Chapter 189: Zhu Yunjiang is also worthy? A level with Zhu Qizhen, Zhu Biao wants to conquer ten thousand worlds!

Zhu Yunjiang suddenly wanted to come to see him, which surprised Zhu Bai.

After all

This kid used to avoid him~!

And now,

But there was the audacity - the son took the initiative to come to him ?!

"What does this kid want to do?"

A thick look of doubt flashed in Zhu Bai's eyes, but soon, the look of doubt in his eyes disappeared: "It seems that this kid wants me to guide him in cultivating immortals-......

That's the only possibility.


Zhu Baike was not interested in teaching him to cultivate immortals!

If it weren't for the face of the eldest brother...

He had already killed Zhu Yunjiang, this idiot!

"Let him get out!"

Zhu Bai had no interest in seeing Zhu Yunjiang, and said to Xiaogong'e: "Tell him that he must not step into King Ben's palace in the future, otherwise King Ben will break his dog's leg." "

"Huh?! This..."

Xiao Gong'e was immediately stunned: "These words... I dare not say..."

How to say that Zhu Yunjiang is also an imperial grandson.

Where else did she dare to say those words to him...

"Afraid of what?"

Zhu Bai raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Don't forget, you are a person in the palace of this king, and no one dares to move you casually and stand up." "

"Good, good..."

Having said that, what else can Xiao Gong'e say?


She turned and left.

Outside the palace.

Zhu Yunjiang was standing outside the gate.

At this point,

The look on his face was very nervous.

"There are a lot of uncles in twelve, so they shouldn't think so much about me, right?" Zhu Yunjiao himself does not know what attitude Zhu Bai has towards himself now, he can only come to the door with the attitude of trying it out, if it is done, it is naturally a good thing.

If it doesn't...

"No matter how I say it, I am also an imperial grandson, my father is still a prince, and the twelfth uncle will definitely see me." Zhu Yunjiang constantly comforted himself and encouraged himself.

And in the mind begins to organize the language.

I thought about what to say when I saw Zhu Department Store later.

"His Royal Highness..."

Just as Zhu Yunjiang lowered his head to organize the language in his heart, the little palace maid walked out and came to him: "His Royal Highness King Xiang let you roll, and also asked you not to step into the palace of His Royal Highness King Xiang in the future, otherwise it will break your legs..."

Zhu Yunjiang: "?!!! "

Suddenly looked up,

Looking at the little palace maid in disbelief, she only felt that her brain was buzzing, and she couldn't accept the news.

"It can't be..."

After being stunned for a moment, Zhu Yunjiang's face changed, and he exclaimed violently: "It is impossible for the twelfth uncle..."


He hasn't finished speaking.

After notifying him, the little palace maid didn't look at him much, turned around and went back to the palace.

After all, the words have already been brought.

As for how Zhu Yunjiang did it.

So what does it have to do with her.

She didn't want to stay here to attract hatred and get herself into trouble.

Zhu Yunjiang watched the little palace maid turn around and leave, the expression on her face was livid, and she trembled with anger.

"How can this be?!"

"Uncle Twelve..."

"How can you do this to me?!"

"It's too much!"

Zhu Yunjiang clenched his fists, his eyes were full of anger, and he felt humiliated.

Angry, he turned around and left, heading straight to the East Palace and rushing back.

He knew that he would be of little use staying here and would only continue to be humiliated.


Might as well go back and figure it out!

When Zhu Yunjiang, who had a livid face and an angry face, had just returned to the East Palace, Zhu Biao just walked out from inside.

"What's going on with you?"

Zhu Biao saw Zhu Yunjiang's appearance, and his brows suddenly frowned: "What for?" (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhu Yunjiang stopped.

Glancing at his father, he spoke with a grievance: "Father, uncle twelve, he is too much..."


Before Zhu Yunjiang finished speaking, Zhu Biao's face suddenly changed.


Zhu Biao, who was so smart, naturally guessed what Zhu Yunjiao had done, and his face suddenly turned livid: "Who asked you to go to your twelfth uncle?" Who gave you the guts to go to your twelfth uncle? Live impatiently, huh?! Mess with stuff! "

The annoyed Zhu Target directly slapped Zhu Yunjiang's face, and smacked him out.

A scream.

Zhu Yunjiang fell to the ground.

A face swollen old high, bruised.

The severe pain made Zhu Yuanwen groan and wail, and he got up with an incredulous look and looked at his father.

"Dad, why did you hit me?!"

Zhu Yunjiang's brain was stunned, and he looked at Zhu Biao with grievance and trepidation: "What's wrong with me looking for Uncle Twelfth?" I just want to ask Uncle Twelve to guide me in my practice... Is there anything wrong with that?! "Obviously, he doesn't feel there is anything wrong with his behavior.


Zhu Biao was angry and stupid by Zhu Yunjiang's stupid words, his face was gloomy, and he instantly appeared in front of him, grabbed him by the neck and picked him up, and scolded him angrily: "You bastard!" Idiot! Do you still have the face to go to your twelfth uncle to guide you in your practice? Why are you?! "

"Don't you still know the mess you do in future history?!"

"Don't you understand..."

"Are you still alive to thank your twelfth uncle for a lot?"

Picked up by Zhu Biao for a while, Zhu Yunjiao was shocked and afraid, his face was pale, but he was still unconvinced: "Those things are not what I do now!" Why did it count on my head?! I'm not convinced..."

Zhu Yunjiang's words made Zhu Biao even more angry, and directly slapped him in the face again.



Zhu Biao started quite ruthlessly, and directly slapped Zhu Yunjiao out, causing him to scream in pain and fall to the ground crying bitterly.

"Coming !!"

Zhu Biao naturally did not lay a dead hand, looking at Zhu Yunjiang, who fell to the ground and cried bitterly, he drank loudly with a gloomy face: "Put this villain under house arrest in the palace!" Without the order of the main palace, it is not allowed to step out of the door!! "

For this stupid son, Zhu Biao really couldn't stand it.

He couldn't figure it out if he wanted to break his head...

Where did his stupid son come from to dare to go to Zhu Bai for guidance?!

As Zhu Biao's words fell, two figures suddenly flashed out from the side, appeared beside Zhu Yunjiang, picked him up, and then took him away from Zhu Biao's face amid his screams.

"Mess with it..."

Seeing Zhu Yunjiang being taken away, Zhu Biao sighed and felt speechless: "Why did I give birth to such a bastard thing?" Fortunately, he can't be the emperor in this life, Xiong Ying is here, he will never have a chance..."

When he thought of his eldest son Zhu Xiongying, the expression on Zhu Biao's face softened a little.

The eldest son, Zhu Xiongying, is very good.

"By the way..."

Thinking of Zhu Xiongying, Zhu Biao's eyes suddenly lit up: "Or, discuss with my father and let Xiongying come to supervise the country?" Anyway, the throne will be passed to him in the future..."

When I think of it.

Zhu Biao was immediately excited.

The figure flashed, disappeared in an instant, and went straight to the Huagai Hall.

He wanted to find Zhu Yuanzhang and discuss the feasibility of this matter, if Zhu Yuanzhang agreed, then he would ...

You can follow Zhu Bai to conquer the major worlds.

Compared to staying in Hongwu Daming to manage the imperial government, Zhu Biao hopes to follow Zhu Bai, Zhu Yuanzhang and others to conquer the heavens and realms!


Chapter 5 is here, absolutely strive to burst more, quality assurance!

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