Chapter 178: Gongfa Stone Stele, Heaven and Earth Changes, Yan Song and the Others' Excitement!

Jiajing Daming, Jingshi Beiping.

At the moment of landing from the sky, Yan Song and other ministers of Jiajing had a dream-like feeling, feeling that everything was so unreal that they were dizzy.

Returning from Haikou to Jingshi Beiping, it was less than a cup of tea, and this terrifying speed completely calmed them!

"Is this the terror of the immortals..."

Yan Song's mouth was a little dry, his body trembled slightly, but his eyes showed a fanatical look: "It's really flying away, omnipotent, in the future... I also have a chance to become such a being?! "

The previous Yan Song was old and no longer had any enterprising.


He knew that he had reached the peak, and it was impossible to go any further, so he could only eat and wait for death all day long.

But now,

But he found that his life seemed to have infinite possibilities!

The possibility of becoming an immortal!!

This moment ignited the flame of excitement in his heart!

He looked towards Zhu Bai's back, his eyes flashed with a look of fanatical yearning, at this moment he decided that he must follow behind such a figure and embark on the road to becoming an immortal!

Not only Yan Song thought so at the moment, but the rest of the Jiajing ministers were similar, and they all looked at Zhu Bai 590, Zhu Yuanzhang, these ancestors with fanatical and excited eyes.


They are still a little uncomfortable, but now they don't, and the only idea now is to follow the footsteps of the ancestors and follow the ancestors to cultivate immortals into immortals!

Their gaze, Zhu Yuanzhang and the others did not care at all.

At this point,

The light in Zhu Bai's eyes flickered slightly, staring into the distance, a huge clearing, where he planned to erect the Jiajing Chaotian Gong Divine Monument.


His figure flashed, disappeared in an instant, and the next moment he appeared in the sky, and then pointed out towards the void!

A golden light bloomed from his hand, instantly falling on the void in the distance, and then the void violently shook!

"Boom !!"

The void shook, there was a faint thunder roar, a roar came out, and then the void quickly cracked, and a huge void crack appeared!

In the void crack, the divine thunder flickered, roared, and a terrifying heaven and earth coercion emanated out, shrouding the entire Beiping.

The huge movement immediately alarmed the entire Daming Jiajing people in Beiping, and they all looked up at the sky, looking at the terrifying scene, they were all stunned in shock, and their scalps were numb.

Under their shocked gaze, among the cracked void cracks, a huge Tiangong Divine Monument slowly appeared.

The Tiangong Divine Monument was as high as a thousand zhang, like a giant mountain, descending from the sky, and finally smashed on the ground with a bang!

The entire Beiping City was trembling because of the landing of the Tiangong Divine Monument, as if it were an earthquake, causing hundreds of people to exclaim in shock.

"What's that?!"

"How could such a large monument suddenly appear? Topmost...... Why is there a twinkle of light again?! "

"Could this be the Tiangong Divine Monument that the mysterious voice said just now? There are immortal cultivation exercises on the stele?! "

"Everyone can go under the divine monument to participate in the exercises?!"


After the people of Jingshi came back from the shock, they instantly boiled, and countless excited people rushed towards the Tiangong Divine Monument like a tide.

The hope of becoming an immortal...

No one can resist!

Almost all the people of Beiping were like a tide, frantically rushing towards the Heavenly Gong Divine Monument, all wanting to comprehend the immortal cultivation exercises on the Divine Monument for the first time!


Yan Song and other ministers of culture and martial arts behind Zhu Yuanzhang and the others, looking at the huge Success God Monument that fell from the sky and towered into the clouds, all showed a fanatical look in their eyes, and they couldn't wait to rush over immediately to feel the exercises! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Before Zhu Bai spoke, they did not dare to move at will, they could only endure the desire in their hearts, stood in place, and looked at the Tiangong Divine Monument with feverish eyes.

And just when they were shocked, Zhu Bai moved again, opened the Void Crack, and erected another stone monument on the side of the Tiangong God Monument.

It was a divine monument engraved with countless knowledge of the Immortal Cultivation Formation, and it was the most core thing in the Jiajing Daming World!

When the Immortal Cultivation Formation Divine Monument was erected, Zhu Bai's figure fell from the sky and returned to Zhu Yuanzhang and the others.

Following (dbdh),

His gaze noticed the longing look of Yan Song and the others.

"Go, go to the enlightenment exercises."

Zhu Bai glanced at them and said lightly: "All the people of Daming can feel the cultivation of immortals. "

As soon as Zhu Bai's voice fell, Yan Song, this old thing, actually rushed out violently, but the old arms and legs ran out of the wind-like feeling, and in the blink of an eye, the kung fu disappeared in place, much faster than these people with high arches and steps!


Looking at Yan Song, he rushed out without saying a word, disappeared in the blink of an eye, Gao Gong and the others, suddenly stunned, couldn't help scolding his mother in his heart, but did not dare to have any hesitation, and also rushed away.

Looking at their appearance, it seems that they think that the faster they run, the sooner they see the Tiangong Divine Monument, the stronger the exercises they can comprehend...

In the blink of an eye,

Almost all the ministers of Jiajing disappeared in front of Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Bai and others, and ran towards the Tiangong Divine Monument.

"These dog things..."

Xiao Zhu Di watched them run out of a wind-like posture with their flesh mortal bodies, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching: "If you can be so fierce on the battlefield, even if you don't cultivate immortals, you can completely unify this world, where will you allow Xiao Woku to make trouble?!" "

Zhu Yuanzhang also shook his head speechlessly, but soon a smile appeared on his face, and he said to Zhu Bai with a smile: "Bai'er, we think that we can select some top immortal cultivation geniuses from this world, bring them back to Hongwu Daming, and vigorously cultivate..."


Daming's strength has been strong to the point that Zhu Yuanzhang feels strange, but he is not satisfied with this, but hopes that Daming will appear more powerful immortal cultivators, and his strength will become stronger and stronger!


He also knew that the next replica world would be stronger than the other, and if he wanted to get more benefits and rewards and conquer more worlds, he would need more powerful immortal cultivators!


Listening to Zhu Yuanzhang's words, Zhu Bai nodded slightly: "You can set up a ring in Jiajing Daming, and let immortal cultivators from all over the world come to the ring every year, and those who are at the top can be specially recruited to enter the Daming Hongwu Immortal Cultivation Academy to focus on training!" "

"That's a good idea..."

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes lit up, and he immediately pulled Zhu Bai and began to discuss this issue in detail: "Now, let's have a good chat, make this plan a little more detailed, and cultivate more strong people for Daming..."

Just as Zhu Yuanzhang was pulling Zhu Bai and the others to discuss, Zhu Houxi, who was locked up in the prison car, suddenly shocked his spirits, suddenly opened his eyes, and a thick excitement appeared in his eyes.


Feeling that a mysterious power emerged from his dantian qi sea, Zhu Houxi trembled with excitement, and shouted loudly in his heart: "Success has been made!" Xu successfully introduced the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi into his body and practiced mana! "


"I succeeded in cultivating immortals on my own!!"


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