Chapter 174: Emperor Jiajing accompanies him to be a cellmate with Zhu Qizhen, your cellmate is the Daming God of War!

Originally, Zhu Yuanzhang was still a little entangled, how to deal with Zhu Houxi.

Because he felt that belittled him as a common man, it was still a little cheap for him, and he was still not relieved enough!

And now,

Zhu Bai's suggestion instantly brightened his eyes!

Under his order, two immortal cultivators immediately appeared beside Zhu Houxi with a flash, and one grabbed an arm and lifted him up!


Zhu Houxi was lifted up by two immortal cultivators, subconsciously trying to struggle, but found that his hands seemed to be fixed by iron tongs, and he couldn't move at all, and he couldn't help but let out a miserable scream: "Old ancestor, you can't do this, you can't do this... I am the emperor! Can't do this to me! "


Zhu Houxi also knew that being locked up in the Zongren Mansion would not be a ~ situation!


He was anxious!

Shouting bitterly, pleading bitterly, hoping that Zhu Yuanzhang could release him...


In the face of his bitter pleading, whether it was Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Di, or even Zhu Bai, the expression on his face did not have any fluctuations!

It's all iron-hearted!

The civil and military officials of the Jiajing Dynasty on the side were also frightened and stupid at this time, and they were all cold and shivering.

None of them could have imagined that Daming's ancestor would be so cruel that he would belittle Zhu Houxi as a commoner, and put him in Zongrenfu Prison to deprive him of his personal freedom...


It's scary!


What scares them even more is...

Zhu Qizhen mentioned by Zhu Bai!

Zhu Qizhen was also locked up in the Zongren Mansion, which caused a great impact and shock to them, and made countless thoughts arise in their hearts...

These ancestors are from the Hongwu period...


But he locked up Zhu Qizhen in the orthodox period in the heavenly prison of Zongrenfu, what does this mean?!

Illustrate...... The ancestors can travel through time and space to any Daming time and space they want to go to!

That's a little scary!!

"Take away!"

Zhu Yuanzhang glanced at Zhu Houxi, who was begging bitterly and frightened, and snorted coldly: "Get a prison car and lock him up!" Take him with you when the army returns!! "

He had already ironed his heart and wanted to lock Zhu Houxi into the Zongren Mansion Heavenly Prison, so he didn't give the other party a chance to ask for more mercy!

The two immortal cultivators who grabbed Zhu Houxi, as soon as they heard Zhu Yuanzhang's words, immediately dragged him to leave, and at this time, Zhu Houxi's personal old eunuch suddenly rushed up and stopped in front of the two immortal cultivators...

"It can't be like this... It can't be like this! "

The old eunuch looked pale and trembled and screamed: "This is His Majesty the Emperor of the Jiajing Dynasty!" The Jiajing Dynasty couldn't live without him... If there was no emperor, the world would be in chaos! "

"Your Majesty Emperor Taizu..."

"Just give Your Majesty a chance!"

"For the sake of not letting the big tomorrow cause chaos, give him a chance, give him a chance to continue to be the emperor and atone for his sins,......?"

This old eunuch was brave enough, and in this case, he even dared to face Zhu Yuanzhang and make his own suggestions.

As soon as the old eunuch spoke, Yan Song and other civil and military officials suddenly shocked their hearts. They first looked at each other, and they both saw the flustered tension in each other's eyes. In the end, Hydrochloric gritted his teeth fiercely and knelt directly in the direction of Zhu Yuanzhang.

Plop -

After Yan Song took the lead, the rest of the civil and military officials also followed suit and knelt down in front of Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Your Majesty Emperor Taizu..."

Yan Song forcibly endured the fear in his heart, and said to Zhu Yuanzhang with a hard head: "The Jiajing Dynasty really can't do without an emperor, and ask His Majesty Emperor Taizu to open grace..."

"Please His Majesty Emperor Taizu!"

"Your Majesty Emperor Taizong, please open grace!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"The Jiajing Dynasty can't live without an emperor! Otherwise, the world will be in chaos! "


All the civil and military officials of the Jiajing Dynasty, out of various personal interests, interceded for Emperor Jiajing, hoping that Zhu Yuanzhang could open up and let Zhu Houxi go.

Zhu Houxi watched as all the civil and military officials interceded for himself, and in his originally desperate eyes, a ray of hope suddenly emerged, looking at Zhu Yuanzhang and others, hoping that he could give himself a chance.

Zhu Yuanzhang and the others, looking at a group of civil and military officials who were affectionate for Zhu Houxi, suddenly narrowed their eyes slightly, and the sharp light in their eyes was flickering.

Their eyes scanned the hundred officials, making the scalps of the hundred officials numb, and their hearts trembled violently. Apparently, they are all terrified...

Looking at their appearance, Zhu Yuanzhang snorted coldly in his heart, and he who had already made up his mind said coldly: "Daming, with him or without him, there is no impact at all, take it and lock it up." "


No one can stop it!

The two immortal cultivators dragged and screamed, and Zhu Houxi, who was paralyzed into a lump of mud, quickly left and disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

Yan Song and the others looked at this scene, only feeling that their hands and feet were cold, the fear in their hearts was surging, and their scalps were numb.

They also thought...

These civil and military officials, together intercede for Zhu Houxi, can give Zhu Houxi a chance to get out of the crisis...

But now it seems that they still look too highly on themselves, too high on Zhu Houxuan, and too little on Zhu Yuanzhang's determination!

"Zhu Houxi's matter is so decided."

After Zhu Yuanzhang saw that Zhu Houxi was dragged away, his eyes scanned everyone, and said coldly: "From today onwards, the Jiajing Dynasty court will be controlled by Hongwu Daming, and all court affairs will be managed by officials sent by Hongwu Dynasty!" "


Zhu Yuanzhang's words were suddenly like thunder, falling on the heads of Yan Song and other civil and military officials, making their shocked scalps numb!

Of course......

Let them panic too!

Zhu Yuanzhang sent people from Hongwu Daming to manage Jiajing Daming, so where should these people go? Will their official positions still be preserved?!


Their official positions cannot be preserved, so will they be completely liquidated?!

When I think of it...

They were immediately desperate!!

Zhu Bai beside Zhu Yuanzhang could see the trepidation of the civil and military officials, and also knew what they were afraid of in their hearts.

"You don't have to panic."

Zhu Bai stood up, glanced at Yan Song and the others, and slowly spoke: "What position are you now, and what position will you be in the future." Of course, you need to fully cooperate with Hongwu Daming to transform Jiajing Daming. "

As soon as these words came out,

It was undoubtedly a reassuring pill, which made Yan Song and the others' hearts suddenly loosen, and they had the feeling of returning to heaven from hell in an instant!


Their eyes all showed the excitement of the rest of their lives after the disaster!

Yan Song, the old fox, calmed down the fastest, and quickly asked Zhu Bai: "His Royal Highness King Xiang, what does it mean to transform Jiajing Daming?" "

The rest of the civil and military officials also looked at Zhu Bai with a curious expression, curious about what he meant by transforming Jiajing Daming.


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