Chapter 173: Are You Also Worthy of Immortal Cultivation? You are a chicken fairy, waste Jiajing Emperor!

The hundred senses are boiling!

Xiao Zhu Di's words made them react and guess the identity of Zhu Yuanzhang's people!

These people...

They are all the ancestors of Daming!


Or became the ancestor of the immortals!

This guess,

Let Yan Song and other ministers of culture and martial arts have shocked looks on their faces, looking at the eyes of Zhu Yuanzhang and others, full of awe.

"Ancestor?! Is it the ancestors? "

Zhu Houxi also reacted at this time, first looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and the others for a while, and then trembled, and his face showed a thick look of ecstasy: "Is it really an ancestor?" Ancestor...... Is it really you guys?! "


There was already a guess in his heart, but at this time, Zhu Houxi was still a little unbelievable, and he didn't dare to imagine that the ancestor who had already been an ancient ancestor had actually returned...


He also became an immortal!

This impact on him is undoubtedly extremely terrifying, making him shocked at the same time, but also quite excited, excited...

Naturally excited!


In his opinion, the ancestors have become immortals and have returned...

It must have come back to bring him into an immortal!! 043 Zhu Houxi, who was kneeling on the ground, showed a look of ecstasy on his face, his eyes became red, staring at Zhu Yuanzhang and the others, trembling and excited.

"The ancestors... You're back! That's great! Great..." Zhu Houcong trembled his body and wanted to stand up and walk towards Zhu Yuanzhang, but he was suppressed by a powerful force, and he couldn't stand up at all.

This made Zhu Houxi confused in his heart, and he didn't understand what was going on, why did the ancestor treat himself like this?!

"Ancestor? Don't call Lao Tzu ancestor! Lao Tzu does not have waste descendants like you! and !! Old Zhu looked at Zhu Houxi's reaction, a thick color of disgust appeared in the depths of his eyes, and he shouted coldly: "You waste thing, you really lost the face of the old Zhu family!" "

Zhu Houxi: "..."

Zhu Yuanzhang's angry rebuke instantly made Zhu Houxi stunned, and his eyes showed a thick look of consternation, a little unbelievable.


The ancestors would scold themselves so angrily?!

Shouldn't they come back to me to take off ?!

Right now......

Why did you scold me instead?!

Not only was Zhu Houxi scolded by Zhu Yuanzhang for being stupid, but Yan Song and other ministers of culture and martial arts (dbfj) behind him were also frightened by Zhu Yuanzhang's words!

All of them showed shocked and doubtful looks on their faces, and looked at Zhu Yuanzhang with some incomprehension, not knowing what he wanted to do!


After a while, Zhu Houxi came back from his horror, and immediately panicked: "Old ancestor, Xuan, Xuan..."

"Shut up!"

As soon as Zhu Yuanzhang heard Zhu Houxi's obvious slyly words, the anger in his eyes became even more turbulent, and he suddenly scolded angrily: "From now on, you are not qualified to continue to call yourself a sly, you... The emperor has already been deposed! "

"From now on..."

"You are no longer the emperor of Daming!"

"We will remove you from the family tree of the old Zhu family!"

"Degraded to a commoner!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was obviously quite angry, and a series of words spewed out of his mouth like a series of cannons, and the spit Xingzi almost sprayed on Zhu Houxi's face.

And his angry spouting directly made Zhu Houxi stupid, and the whole person froze in place, his face pale and frightened.

Depose the emperor from the throne?!

Genealogy delisting?!

Degraded to a commoner?


This is something he never dreamed of!

Yan Song and the others were also frightened, looking at Zhu Yuanzhang and the others in horror, their night eyes were surging, and they were thick with horror, and they couldn't believe what they heard!

Zhu Houxi signed in front of them, was deposed as emperor by Emperor Taizu, removed from the imperial family tree, and demoted to a commoner...

This...... (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Too scary!!


The terrified Zhu Houxi suddenly trembled all over, his eyes showed a thick look of horror, and he shook his head frantically: "Old ancestor, you can't do this, you can't do this to Xuan..."

As an emperor, Zhu Houxi naturally could not accept that his position as emperor was removed, let alone be removed from the Daming royal family tree, and became a commoner.

This is for him...

Undoubtedly fell from heaven to hell!

He obviously wanted to come to cultivate immortals, but as a result, immortals had not yet been cultivated, the position of emperor was gone, and the identity of the imperial family was gone...

How can this work?!

In the face of Zhu Houxi's crying, Zhu Yuanzhang's face was expressionless, but his eyes were gloomy, and his body exuded a strong murderous aura!

Let's be honest...

After he had learned about Zhu Houxi's various behaviors before, he had the idea of smashing this dog thing into ten thousand pieces more than once!


After all, the other party is the bloodline of the old Zhu family...

He wasn't going to do it that way!

Leave him a dog's life!

"Your Majesty Emperor Taizong..."

Zhu Houxi saw that he pleaded with Zhu Yuanzhang and did not get any response, and he was panicked, and quickly transferred his hope to the little Zhu Di old Zhu Di: "Don't remove me from the royal family tree... Otherwise, if I become the emperor, don't remove me from the family tree..."


Zhu Houxi still holds on to a glimmer of hope!


His hopes will be empty after all!

Old Zhu Di, little Zhu Di glanced at him, but his eyes were as cold as frost.

"If no one kills you, just rejoice."

Xiao Zhu Di snorted coldly, and his tone was cold: "Think about it yourself, how many messes have you done since you became the emperor?" How many Daming people were killed? Daming's rivers and mountains, handed over to your hands, is simply a nightmare! Are you worthy of the ancestors and the ancestors?! "

"Xiu Immortal?!"

"You fix a fart!"

"You... Unworthy!!! "

Xiao Zhu Di's words were undoubtedly a death knell-like sound for Zhu Houxi, which made him feel cold after listening to it, and his body trembled like a sieve.


Zhu Houxi shouted in horror: "Ancestor, the reason why I cultivate immortals is just to live longer, to have more vigorous energy, to manage the Great Tomorrow, and to seek the well-being of the people under the Great Tomorrow..."

Listening to his brazen words, Zhu Yuanzhang, Old Zhu Di, Little Zhu Di and others, the corners of their mouths couldn't help but twitch slightly...

This dog thing...

Don't be faceless to the extreme!

Even Zhu Bai, who had just landed from the sky, couldn't help but shake his head when he heard his words, and his heart was a little funny.

He didn't expect it either...

The dignified Emperor Ming was so shameless!

"Dad, put him in the Heavenly Prison of Zongren Mansion and send him to be with Zhu Qizhen."

After Zhu Bai glanced at Zhu Houxi, he suddenly said to Zhu Yuanzhang: "Zhu Qizhen is quite bored in it, send him a companion, no... It's good to send him a punching bag. "

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his eyes immediately lit up, and a smile appeared on his face: "Bai'er's suggestion is good!" Pretty good! That's it! Come! Press up this dog thing Zhu Houxi, bring it back to Hongwu Daming, and put it in Zongrenfu Prison! "


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