Chapter 187: Old Zhu Di scolded and cursed, did no one take care of the old man? He is now older than Zhu Yuanzhang!


The resources in Zhu Bai's hands are quite a lot, and he can place ten Immortal Cultivation Academies in major planes, as well as one Alchemy Academy.

The Immortal Cultivation Academy can continuously cultivate powerful immortal cultivators for Daming, and the Alchemy Academy can systematically improve Daming's alchemy technique.

These resources need to be arranged and configured by Zhu Bai.

Of course

For these resources, Old Zhu Di felt a little hot in his eyes and was very interested, hoping that these resources could be put a little to Yongle Daming.

"Twelfth brother..."

Old Zhu Di hesitated for a moment, and asked Zhu Bai quite expectantly: "Yongle Daming, can you have an Immortal Cultivation Academy?" What I said... It's the Immortal Cultivation Academy you obtained! There is a Jindan realm, and the strong are the teachers of the Immortal Cultivation Academy! "

When he said this, Old Zhu Di was in a bit of a nervous mood, and subconsciously glanced at Old Zhu, afraid that his old man would be dissatisfied with his statement.


Zhu Yuanzhang's words to him seemed to have not heard, but looked at Zhu Bai with burning eyes: "Bai'er, these Immortal Cultivation Colleges can't all be put in Hongwu Daming, right?" "

"Of course..."

Zhu Bai nodded to Zhu Yuanzhang and said, "I plan to assign these Immortal Cultivation Colleges to the major worlds of the Heavens and Daming Alliance to improve their strength as a whole." "

"Otherwise, the other planes will always be unable to keep up with the rhythm of Hongwu Daming and drag their feet." In this regard, Zhu Bai had a general idea in his heart.

"Half of the Immortal Cultivation Academy and an Alchemy Academy will be placed in Hongwu Daming, after all, Hongwu Daming is the center..."

"Two of the colleges are located in Yongle Daming."

"The remaining three..."

"It is placed in the orthodox Daming, Jiajing Daming, and young song world!"

"After these three worlds possess the Immortal Cultivation Academy, the overall strength will increase rapidly, and more powerful Immortal Cultivators will appear."

"Especially in the Young Song World, as the trial center of the Daming Heavens Alliance, there must be one."

Listening to Zhu Bai's arrangement, Old Zhu Di's eyes immediately showed joy, and a happy smile appeared on his face, thinking that the twelfth brother really would not treat me badly!

"That's not a bad arrangement..."

Zhu Yuanzhang had no opinion on Zhu Bai's arrangement: "As long as it is within the sphere of influence of the Daming Heavens Alliance, there is actually no big problem, after all..."

"Hongwu Daming is the center!"

"The powerhouses that appear in all worlds still belong to Hongwu Daming in the end!"

As he said this, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes were full of pride: "Sooner or later, the Daming Heavens Alliance will become unprecedentedly powerful in our hands, and eventually reach the hundred people you said, one domination of the heavens and all worlds!" "

Zhu Bai: "..."

Old man, your ambition is really terrible!

Rule the heavens and all the worlds?

How could it be that easy!


For the ambitious Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Bai did not fight, after all, as the number one worker under him, he must be full of enthusiasm in order to play a greater role!

"Well, since it has already been decided, there is nothing more to say." Zhu Yuanzhang's face was full of confidence and calmness, and he said with a smile: "We plan to retreat in the Cave Heavenly Blessed Land all the time before the next world opens. "

"Strive to break through the Yuan Infant realm as soon as possible!"

As soon as he thought of breaking through the Yuan Infant Realm, Zhu Yuanzhang's face showed a longing look, the strength of the Yuan Infant Realm, he had already seen it from Zhuhai.


He was already very satisfied with his breakthrough to the simple realm, but now he didn't see it that way...

After seeing more powerful power, he was also full of longing, hoping that he could also be so strong!

"I'm going to retreat too..."

Lao Zhu's first eyes flashed with light: "I only hope that I can break through to the Jindan realm as soon as possible!" Now my cultivation realm has reached the late stage of the foundation building realm, and it is not far from the Jindan realm..."

Zhu Biao listened to the words of Old Zhu and Old Zhu Di, and suddenly became a little anxious: "Dad, you want to retreat again?" You are closed, who will handle the affairs of the dynasty? "

"Can't you always let me handle the affairs of the dynasty, can you?"

"I'm just a prince..."

"It's not the emperor!"

"I want to retreat too!! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhu Biao was anxious, and said to Zhu Yuanzhang with a sad face: "Dad, you let me retreat first, let me break through to the Jindan realm first!" During this time, the affairs of the imperial court will be handled by your father..."

During this time, Zhu Biao had been overseeing the country and dealing with various imperial court affairs, so he didn't have much time to retreat and cultivate, resulting in his cultivation realm and growth slowing down.

This has made him very depressed all the time...

Now that Dad has finally returned, he said that he was going to retreat, where can this Zhu Biao stand it?!


Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Biao, who was full of depression, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and suddenly a bright smile appeared on his face, his hands were on his shoulders, and he said with a smile: "Otherwise, let's be the emperor, right?" You..."

"No, no, no—"

Zhu Biao shook his head frantically, shaking like a rattle: "Dad, you are young and strong, energetic, what is too emperor?" Continue to be the emperor! Moreover, Daming Jiangshan is indispensable to you, and I hope that Daddy will always be the Emperor of Daming..."

He didn't want to become emperor right away!

Now he is not an emperor, there are so many things, if he becomes an emperor, then will he still cultivate?! Wouldn't you want to be tied to the throne every day and deal with all kinds of court affairs?!

He didn't want to!

Zhu Yuanzhang: "'..."


Strange too!

There are people in this world who don't want to be emperors?!

"Dad, I feel like I'm going to break through, I went to the retreat first, and left..."

Zhu Biao seemed to be really afraid of Zhu Yuanzhang, and immediately let him ascend the throne as emperor, quickly took a step back, said a word and turned around and ran, disappeared in the Huagai Hall with a puff of smoke, and really went straight to the Dongtian Blessed Land, as if he really wanted to retreat.


Looking at Zhu Biao's disappearance without a trace in an instant, the corner of Zhu Yuanzhang's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but scold angrily: "This bastard kid, can't you be considerate and considerate of his brain?" It's really..."

Shaking his head helplessly, Zhu Yuanzhang had nothing to do with Zhu Biao, he could only drop his gaze on Zhu Bai and asked, "Bai'er, if you are the boss..."


Zhu Bai shook his head: "I'm the twelfth son, but I'm not the boss, dad, you can't talk nonsense, you can't mess with the generation..." (Li Hao) "Okay, dad, I have something, I'll go first..."

Zhu Bai didn't want to help Zhu Yuanzhang deal with any major affairs of the imperial court, and with this spare work, he might as well take Li Hanyi and travel more in the major worlds. Therefore, as soon as his words fell, he turned around and disappeared in place.

"Old Fourth..."

Watching Zhu Bai disappear, Zhu Yuanzhang could only finally fall his gaze on Old Zhu's body, but as soon as he spoke, Old Zhu Di shook his head frantically: "Dad, I am now just the eldest brother's general of Zhengbei, and I will always be the general of Zhengbei, leave... Mai"

After speaking,

Old Zhu Di also turned around and slipped away...

"This bunch of bastards..."

Seeing that Old Zhu Di also slipped away, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but scold: "Isn't there anyone who knows how to respect the old and love the young, and share the work for us?" We also want to retreat and cultivate..."


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