Chapter 176: Emperor Jiajing is going crazy, ancestor, I am the Immortal Cultivator Emperor!

Zhu Bai's arrangements for Lei Wujian have now been decided, and he will become the person in charge of the preparation of the Jiajing Daming Immortal Formation Law School, and will serve as the dean of the Xiuxian Political and Law School in the future!

The reason for this arrangement is naturally because Lei Wujian has a considerable talent in the Immortal Cultivation Formation, which is worthy of vigorous cultivation.


Yan Song and the others were quite unfamiliar with Lei Wujian, and when they saw that Zhu Bai let them listen to Lei Wujian in the future, they all showed a surprised look on their faces.

Especially Yan Song, who controls the imperial government, has some subtle feelings in his heart at this moment. Originally, he thought that after Emperor Jiajing was imprisoned in the Zongren Mansion, he would become the general person in charge of Jiajing Daming.

"I don't care what you think now, or what your situation was before, but in the future, give me less flowery thoughts, and cooperate with Lei Wujian well."

With a sweep of Zhu Bai's gaze, he understood the mood of Lei Wujian and the others at this time, the expression on his face became serious and majestic, and he spoke coldly: "If, any of you dare to play some tricks that hinder the plan to transform Daming..."

Zhu Bai did not continue to say the following words,31 but his eyes became as sharp as a knife, and he glanced at Yan Song and the others.

At the sight of his eyes, Yan Song and the others suddenly fell into an ice cave, feeling an extremely terrifying coercion, as if...

They now have a little opposition, and they will be killed on the spot immediately, and this feeling is extremely strong, so that they dare not open their mouths and say more than a word.

"Okay, that's it."

Seeing that everyone did not dare to continue, Zhu Bai did not say nonsense: "Lei Wujian, can you remember clearly what King Ben explained to you?" "

"Your Royal Highness King Xiang, please rest assured, I have remembered everything you have explained, and there will definitely be no mistakes!" Lei Wujian was shocked, and hurriedly nodded to Zhu Bai to make a guarantee: "I will definitely handle the matter of the Immortal Cultivation Formation Law School, and I will let the Daming Immortal Formation Law School start enrolling students in the shortest possible time!" "

Hearing him say this, Zhu Bai nodded with satisfaction.


His gaze fell on Zhu Yuanzhang's person again, and he spoke again: "Dad, do you have anything else to arrange?" "

"We don't have anything to arrange, Bai'er, you can arrange it..." After thinking for a while, Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head and said to Zhu Bai with a smile: "As long as you arrange things, there will be no problems." "

Little Zhu Di, Old Zhu Di and others also nodded one after another, agreeing with Zhu Yuanzhang's words.

These people all expressed great trust in Zhu Bai.

And their behavior made Song and the others even more shocked.

They all couldn't understand why His Majesty Emperor Taizu and His Majesty Emperor Taizong, so the once unknown King Xiang, paid so much attention?


They are all centered on King Xiang!

This is a bit bizarre and sensational!

"Okay, that's nothing."

Everyone did not continue to object, Zhu Bai pondered for a while, and then said: "Then I will let the Jiajing Daming World begin to revive the aura now..."

A flash of essence flashed in his eyes, Zhu Bai took a deep breath, the breath on his body suddenly changed, and the whole person was full of oppression.

This is not the first time that Zhu Bai has revived the world's aura!


He's already familiar with the road!

Under the shocked gazes of Yan Song and others, I saw Zhu Bai's figure slowly soaring into the air, and a moment later, he appeared above the sky.

Stepping on the auspicious clouds, looking down at the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains below, the expression on Zhu Bai's face slowly became solemn, and the light in his eyes was as deep as the sea.


I saw him wave his hand, and suddenly the wind and clouds between heaven and earth surging, almost in the blink of an eye, the sky of the entire Daming Jiajing world instantly emerged with countless golden auspicious clouds!

In the auspicious clouds, thunder flickered, exuding terrifying coercion.


The whole world, the wind howling, the momentum is terrifying.

Zhu Houxi, who had just been locked up in the prison car, looked at the world that suddenly changed, and his eyes showed a strong look of shock.

"What's wrong with this?!"

Zhu Houxi looked at the scene in the sky with a dull expression, and his eyes almost popped out: "Why did the sky and the earth suddenly change color?" What happened? "


Zhu Houxi still couldn't understand what had happened, why such a terrifying sight suddenly appeared!

"This is His Royal Highness King Xiang reviving the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this world..." A Daming Hongwu soldier who put Zhu Houxuan in the prison car glanced up at the sky, his eyes were feverish: "As long as His Royal Highness King Xiang revives the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, then the people of this world can start cultivating immortals..."

"Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi Revival?! So that the people of this world can cultivate immortals?! When Zhu Houxi heard this, he was immediately taken aback: "All the people can cultivate immortals?!" "

"That's right!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The Daming Immortal Cultivator glanced at him and said proudly: "It is precisely because of the revival of His Royal Highness the Xiang King's spiritual energy that the Daming Hongwu World has become an Immortal Cultivation World, and all the people can cultivate Immortals!" Soon, the people of this world will also become immortals..."


Zhu Houxi suddenly gasped, and a thick shock flashed in his eyes, and just when he was shocked, above the sky dome where the wind and clouds changed, countless golden divine lights suddenly fell, and the golden divine light shrouded the entire Daming Jiajing World!

With the illumination of countless golden divine lights, in the Daming Jiajing World, countless heaven and earth spiritual energy suddenly emerged in the heaven and earth of this world!

With the emergence of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the whole world has undergone subtle changes, and countless frightened Jiajing Daming people suddenly felt subtle changes around them...

And at this moment,

Zhu Bai's majestic and mighty voice suddenly echoed in the sky, resounding throughout the entire Jiajing Daming World.

"From now on in 197, Daming Jiajing will revitalize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and this king will erect the Tiangong Divine Monument in Beiping, and the seal engraving on the Tiangong Divine Monument will cultivate immortal exercises..."

Zhu Bai's majestic voice rumbled: "All the people of the Daming Jiajing Dynasty can go to Daming Jingshi Beiping, observe the Tiangong Divine Monument, comprehend the immortal cultivation exercises, and start to officially cultivate immortals..."

The rumbling sound spread throughout the ears of every common person in Daming Jiajing, and hearing these words, the entire Daming instantly boiled!

Countless people of the Daming Jiajing Dynasty were numb by the shock, and they all couldn't believe the voice they suddenly heard!

Jiajing Emperor Zhu Houxi, who was locked up in the prison car, was even more shocked and trembled, feeling the subtle changes in heaven and earth, and he frantically hit the prison car: "Let it go quickly!" I want to cultivate immortals! Cultivate immortals too! Get out quickly..."

Emperor Jiajing is going crazy!

Everyone can cultivate immortals, but he can't...

This makes him unacceptable!

"I want to see the ancestors!"

Emperor Jiajing stared at the immortal cultivator with red eyes, and roared hoarsely: "I am not convinced!" Old ancestors, they can all cultivate immortals, why should they be locked up? It's not fair! Not convinced!! "


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