Chapter 191: Old Zhu's Heartbeat, the Heavenly Daming Mecha Legion? Looks like it can!

Hearing Zhu Biao mention Liu Bowen and the army of science and technology, Zhu Yuanzhang's face showed a strong look of curiosity, and he couldn't help but ask him: "The army of science and technology? It's those... The so-called army of spaceships? "

"Liu Bowen, this guy, why did you get this thing upside down? That army of science and technology, isn't it a weak chicken? "

"He's okay, what is the technology army doing?"

"Waste of time!"

"With time, it's better to cultivate well and raise dragons for Daming!"

Previously, the Ming army descended on the world of Pandora and fought with the army of science and technology.

Destroy the decay, and destroy the so-called scientific and technological army. Let Zhu Yuanzhang not attach great importance to the so-called scientific and technological army.

I feel that the so-called army of science and technology is not a grade at all compared to the army of immortal cultivators in Daming, so it is completely unnecessary to waste energy on the army of immortal cultivators.

There is that idle thought...

It's better to ponder the cultivation of immortals!

Raise a dragon well!

This is the right path!

However, after listening to Zhu Biao's words, a light flashed in his eyes, and a look of deep thought appeared on his face. 09

For technology,

Zhu Bai's understanding is not something that Zhu Yuanzhang and these people can compare. He knows that technology is just as powerful and has unlimited potential!

With Xiu Xian,

Completely two different paths!


Or a path that Daming can try!

After a moment of silence, Zhu Bai planned to talk to Zhu Yuanzhang about science and technology so that he could understand the real technology.

"Dad, the army of science and technology is actually not as weak as imagined, and if the army of science and technology develops to the point of being strong enough, it will also be very terrifying..."

After sorting out his thoughts, Zhu Bai said to Zhu Yuanzhang: "The reason why you feel that the scientific and technological army is not strong is because the scientific and technological army we faced before can only be regarded as a low-level scientific and technological army; There is a saying that I think is very good, the end of technology is theology. When the development of science and technology is strong enough, it has the ability to wrestle with immortal cultivators. "

As soon as these words came out, Zhu Yuanzhang's face suddenly froze, and his eyes were full of incredible shock.

"How strong is the tech army? Developed to the extreme... He was actually qualified to wrestle with an immortal cultivator? Really fake? How unreal do we think so? Zhu Yuanzhang was shocked, and couldn't help but exclaim in a low voice: "Bai'er, aren't you joking with us?" It's better not to joke about this kind of thing..."

For cultivating immortals, Zhu Yuanzhang now highly respects and thinks that this is the most powerful path, but now Zhu Bai's words are undoubtedly a new lesson for him, and he is a little unacceptable for a while.

Not only him,

Even Zhu Biao was shocked, his face was shocked, but he did not speak, but stared at Zhu Bai closely, wanting to hear his follow-up statement.

In his opinion,

Since Zhu Bai said so, it will definitely not be simple.


Their understanding of the scientific and technological army needs to be updated.

"What I said is not false..."

Looking at Zhu Yuanzhang's shocked appearance, Zhu Bai slowly said: "The army of science and technology, after being strong enough, is indeed very terrifying, destroying the sky and the earth, destroying the stars, the sun and the moon with one blow, not to mention..."

In his mind, various terrifying scientific and technological civilizations appeared, such as the powerful three-body civilization, and various powerful scientific and technological civilizations above the three-body civilization!


Zeroer civilization can even restart the entire universe!

Think about it...

It makes people's scalp numb!


Beyond outer space...

There really is such a powerful scientific and technological civilization!

"Technology can also destroy the world? One blow to destroy the stars, the sun and the moon? Zhu Yuanzhang gasped: "Is the scientific and technological civilization really so strong? Unthinkable! "

Zhu Yuanzhang was completely shocked!

It feels like the door to a new world has been opened!

Zhu Biao also felt a tingling in his scalp, and his brain was buzzing. Destroy the sun, moon and stars with one blow, even if it is now Daming, no one can do it!

"Technology can indeed do it."

Zhu Bai nodded slightly and said: "In the future time and space, science and technology is the mainstream, and it is also one of the best ways for ordinary humans to become stronger, ordinary humans who cannot cultivate immortals, and can even do it, with the help of powerful technology, to achieve immortality, immortality and immortality..."


Zhu Bai's words. It's like a thunderbolt on a sunny day. Instantly let Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao two of them. I was stunned in place. The eyeballs almost popped out of the eye sockets.

This news. It's amazing.

"Of course..."

Looking at Zhu Yuanzhang's shocked appearance, Zhu Bai said again: "The road of science and technology is not so easy to follow, if you want science and technology to develop to the extreme, I think, it is not easier than cultivating immortals..."


Billions of people around the world, trying their best, have not been able to get out of the earth through technology. It can be seen that the development of science and technology is not as easy as imagined.

"The development of science and technology also requires the investment of countless resources, countless manpower, and even luck to continuously break through and make human beings stronger with the help of external forces!"

Although Zhu Bai knew that the development of science and technology to the peak was indeed very strong, but now he did not plan to put his main energy on technology, but he thought: "Dad, I think Daming can share some experiences, invest in science and technology, open up another battlefield for Daming, and make two preparations!" "

"Open up a whole new path for those Daming people who can't cultivate, so that they can have the hope of becoming stronger!" Of course, science and technology can also greatly facilitate the lives of ordinary people and improve their living standards..."

Although Zhu Bai himself will definitely not focus on science and technology, but all his energy is on cultivating immortals, he believes that he can let some Daming people go to science and technology.

290 "Can it still be like this..."

After listening to Zhu Bai's words, Zhu Yuanzhang slowly became calmer, his deep eyes flashed with a thoughtful light, and after a moment of silence, he slowly said: "Bai'er, your idea is quite feasible, this really opens up a new path for Ming..." )

"Let the people of Daming have more choices."

"In that case..."

Zhu Yuanzhang's gaze fell on Zhu Biao, and said to him: "Boss, you immediately go and let Liu Bowen bring his scientific and technological army back, let us take a good look, understand it well, and then discuss together after understanding, to see if we can turn the scientific and technological army into a supplement to the power of Daming..."


He was a little moved.

As the head of the empire, he naturally hoped that his empire would be stronger and stronger. Now, there are new ways to make Daming's overall strength improve again, and he is naturally very willing.

"No problem!"

Zhu Biao obviously realized the importance of the matter, and after nodding slightly, he no longer hesitated, when even if he asked people to inform Liu Bowen, let him bring the scientific and technological army back, and then study the scientific and technological army well.


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