Chapter 181: Rich Rewards Arrive, Daming All Cultivation Immortals!

Zhu Bai, who had just walked out of the gate of time and space, his eyes suddenly lit up, because he heard the system prompt sound in his mind, and learned that the system task was completed and was calculating the task reward.

"This copy, like the orthodox Daming copy, is a gift copy, and the reward should be very good, right?"

The light in Zhu Bai's eyes flickered slightly, and his heart was quite looking forward to it: "We can get something new this time, so that my cultivation realm can break through a big realm..."

Right now

Zhu Bai's cultivation realm has long been unknowingly broken through to the late Yuan Infant stage, but it is also stuck in the late Yuan Infant stage.


There is no sign of breaking through to the next realm, which makes Zhu Bai quite looking forward to the next realm, that is...

Avatar God Realm!

Of course

Zhu Bai also hopes that the strong force can make Zhu Yuanzhang's cultivation realm also advance by leaps and bounds, and it is best for Zhu Yuanzhang's cultivation realm. Can break through to the realm of the Yuan Baby.

After all

Zhu Yuanzhang is his most optimistic worker, and the higher Zhu Yuanzhang's cultivation realm, the more things he can do for him, and the easier it is for him.

[Mission reward calculated! ] 】

Just when 09 was floating in Zhu Bai's mind and looking forward to the task reward, the system's prompt sounded in his mind again.

[Congratulations to the host for winning the following personal rewards!] 】

[Personal reward 1: Reward the host for a breakthrough in the realm of cultivation, and can step into the realm of Avatar at any time and become a Avatar cultivator. ] Cultivator of the Avatar God, the divine soul will be transformed once, and the strength will be greatly improved. 】

[Personal reward two: reward the eye of the law of speed, the eye of the law can make it easier for the host to see through the laws of heaven and earth, and it is easier to use the power of the laws of heaven and earth and borrow the power of heaven and earth. ] 】

[Personal reward three: reward the host with 10 pieces of the human emperor pen, 10 pieces of the human emperor pen fragment, after fusion, it will increase the integrity of the host's human emperor pen to 10%, and has 10% of the power of the complete human imperial pen. ] 】

[Personal reward four: reward speed 100 genius transformation places, the host can select 100 people according to personal wishes, let their spiritual physique transform, and let the other party transform into a top immortal cultivation genius. ] 】

[Personal reward five: reward speed of all things mother qi, all things mother qi is the source of all things under the world, can be used to nourish itself, can also be used to nourish all things in heaven and earth, so that all things in heaven and earth continue to transform, reaching the point of being clean and dustless. Weapons and magic weapons are nourished by the mother of all things, and will transform and evolve on their own, growing into peerless immortal weapons. 】

A series of personal reward prompts sounded in Zhu Bai's mind, and each reward made his eyes light up by a point.

"This personal reward, really good..."

A look of joy appeared on Zhu Bai's face:

"100 genius places, this is enough for the basic forces of Daming to upgrade a notch in a short period of time..."

According to the introduction of the system, these 100 genius places are not ordinary geniuses, but all kinds of geniuses with peerless divine bodies, such as Zhu Yuanzhang's Desolate Ancient Saint Body, Little Zhu Di, and Old Zhu Di's Cangtian Overlord Body!

Like Zhu Yuanzhang, Little Zhu Di, and Old Zhu Di, they obtained divine bodies, so their cultivation realm advanced by leaps and bounds in a very short time.

"Big brother hasn't obtained the divine body yet..."

Zhu Bai suddenly remembered his eldest brother Zhu Biao, who was screaming to let himself get him the divine body bloodline, after all, Lao Zhu and Zhu Di obtained the benefits of the divine body bloodline, and he was visible to the naked eye.

It's just that

Before, Zhu Bai had never had a suitable divine body bloodline for him to use, but now that he had obtained 100 places, he could get a powerful divine body bloodline for Zhu Biao.

With a strong body bloodline, Zhu Biao's cultivation realm can also break through to a stronger point faster, and now he is still eager to break through the Jindan realm.

Especially when the young singer came, the coordinates' desire to break through the Jindan realm was even stronger, because...

Li Changsheng of the Young Song Company has already broken through to the Yuan Infant realm, and even Li Hanyi is almost the same!

This strong contrast...

Let Zhu Biao, Zhu Yuanzhang and these people, naturally can't stand it!

Just as Zhu Bai's mind was spinning, the system's prompt sound came from his mind again.

[Congratulations to the host for winning the following national awards! ] 】

[National reward 1: Reward Daming National Fortune to enhance and increase by 30% on the original basis, the National Fortune Enhancement Daming will be more likely to appear powerful immortal cultivation geniuses, Daming territory Jiang more wind Yushun, government and people. 】

[National reward 2: Reward Daming 9 cave heaven blessed land, Dongtian blessed land is the blessed land of immortal cultivators, living in the cave heaven blessed land, will make it easier for immortal cultivators to understand the road of heaven and earth, and it is easier to break through the realm of cultivation. ] Each cave can accommodate millions of people living and practicing at the same time. 】

[National reward 3: Reward all Daming people to increase their understanding by 20% on the original basis, and after the enhancement of understanding, the Daming people will be able to more easily comprehend the method of cultivating immortals, comprehend the Avenue of Heaven and Earth, and break through the realm of cultivation. ] 】

[National reward 4 rewards Daming 10 immortal cultivation colleges, Meizuo Xiuxian Academy can accommodate 100,000 students at the same time, and equipped with 100 Jindan peak realm teachers responsible for teaching students, the college is also equipped with a Tibetan scripture pavilion, there will be countless immortal cultivation exercises below the god level in the Tibetan scripture pavilion, students can feel and practice on their own. ] 】

[National reward 5: Reward one Daming Alchemy Academy, one hundred ninth-grade alchemists, and ten god-level alchemy furnaces. ] The ninth-grade alchemists in the academy will be responsible for teaching the art of alchemy and training alchemists for Daming. 】


Listening to a series of system prompts, Zhu Bai suddenly gasped, and felt extremely shocked in his heart: "This national reward, 330 is really a little rich, a little unexpected..."

The richness of the national reward this time was completely unexpected by Zhu Bai, and each national reward had great benefits for the overall strength improvement of Daming.

These national rewards, combined with the personal rewards he has obtained, Zhu Bai is completely sure that Daming's overall strength can leap to a new level in a short period of time.

In this way,

For attacking the new world, Zhu Bai is more confident.

"Bai'er, what's wrong with you?"

The color change on Zhu Bai's face was noticed by Zhu Yuanzhang, looking at the flash of excitement in his eyes, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but ask: "Could it be... Mission rewards are coming?! "

Brush brush brush !!

Everyone's gaze instantly fell on Zhu Bai's body, and their eyes showed a strong sense of curiosity and expectation.


They are also quite yearning and eager for the rewards for completing tasks.

"That's right..."

Finding that Zhu Yuanzhang and the others' gazes fell on him, Zhu Bai's eyes flashed, and he didn't intend to hide it, so he said with a smile: "The reward for this mission is quite rich..."


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