Chapter 172: Emperor Jiajing is angry: You dare to hit me? We are your ancestors!!

The loud slap sound, like thunder, sounded in the ears of Yan Song and other Jiajing Dynasty officials and military officials, and then they saw His Majesty the Honorable Emperor, like a sandbag, flew out upside down and smashed on the small mountain bag in the distance.

This scene,

In an instant, Yan Song and the others were completely dumbfounded, and a thick look of horror appeared in their eyes, and their faces were frightened.

"Your Majesty!!"

The old eunuch beside Emperor Jiajing was so frightened that he shouted in horror, and rushed towards him with a rolling belt.

When he rushed to Emperor Jiajing's side, he found him lying on the ground wailing, although half of his face had become bruised and swollen into a pig's head.


He was still wailing and moaning powerfully!


No life threatening!

"Your Majesty, how do you feel?!"

When the old eunuch saw that Emperor Jiajing was not slapped to death, he was relieved in his heart, so he hurriedly helped him up and asked him about his situation.

At this time,

Yan Song and other ministers of culture and martial arts came back to their senses one after another, hurriedly rushed towards Emperor Jiajing, surrounded him, and asked him about his situation.

At this point,

Zhu Houxi's eyes flashed Venus, his ears buzzed, and the sky swirled, and the pain on his face made him feel like he was about to faint!

As an emperor, he had never experienced such a painful sensation, which made his body tremble, and moans of pain continued to come out of his mouth.

Looking at him like this, Yan Song and other ministers of culture and martial arts were frightened.

They never dreamed that the immortal who fell from the sky would strike at Emperor Jiajing as soon as he appeared, and he would fly him several feet away.

After a while, Zhu Houxi recovered from his dizziness, shook his head, and looked into the distance with difficulty, his eyes full of horror and puzzlement.

In his gaze, Zhu Yuanzhang's figure was walking towards him step by step.

Looking at Zhu Yuanzhang's figure, Zhu Houxuan trembled, and a wave of anger appeared in his heart, and he couldn't help but roar at Zhu Yuanzhang: "Why?" Immortals...... Why did you do it?! "

At this moment, Zhu Houxi's heart was surging with anger.

He couldn't understand ...

Why did the immortals do it as soon as they saw him?!

How he thought, he couldn't think of when he offended the immortals!

"Dog stuff..."

Zhu Yuanzhang's face was gloomy, his eyes stared at Zhu Houxi sharply, he strode towards him, and instantly appeared in front of him, suddenly shouting: "Kneel!! "

This loud drink was like thunder exploding in the sky, and instantly made Zhu Houxi and the ministers of Jiajing and the ministers of culture and martial arts, their ears buzzed and roared, and their eardrums stinged.


A powerful coercive pressure instantly fell on Zhu Houxi's body, like a big mountain, pressing on his body, making his body that had just stood up couldn't help but plop down on the ground.


The body knelt on the ground uncontrollably, Zhu Houxi was shocked and angry, and the expression on his face was distorted: "Emperor Daming, immortal, why do you treat Shu like this?" I asked myself that I didn't offend the immortals, did I?! "

Zhu Houxi shouted tremblingly, staring at Zhu Yuanzhang deadly, anger made his fear suppressed for a while.

"Huh? What qualifications do you have to call yourself a fool in front of us? Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Houxi's irrational appearance because of anger, a look of contempt flashed in his eyes, and he sneered: "The descendants of the Zhu family, dare to call Zhu Houxi in front of us?!" What a hindrance! Dare to call yourself a Xu in front of your ancestors? Where did the guts come from?! "

Zhu Yuanzhang's words made Yan Song and the others suddenly shocked, because they heard something unusual from these words.


Yan Song and the others all showed a look of surprise and uncertainty in their eyes, staring at Zhu Yuanzhang with a little shock in their hearts.

Right here

The figures of old Zhu Di and little Zhu Di also appeared beside Zhu Yuanzhang, and at this time, they all looked at Zhu Houxi with gloomy eyes, as if they were suppressing anger.

"These two people?!"

"Also an immortal?!"

"The two of them... How is it so small?! "

"Did you find out... These two are a little familiar? It seems that where have I seen it?! "


As soon as Old Zhu Di and Little Zhu Di appeared, Yan Song and other officials of the Wen Imperial Court were suddenly shocked, because they found that these two people gave them a very familiar feeling, as if they had seen it somewhere!

But for a while...

They couldn't remember where they had seen these two people!

"Zhu Houxi..."

A sinister smile appeared at the corner of Xiao Zhu Di's mouth, staring at Zhu Houxi deadly, gritting his teeth: "You are really good, you have not been in the dynasty for more than twenty years, it really makes Laozi impress you!" It's really worthy of being my good descendant..." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Everyone: "?!!! "

As soon as Xiao Zhu Di's words came out, everyone's faces suddenly changed, and a thick shock flashed in their eyes, even the angry Zhu Houxi, because of these words, his face froze, and the whole person stayed in place, looking at Xiao Zhu Di with dull eyes.

He said this...

The confidence conveyed is simply too appalling!!

"You guys..."

After a while, Zhu Houxi came back from his shock and looked at Little Zhu Di, Old Zhu, and Old Zhu Di in disbelief: "Who are you?" Is it an immortal or not?! Why...... Do you think you have something familiar?! "

He was a little confused about the current situation!


The familiar feeling in my heart became more and more intense, but I could not capture what that familiar feeling was!

"Familiar? Familiarity is right! "

The sinister smile on Xiao Zhu Di's face became more and more obvious, and the anger in his eyes was surging: "Laozi is an immortal!" Or your immortal! Your ancestors!! "


As soon as these words came out,

Zhu Houxi was like being struck by lightning, his pupils contracted violently instantly, and his face showed a thick look of horror, staring at Xiao Zhu Di in disbelief, as if he understood something.

And at this time,

A group of civil and military officials also reacted.

"Immortals? Ancestors?! "

"I understand! I understand why there is that familiar feeling! He...... He resembles the portrait of His Majesty Emperor Taizu!! "

"Oh my God! Indeed! "

"Didn't you find that these two people who look exactly like each other are very similar to the portrait of His Majesty Emperor Taizong?! No, it's not like, it's exactly the same! "

"His Majesty Emperor Taizu?! Emperor Tai (Zhao's) Zong? God...... What the hell is going on here?! Is this really the ancestor of Daming?! "

"Crazy! I'm going crazy... Daming's ancestor became an immortal?! "

"See His Majesty Emperor Taizu!"

"See His Majesty Emperor Taizong!"


After the civil and military officials present reacted, their faces were full of disbelief, and they all exclaimed, looking at the eyes of Zhu Yuanzhang and others, full of horror.


Some officials, suddenly feeling a strong sense of oppression, their legs went soft, and they knelt directly to Zhu Yuanzhang and others, and shouted loudly, see Taizu, His Majesty Emperor Taizong.

Apparently after all,

They have already realized that these immortals are the ancestors of Daming!

Daming ancestor...

Became an immortal!!


The third one, absolutely strive to burst more, quality assurance!

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