Chapter 177: Immortal Means, Jiajing World Boils! Emperor Jiajing is actually a fake cultivator?

Zhu Houxi has been pursuing becoming an immortal all his life.

Now, seeing that the opportunity to become an immortal is in front of him, it cannot be obtained.

He couldn't accept it!

It made his whole person become a little crazy...

He blushed and roared loudly, wanting the Immortal Cultivators to release him.


Seeing him go crazy, the immortal cultivator in charge of imprisoning him did not think at all.

After a long time, after seeing that the cultivator did not leave him, Zhu Houxi sat in the prison car, his eyes full of despair.

"Why? Why..."

He still couldn't understand why the ancestors could succeed in cultivating immortals, but they couldn't, and if they couldn't, they were just fine, and now they were locked up and punished by the ancestors.

He couldn't understand it!!



"It must not be like this!"

Suddenly, a disbelieving light flashed in Zhu Houxi's eyes: "Since the ancestors cultivate immortals, the whole world can also cultivate immortals, then cultivating immortals is absolutely no problem..."

"In other words, the road taken is no problem!"

"You can continue to cultivate immortal !!"

"Didn't the ancestors look down on Xuan?"

"Then Xu will prove to them that Xu can also succeed and cultivate immortals!"

Zhu Houxi gritted his teeth fiercely, took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the grief and indignation in his heart, and his eyes actually became bright.

"Only when the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is revived can you cultivate immortals, then it seems..."

After Zhu Houxi calmed down, his brain became quite active: "The reason why I didn't succeed before was because I didn't have the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, not necessarily because I was wrong in my path..."

"Then now that the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi has been revived, can Xu continue to cultivate immortals according to his previous method of cultivating immortals?!"

As soon as he thought of this, Zhu Houxi was immediately excited.

In the surprised eyes of the immortal cultivator, Zhu Houxi sat directly in the prison car and began to sense the so-called heaven and earth spiritual energy according to his own method!

He plans to teach himself to cultivate immortals!

Prove yourself to everyone!

How can he say that Xiu Immortal, who has also studied for decades, asked, and has his own unique understanding of Xiu Immortal, so he quickly entered the state.

After a moment of effort, he actually felt that some mysterious aura seemed to appear around him that had never appeared before...


Sensing the strange and mysterious aura around him, Zhu Houxi suddenly lifted his spirits, and a thick look of shock appeared in his eyes: "Is this the so-called heaven and earth aura?" It seems that you can pull these breaths into the body? Draw air into the body... Isn't this what Xu has been pursuing all along?! "

Zhu Houxi was very excited.

He felt he saw a bright avenue.


He did not waste time, but quietly sensed the spiritual energy in the heaven and earth in the prison car, and tried to introduce those heaven and earth spiritual energy into his body.

"What is this guy doing? Shouldn't he want to try to cultivate immortals on his own? What are you kidding..."

The immortal cultivator outside the prison car, looking at Zhu Houxi's behavior, his face suddenly showed a strong look of surprise, and he couldn't help but mutter: "Even if the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is revived, without the exercises taught by His Royal Highness King Xiang, it is impossible to succeed in cultivating immortals..."

His muttering naturally fell into Zhu Houxi's ears.


At this moment, Zhu Houxi did not care at all about what he said, but continued to sincerely sense the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and seriously cultivate immortals.

At this moment, he has strengthened his confidence!

He must prove to the ancestors by self-cultivating immortals that he Zhu Houxi is not as unbearable as the ancestors say, and he definitely has some understanding in cultivating immortals!

Zhu Houxi, who was immersed in his own state, blocked all information from the outside world, and very seriously pondered the sense of qi in the sense of heaven and earth.

When Zhu Houxi was seriously self-taught to cultivate immortals, the entire Jiajing Daming world had completely boiled, and the revival of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth had made the whole world rejuvenated.

At this time, (read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

Yan Song, Gao Gong, Xu Jie and other Jiajing ministers all showed a thick shock on their faces, and they only felt that their scalps were numb when they looked at the changes that occurred between heaven and earth.

They found that when the divine light in the sky disappeared, the whole world changed, and even the grass at their feet became more verdant.


The vitality of the whole world has become stronger!

Their own bodies have also changed significantly, and they are still changing for the better!

"There has been a change in heaven and earth..."

"I feel like I'm breathing easier! With every breath, the body was washed by the mysterious power, and the originally tired body became a lot easier! "

"Is this the means of the immortals? It's amazing too! "

"From now on, we can also cultivate immortals?"


The changes in heaven and earth made Yan Song and the others extremely shocked, and they couldn't help but exclaim again and again, looking at Zhu Bai's eyes in the sky, full of awe and fanatical yearning.

They are all already aware...

The world has changed!

These people...

It will also benefit greatly from the changes in the world!

This is definitely a great thing for them to be excited about!

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhu Bai's figure slowly landed from the sky and finally fell in front of Yan Song and the others.


Seeing Zhu Bai landing, Zhu Yuanzhang stepped forward and asked him with a smile: "Daming Jiajing World's Heaven and Earth, the aura has been completely revived?" How does the concentration of spiritual energy compare with Hongwu Daming? "

Little Zhu Di also walked up, and asked Zhu Bai with some curiosity: "Twelfth brother, are you planning to make this world the center of Daming's formation, then the concentration of heaven and earth spiritual energy in this world should not need to be high, right?" "

Listening to the words of the two, Zhu Bai's eyes flashed slightly, and he slowly spoke: "After all, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this world has just begun to recover, and the richness of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth naturally cannot be compared with the Daming Hongwu Dynasty..."

"For now..."

"The concentration of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is only one percent of the Daming Hongwu Dynasty."

"No, as time goes by, the concentration of heaven and earth spiritual energy in this world will continue to increase."

Listening to Zhu Bai say this, Zhu Yuanzhang and the others were slight, and they were not too surprised by this result, if the Jiajing Daming World Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi had just revived, it could be compared with the Daming Hongwu Dynasty, it would be a great strange event.

"It's only one percent, but it's enough."

After Zhu Yuanzhang pondered for a while, he slowly said: "Our requirements for this world are not high, as long as we can continuously cultivate powerful formation immortal cultivators for the Daming Heavens Alliance!" "

When Zhu Bai heard this, he nodded slightly, slowly raised his head, and looked in the direction of the capital: "Let's go, go to the capital, get the Tiangong Divine Monument out, so that the people of this world can also obtain the inheritance of the exercises!" "


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