Chapter 180: Zhu Yuanzhang's disgust, Jiajing world is too weak to be challenging!

When Xu Da Lanyu and others led the Daming dragon cavalry army back and appeared in the sky of the capital of Jiajing Daming.

Countless Daming Jiajing people raised their heads in horror, looking up at the dragon riding army that covered the sky, and their scalps were numb in shock.

At this time, the people of Daming had already learned the news.

I know that it is the ancestor of Daming who came after successfully cultivating immortals, and he wants to lead the people of Daming in this time and space to cultivate immortals.


Seeing the army of dragon riders in the sky, the people of Jiajing Daming were not afraid, but more excited and yearning, eager to become a part of it.

Zhu Bai looked at the mighty army of dragon horses, and the expression on his face was calm and calm. His gaze glanced at Yan Song and other Jiajing ministers, and he spoke in a deep voice.

"This king may descend on Daming Jiajing time and space at any time, so you people should not have any thoughts that you shouldn't have.

All of them are good to assist Lei Wujian to operate the Jiajing Great "Three One Zero" Ming, and build this world into the Daming's formation immortal cultivation center! "

Yan Song and the others listened to Zhu Bai's words, and their hearts were suddenly shocked, feeling the fierce killing intent in his tone, and quickly nodded at him.

"Ancestor Xiang King rest assured, we will definitely not have any thoughts that we shouldn't have!"

"We will fully cooperate with Lei Wuxian!"

"Jiajing Daming World will definitely become the center of Daming Zhu Tian's formation!"


Yan Song and the others opened their mouths one after another, saying that they would definitely assist Lei Wujian, for fear that Zhu Bai would be unhappy, so that they would miss the opportunity to become immortals.

For their commitment, Zhu Bai only nodded lightly.

He was not worried at all that these people would be yang and yin.


They don't dare,.

Of course

The most important thing is that there is also absolute confidence that it can eliminate all those who are yang and yin against themselves and ensure the completion of the plan of the Great Ming Immortal Cultivation Formation Center.

"Let's go!"

After the matter had been decided, Zhu Bai glanced at the Gate of Time and Space that had taken shape, turned back to Zhu Yuanzhang and the others and said: "It's time to return to Hongwu Daming, the next world copy, it is estimated that it will come out soon." "

Zhu Yuanzhang and the others, their eyes suddenly lit up, and a strong look of expectation appeared in their eyes. For the next world copy, they are all full of longing, anticipation.


Zhu Bai's figure instantly disappeared in place, and the next moment appeared on the old dragon king in the sky.


Zhu Yuanzhang and the others followed, and also got on the old dragon king's body, stood beside Zhu Bai, and looked at Jiajing Daming below.

"After you go back, you can even complete the task, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang stood beside Zhu Bai, looking at the scene of countless Jiajing Daming people looking up below, and a light of expectation flashed in his eyes: "I don't know what rewards I can get for completing the task this time?!" Should...... It won't be worse than the rewards of the Junior Song World, right? "

Brush brush brush!

The gazes of Old Zhu Di, Little Zhu Di, Xu Da Lanyu and others instantly fell on Zhu Bai, with a curious and expectant look on their faces.

The reward for completing the mission is their motivation to conquer the worlds. After all, every reward they get can make their strength, and even the strength of the entire Daming, go to a higher level.

"This time it's my turn to break through the Jindan realm..."

Little Zhu Di's eyes flashed with excitement, and he stared at Zhu Bai: "Twelfth brother, if there is a good reward, you must give me a little more, otherwise my cultivation realm will not be able to break through..."

Previously, Zhu Yuanzhang was full of obsession with the Jindan realm, longing for his realm to quickly break through to the Jindan realm. Now, this obsession fell on Xiao Zhu Di, and he also longed to break through the Jindan realm as soon as possible.

Old Zhu Di listened to Little Zhu Di's words, his eyes flashed slightly, and his face also showed a look of expectation. He had already discovered that Xiao Zhu Di's benefits would also affect it.


He is also looking forward to receiving great rewards.

"It's hard to say..."

Looking at the expectant appearance of Zhu Yuanzhang and others, Zhu Bai's eyes flickered, and he slowly shook his head and said: "The world of young singers, after all, is still much stronger than the Jiajing Daming world, and the rewards are also very rich, whether the reward this time can be compared to the last time, now I can't say..."

The Jiajing Daming world is completely done, but there is no prompt sound for the task to be completed yet, so Zhu Bai does not know what rewards he can get this time.

All this,

Only after returning to Hongwu Daming and waiting for the system to settle the mission reward can he know what reward he will get this time.

"Let's go, we'll know when you go back." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhu Bai didn't want to say more about this matter now, so his eyes fell on the gate of time and space, and said something to Zhu Yuanzhang and the others, and then let the old dragon king move and plunged into the gate of time and space.


After the old dragon king roared and entered the gate of time and space, the rest of the Daming dragon riding immortal army also followed.

The dragon horse army that covered the sky entered the gate of time and space under the gaze of countless Jiajing Daming people.

"Congratulations to the ancestors!!"

Watching the Daming Immortal Cultivation Legion leave, the Daming people suddenly shouted loudly, shouting to see them off!

In a burst of exclamations, the Daming Xiuxian Dragoon Army completely disappeared from the sight of the people of Jiajing Daming and returned to Hongwu Daming....



Hongwu plane.


The Daming Hongwu plane has long been different from the past.

It is completely different from when Zhu Bai first came to this world.

The entire Daming people in Hongwu have completely adapted to the life of Xiu Immortal, and Xiu Xiu has become the main theme of the Daming Dynasty.

In the past, meeting and greeting every day was "have you eaten", but now the way the people greet has become "have you broken through" and other topics related to immortal cultivation.

Inside the Fengtian Temple.

A large group of civil and military officials.

Zhu Biao, the prince in charge of overseeing the country, was reporting to Zhu Biao, who was in charge of overseeing the country, the situation in Daming today, but at this moment, Zhu Biao, listening to the minister's report, was a little stunned, and it could even be said that he did not listen to it at all.

"Daddy, when will they be back?" Too unkind... You all ran to fight in all directions, but left me alone in Hongwu Daming to watch the house..."

For the fact that he couldn't go out with him, Zhu Biao felt very depressed: "No, next time I will never stay to supervise the country, just let the old man stay by himself!" After all, he is the emperor, and I am just the prince..."

"It makes no sense that the emperor is surfing everywhere all day, and the prince guards the house every day..."

"If the old man really doesn't want to, then let ... Let the old four come! Anyway, the fourth old man is an emperor and knows how to deal with the imperial government! "

Zhu Biao muttered in his heart, constantly calculating that the next time he attacked the new world, he would also follow. 5.0

If he continued to stay in prison, he felt that he would be suffocated, and he had to go out to breathe!

Just as Zhu Biao muttered something in his heart, accompanied by an earth-shattering dragon roar, the huge figure of Zhu Bai's mount, the Old Dragon King, slowly flew out from the gate of time and space.

When the figure of the old dragon king flew out of the gate of time and space, Zhu Bai heard the system's prompt sound in his mind.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the Jiajing Daming World Plane Mission! ] 】

【Start evaluating mission completion now!】 】

【End of evaluation! 】 】

[Task completion score S+.]

[Now start calculating the task reward, please wait patiently for the calculation to end.] 】


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