Chapter 184: Daming God of War? Zhu Qizhen? Emperor Jiajing roared, you humiliate Xuan?

Just when Zhu Houxi was working hard, the two immortal cultivators who escorted him glanced at him with strange faces.

Because they found that after this guy was locked up in a prison car, his mood became calmer and calmer, and now he even had a smile on his face...

This made them feel that this guy Zhu Houxi was a little abnormal...

Who would be happy if they were locked up?!

Strange too!

"The Zongren Mansion has arrived."

One of the immortal cultivators glanced at Zhu Houxi, opened the prison car, and shouted at him: "Come out quickly!" "

Zhu Houxi looked at the opened prison car, did not stand up at the first time, but took a deep breath, a more intense smile appeared on his face, and the whole person looked ~ calm and calm.

"What are you laughing at-? Come out soon..."

The immortal cultivator who escorted him, looking at this guy's reaction, couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth: "Hurry up, don't waste time, Your Majesty has explained, you must be locked up in the Zongren Mansion before noon today!" "

Listening to this, Zhu Houxi slowly stood up.


He got out of the prison car.


After walking out of the repair car, Zhu Houxi exhaled a long breath, looked back at the prison car, and there was a trace of emotion in his eyes.

"Can you leave this prison car to me?"

Zhu Houxi stared at the prison car for a while, and suddenly asked the immortal cultivator who escorted him.

Soldier: "?!!! "

What's the situation?

This guy...

Brain show funny, right? 1

What's the use of this thing?

Do you want this thing... Keep it as a souvenir? Shame and courage?!

"As you wish."

The immortal cultivator did not embarrass Zhu Houxi, nodded and said, "If you want, I will send this thing to the prison for you." "

"Thank you!"

Zhu Houxi's face was delighted, and he sincerely thanked the immortal cultivator.

The reason why he wanted this prison car was because he felt that this prison car was the starting point of his immortal cultivation, which meant a lot to him...


He was not put in a prison car, and he really could not necessarily comprehend the true method of cultivating immortals on his own and successfully cultivate immortals.

Of course

At this time, he did not tell anyone that he had successfully cultivated immortals.

The immortal cultivators were also not strong enough to sense the strength of cultivation in other people's bodies when others deliberately converged their breath, so they did not find Zhu Houxi's abnormality.

"Let's go!"

Two immortal cultivators, one pushing the prison cart and the other pressing Zhu Houxi, entered the prison of the Zongren Mansion, and as soon as they entered the prison, the soldiers explained a few words to the guards of the cell, and then left.

"Come with me..."

The person in charge of guarding the cell glanced at Zhu Houxi with a surprised face: "I can't imagine that you can be locked up with the Daming God of War..."

Zhu Houxi: "?!! "

Daming God of War?

"Zhu Qizhen!"

Seeing Zhu Houxi's puzzled look, the warden showed a subtle smile: "Call Zhu Qizhen, the son of Tianmen, Zhu Qizhen, the god of war of Daming, and Zhu Qizhen, a student of Vara abroad..."

Zhu Houxi: "..."

He was a little dumbfounded!

Zhu Qizhen, he knew...

It's just that

What are these titles all about?!

When did Grandpa Zeng have such a weird title?!

The Great Ming God of War...

Isn't this teasing his great-grandfather?!

"Let's go."

Looking at Zhu Houxi's stunned appearance, the warden shook his head and let him walk towards the depths of the heavenly prison.

Right now

Zhu Houxi didn't have much resistance to being locked up in the heavenly prison, and even regarded this as an experience!

He decided,

He wants to be angry and strong in the heavenly prison, and strive to one day be a blockbuster, stun the people of the world, and completely change the impression and sense of the ancestors of Taizu and their senses of themselves!


Inside the Heavenly Prison.

In a gloomy cell.

An embarrassed figure slumped on a stone bed full of dry straw, looking vacantly at a small window less than a foot square.

This person, (read violent novels, on Feilu Novel Network!) )

It is Zhu Qizhen, the god of war of the Daming!


Today's Zhu Qi Town has long lost the majesty and majesty of the emperor in the past, and the whole person looks haggard, his eyes are deeply sunken, his spirit is weak, and he is a proper homeless man image thrown on the street!

After being locked up in the Zongren Mansion, Zhu Qizhen's heart was completely removed, because he knew that he had no hope of going out, and he could only stay in this dark and narrow heavenly prison for the rest of his life...

This feeling made him despair.

Of course

Even if he is desperate, this guy is still tenaciously alive, without any thoughts such as ending his life, in his opinion, it is better to die than to live...


That day, His Majesty Emperor Taizu granted amnesty to the world and released him as well?!

The most important thing is that Zhu Qizhen knows that in the world today, everyone can cultivate immortals, and he longs for the day when he can cultivate immortals!

"Do you still have a chance to go out? Is there any hope of cultivating immortals? Staring at the window with lazy eyes, Zhu Qizhen looked numb and muttered.



There was a sound of chains, and the gate was suddenly opened.


Zhu Qizhen's spirit suddenly shook, his eyes showed a look of ecstasy, and he sat up abruptly: "Has Emperor Taizu granted amnesty to the world?" Are you going to let me out!" "

Zhu Qizhen, who sat up, exclaimed excitedly.

That gate,

It hadn't been opened since he came in, and now it suddenly opened and gave him hope...

"What do you think?"

However, as soon as his excited words came out, the warden's indifferent voice came: "Your Majesty did not grant amnesty to the world, but just sent you a new fellow prisoner as a companion." "

Zhu Qizhen: "?!! "

Sent a heartfelt cellmate as a companion?!

What do you mean?

He subconsciously looked towards the warden, and then he saw that an old guy appeared next to the warden...

"What are you?!"

Zhu Qizhen looked at Zhu Houxi next to the warden, and his face sank: "What are you, what grade?" Eligible to live in the same cell as Xuan?! Get out! "


Zhu Qizhen was quite dissatisfied with the fact that he wanted to share a cell with other people, and after glaring at Zhu Qizhen with a gloomy face, he looked at the warden.

"You're not mistaken, are you? His Majesty Emperor Taizu... How could it be possible for people to share a cell with Xuan? No matter how you say it, it is also a generation of emperors! Are you deliberately humiliating and torturing Xuan?! "

Zhu Qizhen stared at the warden with a gloomy face, looking very angry, feeling humiliated, gritting his teeth and cursing: "Although he has become a prisoner under the steps, after all, he is the bloodline of the Daming royal family, and he is the son of the great tomorrow!" "

"You dare to humiliate Xuan..."

"There will be no place to die in the future!!"

Zhu Houxi: "..."

Warden: "..."

Zhu Qizhen's reaction made both of them a little speechless.

"There is a disease in the brain..."

The warden muttered in his heart, but he didn't bother to pay attention to Zhu Qizhen, turned around and walked out of the cell, closed the cell door with a bang, locked the chain, and left Zhu Houxi and Zhu Qizhen in the cell.


He didn't want to say a word to Zhu Qizhen!!

"Why don't you get out?!"

Zhu Qizhen saw that Zhu Houxi did not go out with the warden, and immediately became furious: "Your grade is not worthy of living in the same cell as Xuan!" Get out of here!! "

Looking at Zhu Qizhen's furious appearance, the corner of Zhu Houxi's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly: "Grandpa Zeng, I am your great-grandson Zhu Houxi!" It's Emperor Daming Jiajing..."

Zhu Qizhen: "?!! "


Chapter 5 is here, absolutely strive to burst more, quality assurance!

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