Chapter 171: Emperor Jiajing arrived, let the immortals come down to meet him? Slap him directly!

"Zhu Houxi has arrived!"

Above the sky. Little Zhu Di standing on the dragon. Look at the scene below. Suddenly turning to Zhu Bai, who was discussing things on the side, Zhu Yuanzhang and others said: Come and see. This guy's pomp is quite good, majestic and domineering...


As soon as Zhu Yuanzhang heard Xiao Zhu Di's words, his eyes suddenly became cold, he stood up abruptly, walked to Xiao Zhu Di's side, and looked down.

Lao Zhu, Zhu Bai, Li Hanyi and others also walked over together, and they all looked at the team below.


Zhu Houxi, who had just arrived, was looking up at the sky with a full face of excitement.

What he didn't know was that his ancestors were watching him perform in the sky, and they could clearly see the thick excitement on his face and the longing light in his eyes.


"Shu, Emperor Daming Jiajing has arrived!"

"Come down quickly!"

Jiajing Emperor Zhu Houxuan, looking up at the dragon in the sky, although he could not see the figure of the immortal yet, but he couldn't help shouting excitedly, hoping that the immortal would come down to see him.

31 And at this time,

Tang Kekuan and other Daming generals who learned that the emperor rushed over had already come to Zhu Houxi, and looking at Zhu Houxi's behavior, Tang Kekuan and the others showed a serious look on their faces.

"Your Majesty..."

Tang Kekuan looked at Zhu Houxi's rude performance at this time, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he quickly opened his mouth to remind: "The above is an immortal, Your Majesty should pay attention to it, don't let the ancestors be unhappy..."

He was tempted to say,

Above is your ancestor, His Majesty the Emperor Taizu of Daming, Yongle the Great and other ancestors...

Such an unreasonable performance of yours will make your ancestors unhappy and thus be cleaned up!

Tang Kekuan had heard from some conversations between Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Bai and others before, and they were quite dissatisfied with Emperor Jiajing, and let him roll over, and it was estimated that someone would clean up his thoughts.

At this time,

It's just that Zhu Houxi didn't behave well, and he was still so big, it's really a little out of the way...

I really thought,

You, a secular emperor, are accustomed to ending shelves, and you are also qualified to put shelves in front of your ancestors?!

Not to mention... Or has already become the ancestor of the immortals!

"What do you mean?"

As soon as Zhu Houxi heard Tang Kekuan's words, he suddenly looked back at him, and a look of doubt flashed in his eyes: "Xuan, is there a problem with letting the immortals come down to see Xuan?" Could it be that you still want Xu to go and meet them?! Is there something wrong with your brain, Tonkekuan?! "

Tang Kekuan: "..."

I was speechless!

It seems that the emperor really does not have the ability to go up and meet his ancestors!

"That's not what Chen meant..."

A look of embarrassment flashed on Tang Kekuan's face, and he quickly said to Zhu Houxi: "Minister, just remind Your Majesty, pay a little attention to the attitude, you can't show too arrogant, after all, the other party is a real immortal..."

Emperor Jiajing frowned, his eyes glanced at Tang Kekuan indifferently, but he did not pay attention to him, but continued to look at the sky and looked at the dragon.

"Immortal, Xunai is the Emperor Jiajing of Daming, who went to the invitation of the immortal and specially rushed over from the capital..."

Zhu Houxi shouted loudly to Zhu Bai and the others in the sky: "Please don't let Xunbai run, come down quickly and see Xuanbai..."

His voice spread to the sky and fell into the ears of Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Di and others.

Listening to his words,

The faces of Zhu Yuanzhang and the others became a little gloomy, and their eyes stared sharply at Zhu Houxi below.

"Dog stuff..."

Zhu Yuanzhang was all happy, and from Zhu Houxi's tone, he actually heard a taste of wanting to be on an equal footing with him, which made his face gloomy and ugly: "Who gave his dog the guts to dare to talk to us like this?!" The pomp is really big enough! I really put myself up thoroughly..."

"Dad, do you want to go down and beat him up first?" Little Zhu Di on the side, his eyes were irritated, staring at Zhu Houxi below: "I look quite unpleasant to him like a dog, his hands are already itchy, and I want to beat him..."

Saying that,

He glanced back at Lao Zhu: "Do you move your hand?" If you don't do it, I'll do it myself! This kind of unscrupulous descendants... If you don't beat him up fiercely, you really can't eliminate the evil breath in your heart! "

Old Zhu Di raised his eyebrows and snorted lightly: "Why don't I do it?" He is your descendant, and he is also my descendant, and he must do it if he teaches his descendants! "

After Lao Zhu's understanding of Zhu Houxi's various behaviors, he was also extremely angry with this unscrupulous descendant, and he couldn't wait to hang the other party up and blast the hammer.

Right now

Seeing the other party's "arrogant" attitude, he was naturally angry and wanted to teach the other party a lesson.

"Then go !!"

When Xiao Zhu Di heard Old Zhu Di's words, he gritted his teeth viciously, and then saw him jump, and instantly jumped off the flying dragon, like a cannonball pointing down, extremely falling.

Old Zhu Di didn't say a word, and jumped directly with Little Zhu Di, heading straight towards Zhu Houxi! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Reverse Son !!"

Zhu Yuanzhang saw that his son actually wanted to do it himself first, and he was immediately furious: "We haven't made a move yet, where can we get your turn?" Give Lao Tzu a stop! "

The voice just fell,

Zhu Yuanzhang's figure instantly disappeared in front of Zhu Bai and went straight to Zhu Houxi below.


His speed, Old Zhu Di and Little Zhu Di were faster, and his kung fu surpassed him in the blink of an eye!

Zhu Bai looked at the behavior of these three guys, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and his heart was speechless.

"His Royal Highness King Xiang, they are immortals, if they teach a mortal a lesson, will they accidentally be killed..." Li Hanyi, who was beside Zhu Bai, stretched his head in surprise, looked at the backs of Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, and couldn't help muttering.

"It won't."

Zhu Bai shook his head 787: "The three of them are still very measured, they will not really beat their descendants to death, at most, they will teach a severe lesson and completely cut off his path to becoming an immortal." "

Li Hanyi nodded slightly when he heard this, so he didn't ask more, but closed his mouth and watched the play with a curious look.

At this point,

"Your Majesty!"

"The immortals are down!"

"Look! The immortals are down! "

Below, the ministers of culture and martial arts who came with Emperor Jiajing were also looking up at the sky, and when they saw three figures descending from the sky at great speed, they suddenly exclaimed.

"Here it comes!"

Zhu Houxi also noticed the figure in the sky at this time, and his face showed a look of ecstasy, and he trembled with excitement: "The immortal has finally come to see Xuan!" Hahaha..."

Just when he trembled with excitement, fantasizing that he was about to become an immortal, Zhu Yuanzhang's figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and without saying a word, he directly slapped him in the face!

"Snap !!"

A loud slap on Zhu Houxi's face, instantly pumped his whole person out, screamed miserably, and smashed on the ground with a bang!

This scene,

Instantly stunned everyone!


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