Chapter 188: Zhu Yunjiang is not convinced? All blame Zhu Di? Li Hanyi's initiative!

After Zhu Biao left, he did not really go to retreat.

Instead, he returned to the East Palace.


As soon as he entered the door, he saw Zhu Yunjiao greeting him with a happy face, and said to Zhu Biao excitedly: "I am about to break through to the foundation building realm, I feel that I can break through in a month or two at most..."

Zhu Biao stopped, his gaze fell on Zhu Yunjiang, looking at the excited look on his face, and suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"Well, got it."

After glancing at him twice, Zhu Biao nodded expressionlessly.

Looking at his indifferent appearance, Zhu Yunjiang's original excitement was like being poured with a basin of cold water, and it instantly cooled.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he couldn't, because he could obviously feel that Zhu Biao was a little impatient with him.

"Cultivate well."

Zhu Biao looked at Zhu Yunjiang's stunned appearance, said indifferently, and walked towards the hall, seemingly not wanting to say a word.

The reason why he was so cold to Zhu Yunjiang.

Naturally, after understanding the historical trajectory, I know this mixed account thing and all kinds of mixed account things done in history.

He couldn't figure it out...

Why is this son of his own so foolish?!

Tomorrow Hu will start...

Everything is fine!

And he,

But he listened to the rumors of the traitor, forced his uncles to the 880 road, and finally forced Zhu Di to rebel!

If it weren't for the fact that Zhu Yunjiang was his own son, he really wanted to shoot this bastard to death!

Zhu Yunjiang stood at the door, looking at Zhu Biao's departing back, the expression on his face changed for a while, and he couldn't help but clench his fists.

He naturally knew the reason why Zhu Biao did not wait to see him.

"Isn't the reason why I am like that in history is that the fourth uncle? If he obediently cooperates with me, I will also become an emperor of the ages!" It can also create a prosperous dynasty! "

Zhu Yunjiang has always been very unconvinced, and he feels that it is very unreasonable for him to be rebelled by Zhu Di after becoming emperor.

Isn't he cutting the domain just for the stability of Daming?

The result?

Zhu Di and these people didn't understand his painstaking efforts at all!

"Nope! I have to prove myself! "

Zhu Yunjiang took a deep breath, and a determined light flashed in his eyes: "I'm going to find Uncle Twelfth and ask him to instruct me to cultivate immortals, if he is willing to instruct me to cultivate immortals, then I will definitely not be bad!" "

"I, Zhu Yunjiang, am no worse than anyone!"

A long time ago, Zhu Yunjiang wanted to go to Zhu Bai for guidance, but when he thought that in the original historical time and space, he forced Zhu Bai to set himself on fire, and he did not dare to go.

But now,

Even his own father saw him unfavorably, and he felt he had to change.

"In the future space-time force, I can be an emperor, and now I cultivate immortal time and space, I can't be an emperor in Daming, then I may not be able to become an emperor in other world planes!" I must not hold back like this all the time! "

Zhu Yunjiang gritted his teeth, and left the East Palace with a cross heart, and went straight to Zhu Bai's palace, intending to ask Zhu Bai with his face.


Inside the palace.

Zhu Bai looked at Li Hanyi in front of him, and a look of surprise appeared on his face: "You have broken through to the Yuan Infant realm..."


Li Hanyi's face was full of excitement: "As soon as I woke up, I found that my cultivation realm had completely broken through!" "

"Why is there no Yuan Infant Heavenly Tribulation?" A thick look of doubt flashed in Zhu Bai's eyes, and he pinched his chin and tilted his head to look at Li Hanyi: "This is a bit strange, generally speaking, if you want to break through the Yuan Infant realm, you will definitely experience the baptism of heavenly calamity..."

"I don't know..."

Li Hanyi was also confused about his situation, and he didn't know why he had successfully broken through to the Yuan Infant realm without experiencing the Heavenly Tribulation.

"Let me see..."

Zhu Bai was very curious about Li Hanyi's situation, and felt that he needed to find out what was going on.


Being able to figure out why he broke through the Yuan Infant realm but was not split by the Heavenly Tribulation would be of great benefit to the Daming cultivators to break through the Yuan Infant realm in the future.

The Heavenly Tribulation is not a joke.

Being chopped by a heavenly calamity is a high probability that it will be directly chopped to death, this is not a joke,

If you can successfully break through the realm without experiencing the Heavenly Tribulation, that will allow more Daming cultivators to successfully survive the Heavenly Tribulation. (AJFF) This is a very important thing!

Zhu Bai even hoped that Zhu Yuanzhang and these people would not need to experience heavenly calamities to successfully break through the Yuan Infant realm, and they would not have to face so many terrifying life and death crises.

They are their most trusted workers, if there is a three long and two short, where can they find so many useful tool people?

"What do you think?"

Li Hanyi's face showed a look of shock, and he didn't understand what Zhu Bai wanted to do.

"Lie down."

Zhu Bai pointed to his big bed not far away, and I will check your body.


Li Hanyi's face instantly became pink and clear, and a look of panic flashed in his eyes: "Your Highness, this..."

"Go..." (Read the violent novel, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

Looking at Li Hanyi's reaction, Zhu Bai was a little crying and laughing: "What's wrong?" Still worried about what King Ben did to you? "

"No, I didn't mean that..."

As soon as Zhu Bai said this, Li Hanyi's mood immediately relaxed, she felt that Zhu Bai was a person who said and did it, since she said no, then there should be nothing to do.


She no longer hesitated to think, but quickly walked to the side of the bed and lay down, and Zhu Bai followed suit.



Early in the morning.

A ray of sunlight shining through the window lattice fell in the hall, blocking the skin on Li Hanyi's face with a layer of gold dust, making her look delicate.

"His Royal Highness King Xiang, your words don't count..."

Li Hanyi, who personally changed Zhu Bai's clothes, straightened his collar, and said with a red face: "It seems that you men can't believe what you men say!" "


The refreshed Zhu Bai smiled: "I really checked your body, and I also checked what is going on with you." "

Right now

Zhu Bai had already figured out why Li Hanyi had clearly broken through to the Yuan Infant realm, but he didn't need to go through the baptism of heavenly tribulation.


He felt that Li Hanyi's situation could be assisted by others, and he planned to go to Zhu Yuanzhang to talk about this matter, and prepare for Zhu Yuanzhang's breakthrough to the Yuan Infant Heavenly Tribulation.

Don't look at Zhu Bai's breakthrough to the Yuan Infant realm when it is very simple and easy, but it is not so easy to change someone.

Even when this guy Li Changsheng broke through the Yuan Infant realm, he was also very embarrassed, which implied countless risks.

Just when Zhu Bai and Li Hanyi were packing up and preparing to go to breakfast, a little palace lady carefully came to Zhu Bai: "Your Highness, the imperial grandson Zhu Yunjiang is outside the palace, saying that he is asking to see you." "

"Huh? Zhu Yunjiang wants to see King Ben? "

Zhu Bai's eyes narrowed, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he was surprised that Zhu Yunjiang wanted to see him.


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