Chapter 190: Cave Heaven Blessed to Dodge Heavenly Tribulation, the Science and Technology Army Can Form Mecha?!

When Zhu Biao rushed to the Huagai store, he found that Zhu Bai was chatting with Zhu Yuanzhang about something.

Moreover, he found that the old man's face was full of joy, and he seemed to have something very happy.

"Dad, twelfth brother, what are you talking about?"

A curious look appeared on Zhu Biao's face, and he hurriedly leaned over and asked, "I seem to hear you guys chatting about robbery?" Why did you suddenly talk about this? Shouldn't it be Daddy, you really want to break through the Yuan Baby realm? Not so fast, right? "

"How? Can't Lao Tzu break through the Yuan Infant realm? Zhu Yuanzhang glanced back at Zhu Biao and snorted lightly: "How do you feel that you don't seem to want us to break through?" Could it be, worried that after we break through, you stinky boy can't keep up with the rhythm? "

Zhu Biao: "..."

That's right...

A look of speechlessness appeared on his face, and Zhu Biao was a little helpless. "Nine Eight Seven"

"Dad, look at what you said, how can my son not want you to break through? The higher the realm you break through, the happier I am! Saying that, Zhu Biao's gaze looked at Zhu Bai: "Twelfth brother, what are you talking about with the old man?" "

He was really curious...

What exactly were Zhu Bai and Zhu Yuanzhang talking about, and Zhu Yuanzhang was so happy to talk.

"It's really about the Heavenly Tribulation..."

Zhu Bai looked at Zhu Biao with a curious look, and said with a smile: "Isn't the old man about to break through the Yuan Infant realm?" I just happened to find a good way for him to not have to suffer the Yuan Infant Heavenly Tribulation when he breaks through..."

"What? And this? "

Zhu Biao was taken aback: "Can the Yuan Infant Heavenly Tribulation Realm be avoided?" How is it done? Can everyone escape the Yuan Infant Tribulation? If this is the case, his influence will be too great, and it will be a happy thing for all the people of Daming! "

The horror of the Heavenly Tribulation Zhu Biao has been seen, and when Zhu Bai and Li Changsheng broke through, both Heavenly Tribulation fell, and the scene was extremely terrifying and terrifying.

He thought that sooner or later he would also break through the Yuan Infant realm.

When the time comes,

It is inevitable to face the Yuan Infant Tribulation.


What Zhu Bai said was true, and that was undoubtedly good news for him.

After all

Few people like to be struck by lightning!

He Zhu Biao naturally didn't like this kind of thing!


Zhu Bai thought of Li Hanyi, and said with a smile: "Li Hanyi's current cultivation has successfully broken through to the Yuan Infant realm, but she has not been split by the Heavenly Tribulation, I found the reason for this after research, and this is sure that others can also do it, and they can also successfully break through the Yuan Infant realm without going through the baptism of the Heavenly Tribulation!" "


When Zhu Biao heard this, he immediately gasped, his eyes showed excitement, and Zhu Bai quickly asked: "This is also amazing!" Even the Heavenly Tribulation can hide, what is the method?! "

He can't wait to know what can do that.

"Blessed with heaven!"

A flash of essence flashed in Zhu Bai's eyes, and he said slowly: "As long as you enter the Cave Heaven Blessed Land Retreat before breaking through the Yuan Infant Realm, you can successfully break through to the Yuan Infant Realm, but you will not be bombarded by the Yuan Infant Heavenly Tribulation!" "

"What is the truth of this?!" Zhu Biao was taken aback: "Dongtian Blessed Earth, there is such a magical effect?!" "

He was stunned!

The strength of Dongtian Blessed Land was naturally understood, but he did not expect that Dongtian Blessed Land still hid this ability!

"What's the truth?"

Zhu Bai's eyes narrowed slightly, a look of thought flashed in his eyes, and slowly said: "It must be because of the reason that the heavens and the earth are blessed and wandering outside the six reincarnations, right?" Perhaps, it is some other reason, but I can't be sure yet! The only thing that is certain now is that Dongtian Blessed Land can indeed allow people to avoid the Yuan Infant Heavenly Tribulation, and it is even possible to avoid a stronger Heavenly Tribulation. "

"Of course..."

"I'm not sure yet!"

"You need to wait until someone breaks through to a higher realm before you can verify it."

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard Zhu Bai's words, he was shocked and couldn't help but smile at the same time: "Then it seems that Bai'er, you are the first person to experiment... After all, in the entire Daming Heavens Alliance, the person with the highest cultivation realm is you, the fastest cultivation speed is also you, and the first to break through to the next great realm must also be you! You can't escape this. "

Zhu Bai: "..."

Well said and reasonable!

Talk of me as a guinea pig!

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and Zhu Bai was a little crying and laughing, of course, he didn't care much about this matter.

For the Heavenly Tribulation, he had many ways to deal with it. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Unlike Zhu Yuanzhang, these people can only carry those terrifying heavenly calamities.

"When am I going to break through the Yuan Infant realm, I must first hide in the Dongtian Blessed Land..." Zhu Biao looked at Zhu Bai's speechless expression, and smiled proudly: "At that time, I will definitely not be struck by lightning!" Thunder splitting this kind of thing, let the twelfth brother bear it..."

Zhu Bai couldn't help it, and gave Zhu Biao a thumbs up 0.........

"Good big brother!"

Rolling his eyes, Zhu Bai said angrily: "You are really my good big brother!" Let me do everything that carries the mines, right? Boy! "

Of course

He also knew that Zhu Biao was just joking.

If there really is anything, his eldest brother will definitely stand in front of him and carry it for himself.

After all

This has been true since childhood.

It is precisely because of this that Zhu Bai will be willing to not only give Zhu Biao a lot of opportunities.


Listening to Zhu Bai's words, Zhu Biao laughed: "Of course! "

After laughing twice, Zhu Biao's face suddenly straightened, and he said to Zhu Bai again: "Twelfth brother, Zhu Yunjiao went to find you, right?" "

Speaking of this, Zhu Biao was a little helpless and entangled in his heart.

What Zhu Yunjiang did in history was indeed quite messy, so that he, the father, remembered that he had an urge to kill him.

"How do you bring this up?"

A look of surprise appeared on Zhu Bai's face: "He did come to me this morning, but I didn't see him." "

This matter, Zhu Bai saw it very lightly, and said it very calmly.

"Don't care about that villain in the future!"

Zhu Biao gritted his teeth and said, "I will be optimistic about him and will never let him trouble you again!" "

Zhu Bai smiled indifferently, could understand Zhu Biao's mood, nodded, and didn't say anything more, after all, he didn't want to make it difficult for his eldest brother.

Zhu Yuanzhang on the side, listening to the conversation between Zhu Biao and Zhu Bai 3.2, his eyes flashed slightly, and suddenly said: "Biao'er, we seem to have heard you mention Liu Bowen yesterday?" What's wrong with this guy? "


Zhu Yuanzhang didn't want to embarrass his two sons, so he directly changed the topic and mentioned the things that Zhu Biao mentioned yesterday.

When Zhu Biao heard Zhu Yuanzhang's words, his heart was shocked, and he quickly said: "Liu Bowen sent back the news that while raising dragons in the Avatar world, he also set up a scientific and technological fleet for Daming, and I want to ask Dad if you want him to bring the scientific and technological army back to Hongwu Daming?" Listening to him, the strength of the scientific and technological army he formed is still quite good, moreover, there is considerable development potential..."


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