Chapter 175: The shock of Yan Song and others, how is Zhu Bai different from history? All different!

Zhu Bai's words made Yan Song and other ministers' hearts beat wildly, and their faces also showed a strong look of curiosity, all curious about what he was talking about about transformation.


All the Jiajing ministers stared at Zhu Bai, hoping that he could tell them how the so-called transformation of Jiajing Daming was going to be transformed and in what direction.

Looking at their curious eyes, Zhu Bai narrowed his eyes slightly, and the light in his eyes flickered slightly.

"Are you guys so unscrupulous? This doesn't understand what the twelfth brother said? "

Little Zhu Di on the side looked at their reaction, and before Zhu Bai could speak, he couldn't help but snort coldly: "Transforming Jiajing Daming is naturally to transform it into an Immortal Cultivation Dynasty!" Does this still need to be asked? "


As soon as Xiao Zhu Di's words "zero one three" came out, it was like thunder falling on the heads of everyone, directly chopping them stupid, and their faces showed a thick look of horror.

"Transform Jiajing Daming into the Xiuxian Dynasty? This..." After being stunned for a moment, Yan Song suddenly gasped and jumped up directly in shock: "Your Majesty Emperor Taizong, you... Are you serious?

Jiajing Daming transformed into the Immortal Cultivation Dynasty, does this mean that we people can also cultivate Immortals? "


Yan Song's words completely woke everyone up, and after being woken up, they couldn't help but gasp, and their faces showed a look of ecstasy and shock.

"Oh my God! What did I hear? Transform Jiajing Daming into the Xiuxian Dynasty? Are you sure? "

"Your Majesty Emperor Taizong, do you mean that we can also cultivate immortals? Can we also become immortals? "

"Ancestors bless! Never dreamed that I would one day become an immortal?! "


The ministers of the Jiajing Dynasty, after coming back to their senses, couldn't help but exclaim excitedly and shouted.


They also thought that the days ahead would be quite sad, but now it seems ...

They thought wrong!

The arrival of the ancestors seemed to be a great opportunity for them...


There is hope for cultivating immortals!

This is something they didn't dare to think about before!

"How? You guys also want to cultivate immortals?! "

Zhu Di looked at their excited appearance, a playful smile appeared on his face, and he squinted at them.

"Think! Nature thinks! "

Yan Song nodded fiercely, his eyes full of excitement: "Who wouldn't want to become an immortal?!" "

He is already seventy or eighty, and he is not far from entering the earth, but...

If he could cultivate immortals, things would be different, and he would have a longer lifespan!

Live the second spring...

Isn't that fragrant?

"That's right, as long as Jiajing Daming is transformed into an immortal cultivation dynasty, not only you can cultivate immortals, but the entire people of Daming can cultivate immortals..."

Xiao Zhu Di nodded slightly, and said to them: "Of course, if you want to cultivate immortals, you need to fully cooperate with the transformation of Jiajing Daming!" "

Listening to his affirmative words, Yan Song, Gao Gong, Xu Jie and other ministers instantly showed ecstasy on their faces.

"His Majesty Emperor Taizong, rest assured..."

Yan Song's eyes had an unconcealed excitement, no longer had the calmness of the past, and nodded to Xiao Zhu Di excitedly: "I, Yan Song, will definitely fully cooperate with the transformation of Jiajing Daming!" "

"I will also fully cooperate with Gao Gong!"

"Xu Jie is willing to go to the soup to transform Jiajing Daming!"


The rest of the ministers also expressed their views.

Now, they have all witnessed the existence of immortals with their own eyes, and witnessed the ancestors becoming immortals...


They didn't have any doubts about transforming Jiajing Daming into the Xiuxian Dynasty...

Looking at Yan Song and the others' excited appearance, Xiao Zhu Di pouted, not feeling strange about their reaction. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After all

In other words, whoever suddenly learns that he has a chance to become an immortal will be very excited and excited, and even gaffe because of this.

Once upon a time, so was he.

Glancing at everyone, Xiao Zhu Di suddenly said, "Now..."

"Let King Xiang tell you what to do."

"Everything must be arranged by him."

When Yan Song and the others heard this, their faces suddenly showed a look of surprise, and they looked at Zhu Bai in disbelief. Before this, almost all of their attention fell on Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, after all...

Zhu Yuanzhang is the emperor!

Zhu Di is also an emperor!

As for Xiang King Zhu Bai...

To be honest,

They are not familiar!

Only from the history books, I can roughly understand some things about him.

The gaze of Yan Song and others, after subconsciously looking at Zhu Bai, then looked at Zhu Di, and finally fell on Zhu Yuanzhang....

In the eyes of these people, the person who is most qualified to make decisions on the scene is Zhu Yuanzhang, His Majesty the Emperor Taizu!

"See what we do?"

Zhu Yuanzhang saw that Yan Song and the others' gaze fell on him, and immediately raised his eyebrows, and said lightly: "All the things that transform the Xiuxian Dynasty are the responsibility of King Xiang, we all listen to him, and you just listen to him." "

When he spoke, Yan Song and the others' hearts shook, and their eyes showed a thick look of shock, which was very incredible.

His Majesty Emperor Taizu actually listened to Zhu Bai, King of Xiang, on such a big matter?! What the hell is going on here?!

This is different from what is recorded in the history books...

Zhu Bai in the history books is a tragic king who is similar to a transparent person, what is a little wrong now?!

Yan Song and other civil and military officials were full of doubts in their hearts, but at this time, they did not dare to say more.

"Please His Royal Highness King Xiang!"

Yan Song, the old fox, flashed a light in his eyes when the other ministers were still surprised, and quickly saluted Zhu Bai, respectfully speaking: "Yan Song will definitely go all out to complete everything you have explained!" "

Seeing that the old fox took the lead in speaking, the faces of the rest of the civil and military officials suddenly changed, and they secretly cursed the old immortal old fox in their hearts, and then they also opened their mouths to Zhu Bai, indicating their attitude and willingness to obey Zhu Bai's arrangement.

Listening to the words of Yan Song and others, the expression on Zhu Bai's face seemed very calm and calm, and his body exuded an ethereal momentum, as if he was an immortal who fell into the dust, and he was excited 1.0 at the same time when he saw Yan Song and others' scalp numb.

The more miraculous and unfathomable Zhu Bai's performance was, it gave them more confidence and confidence in cultivating immortals.

After glancing at Yan Song and the others, Zhu Bai did not speak to them at the first time, but turned around and beckoned to Lei Wujian not far away.

Seeing Zhu Bai waving to him, Lei Wujian quickly trotted over, and respectfully asked Zhu Bai: "Your Highness, what are your orders?" "

Zhu Bai just nodded to him, but didn't say anything, looked back at Yan Song and the others, and spoke in a deep voice: "From the beginning, all of you must fully cooperate with him and cooperate with him to prepare for the establishment of the Daming Formation Immortal Cultivation Academy!" "


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