Chapter 183: There are nine in total? Emperor Jiajing is crazy, his immortal cultivation chance?

The appearance of Dongtian Blessed Land shocked Zhu Yuanzhang and the others, and their faces showed a thick color of excitement and ecstasy.


The Cave Heaven Blessed Land described by Zhu Bai is really too strong, and with their insights, they can instantly understand that this Cave Heaven Blessed Land will have an unimaginable effect on the improvement of Daming's strength!

"It's just one of the holes..."

Zhu Bai looked at the shocked appearance of Zhu Yuanzhang and the others, and continued to smile and said: "Now, I still have nine caves in my hands. "


Zhu Yuanzhang's pupils shrank suddenly, and he gasped: "There are so many more?" This...... How can this be used up?! "

He was stunned!

One hole is already so awesome!

There are still 9 in Zhu Bai's hands?!

That's a shame!

"This is to instantly raise the overall strength of Daming by several notches!"

"It's so strong! The reward this time is really terrifying! "

"It seems that Jiajing Daming is not useless!"


Old Zhu Di, Xu Da Lanyu and the others couldn't help but exclaim, one by one, they trembled with excitement, and their eyes were full of excitement.

They all understand,

After this cave is all arranged, it will have unimaginable benefits for Daming's strength improvement!

"Why can't you run out?"

Listening to Zhu Yuanzhang's words, Zhu Bai raised his eyebrows: "I have already made arrangements for these 073 blessed places..."

Brush brush brush!

Everyone's faces changed, and they all showed a strong curiosity, and they all stared at Zhu Bai, waiting for his next words, all wanting to know how he arranged.

Looking at everyone's curious appearance, Zhu Bai did not hide his arrangement for Dongtian Blessed Land. After pondering for a while, he slowly opened his mouth and explained his plan.

"First of all, Hongwu Daming will have a hole in heaven and blessed land..."

Zhu Bai narrowed his eyes slightly: "The rest of the cave heaven blessed land, I will arrange it in the orthodox Daming, Yongle Daming, Jiajing Daming, and the young singer world Snow Moon City..."

"The rest will be kept for the time being."

"After attacking other worlds and bringing other worlds into the sphere of influence of the Daming Zhutian Alliance, we will place Dongtian Blessed Land in that conquered world."


"All the worlds of the Heavenly Daming Alliance can be upgraded (DBDI)."

"Of course..."

"Not everyone can enter the blessed land!"

"Only those who have been tested and meet the standard conditions, and who are absolutely loyal to Daming, are eligible to enter the Daming's blessed cultivation."

Zhu Bai's words made Zhu Yuanzhang and the others stunned slightly, and then their faces showed a natural look.

"Not bad, not bad..."

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and nodded to Zhu Bai: "Bai'er, we think this arrangement of yours is quite good, in this way, under the condition of maintaining the absolute crushing of Hongwu Daming's plane, try our best to make the power of the major worlds of the Daming Heavens Alliance more balanced..."

"That's a good idea!"

"Can't, the strength of the Hongwu Daming plane has advanced by leaps and bounds, but the strength of other Daming planes has not increased for a long time, and finally it has become a short board!"

Old Zhu Di couldn't help but nod in agreement, and said with a smile: "With this cave of heaven and earth, I dare to guarantee that the strength of the Yongle Dynasty will quickly follow, and when the time comes, it will be able to provide more powerful combat power for the army of the Daming Heavens Alliance!" "

Xu Da, Lan Yu and others also expressed their attitudes. They didn't feel any problem with Zhu Bai's arrangement, and they agreed very much.

Of course

What Zhu Bai has arranged, they have no qualifications, to question and deny, can only follow Zhu Bai's arrangement.

"Other rewards, let's continue to arrange later..."

Zhu Bai's gaze continued to look at Dongtian Blessed Land, and the light in his eyes flickered: "Now, first select a group of elites of Hongwu Daming, enter Dongtian Blessed Land to retreat and practice, and wait for the next attack on the New World..."

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes flashed, and Zhu Bai hurriedly asked: "Bai'er, when will the next attack and destroy the new world?" What kind of world will it be?! "

This sentence, (read the violent novel, on the Feilu novel network!) )

Asking the common curiosity in everyone's hearts, he gathered his eyes on Zhu Bai, wanting to hear his news about the new world.


After listening to Zhu Yuanzhang's words, Zhu Bai shook his head slightly: "Don't worry, let's digest and absorb the reward benefits obtained so far now..."

The reason why he is not in a hurry is because Zhu Bai himself does not know what the situation of the new world will be now, and he does not know when the next new world will open.

Of course

He really wants to take advantage of this time to digest and absorb the various rewards he has obtained so far to improve his strength.

He also thought about raising his cultivation to the realm of Avatar God first. He has now received a reward and can directly break through to the realm of the Avatar God.

"It makes sense."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, agreed with what Zhu Bai said, and then said: "Then let's go back to the palace first, presumably your mother and eldest brother are waiting." "


Zhu Bai didn't say nonsense, his figure flashed, and he instantly walked towards the palace.

Seeing this, Zhu Yuanzhang and the others did not hesitate, and quickly followed Zhu Bai's figure, and hurriedly walked towards Yingtian Daming Palace.

Just when Zhu Bai, Zhu Yuanzhang and the others rushed towards the palace, Zhu Houxi, who was locked up in the prison car, found that he had come to the Daming Hongwu plane, and a thick shock appeared in his eyes.

"This is the world where Emperor Taizu is?"

Zhu Houxi set off a terrifying wave in his heart at this time, looking at the scene outside, his pupils contracted violently: "This world... Strong is a little perverted! "

By observation,

Zhu Houxi found that everything in the Hongwu world of Daming was completely different from Jiajing Daming, and various magical scenes could be seen everywhere.

He was escorted in a prison car to the Zongren Mansion, and along the way he had forgotten how many immortal cultivators he saw!

"The people here ... All of them are immortal cultivators? This discovery made Zhu Houxi extremely shocked, and he saw a random person on the side of the road, his spirit was extremely strong, and there was a powerful aura fluctuating between his moves.

He obviously felt that this was no longer the world of red dust.

This is the fairy world.

Immortals can be seen everywhere.

"After coming to this world, the growth rate of my cultivation strength seems to have increased a lot..." Zhu Houxi was shocked and a little excited at the same time, because he found that after coming to the Hongwu Daming World, even if he did not take the initiative to cultivate, the mana in his body was slowly and naturally increasing!

This situation...

It was something he couldn't imagine before!

"This is a very suitable world for cultivating immortals! Now it seems that being escorted into this world is not a bad thing..."

Zhu Houxi's face couldn't help but show a touch of excitement, and he subconsciously clenched his fists: "Now I am more confident that I can make a splash in the near future, stun the ancestors of Taizu, and let them admit that I Zhu Houxi is a genius!" "


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