled, and his face showed a thick look of surprise.

"What's wrong?"

Zhu Bai's reaction made Zhu Yuanzhang's face show a hint of curiosity, and he couldn't help but ask him: "Did something happen to Zhu Houxi over there?" What's the situation with those guys now?! "

"Their speed of rushing was beyond my expectations, originally I expected to arrive in half a month, but now it seems..."

Zhu Bai's eyes were full of surprise, and he said with some amazement: "In two hours, they will arrive in Haikou..."

As soon as these words came out,

Zhu Yuanzhang and the others showed shock on their faces, obviously feeling very incredible about this news.

"So soon?!"

"Isn't it? How can this guy be so fast? It shouldn't be! "

"This bastard doesn't treat his subordinates as human anymore?!"


Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di exclaimed when they saw the people, and they were very shocked by the speed of Zhu Houxi's action.

"He's just that fast..."

Zhu Bai's face was a little strange, which made Zhu Houxi shocked: "This guy, in order to hurry over, actually abandoned the escort army and rushed over first with a small group of people and horses..."

Zhu Yuanzhang: "..."

Zhu Houxi's operation obviously made him arrive.

"This guy, the desire to cultivate immortals is really a bit amazing..." The corner of Old Zhu Di's mouth twitched, and he said with a look of amazement: "In order to be able to meet the immortals as soon as possible and cultivate immortals early, he didn't even care about his life..."

An emperor, leaving aside the large army of escorts, with a small group of people to take the first step, is really a bit amazing.

It can also be seen from this that Zhu Houxi and these people are eager to meet the immortals as soon as possible!


Above the Daming Official Road.

A squad of soldiers and horses was galloping in the middle of the horse.

A luxurious carriage, dragged by a dozen war horses, ran wildly on the official road, rolling up huge dust and smoke.

"Can you hurry up any longer?!"

Inside the carriage, Zhu Houxi was swayed up and down by the bumps, but his spirit seemed very excited, and he asked the accompanying eunuchs for the first time: "If this speed continues, how long will it take to arrive?!" "

The old eunuch's bones were about to fall apart from the bumps of the carriage, and listening to Zhu Houxi's words, he resisted the physiological urge to spit bitter bile, and responded hard: "Your Majesty, at the current speed, in two hours, we will enter Haikou..."

"Two hours?"

When Zhu Houxi heard this, he immediately nodded with satisfaction: "Then keep this speed!" "

Obviously, (read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He also realized that

The speed of the carriage can no longer be increased,

It is necessary to speed up, the war horse cannot stand it, the carriage cannot stand it, and most importantly ... He himself couldn't stand it!

He felt like his internal organs were about to be turned upside down!

If it weren't for the obsession of seeing immortals supporting his will, he would have been unable to bear it!


The large army rushed towards Haikou, kicking up dust and smoke along the way, and the momentum was huge.

Two hours later.

Zhu Houxi's carriage successfully entered Haikou.

After entering Haikou, the carriage stopped ....

The moment the carriage stopped, several war horses dragging the carriage simply fell to the ground straight, foaming at the mouth, and after a few twitches in their limbs, they broke their breath.


The priceless war horse was exhausted to death by Zhu Houxi.

The carriage door opened, and the old eunuch helped Zhu Houxi out of the carriage, only to see that Zhu Houxi was pale and haggard at this moment, and the whole person looked very weak.

Thousands of miles of travel, his body was exhausted to the extreme.


His slightly old eyes flashed with excitement, and the whole person seemed very excited.

"What about the immortals?! Where are the immortals? "

The moment he stepped off the carriage, Zhu Hou subconsciously exclaimed: "Which immortal wants to see Xuan?" It's coming! "

Saying that,

His gaze subconsciously looked around, looking for the figure of the immortal, but after looking around, he did not find the figure of the immortal.

"Where did the immortals go?"

Without seeing the figure of the immortal, Zhu Houxi was shocked in his heart, thinking that he should not have been tricked?!

I rushed from the capital thousands of miles away, but there were no immortals?! If that's the case... Then he will collapse!

"Your Majesty..."

Just when Zhu Houxi was shocked, the old eunuch beside him suddenly trembled and raised his finger to the sky, "Look... Look at the sky! Heavenly! "

"Heavenly? Immortals in the sky? "

As soon as Zhu Houxi heard the old eunuch's words, his eyes immediately lit up, and he suddenly looked up at the sky, looking for the figure of the 3.0 immortal.

The moment he looked up at the sky, his pupils suddenly contracted violently, and he only felt that his brain buzzed with an explosion, and the sweaty hairs all over his body exploded.


Above the sky in the distance, there are countless huge figures, like dark clouds floating in the sky!

"This is ... The immortal mount that Jiang Kun said?! "

Zhu Houxuan gasped, looking at the huge black shadow in the sky in the distance, and the whole person trembled with excitement: "Immortal! It's really the immortals who have arrived!

Absolutely right this time!

You will be able to meet the real immortals in no time! You can cultivate immortals! I want to live forever and live with the sky! "


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