Chapter 193: Sky City, Great Tomorrow Palace, the Heavens Are Staggered!

Hongwu Daming plane.

Ying Tiancheng.

Above the sky, a huge void crack almost crossed the entire sky.

In the void crack, you can faintly see the scene inside the blessed earth.

Zhu Bai, Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao, and Old Zhu Di were standing in the palace, looking up at the huge void crack in the sky, looking at the scene in the Dongtian Blessed Land, and were talking about moving the entire palace to the Dongtian Blessed Land.

"It's a big project..."

After listening to Zhu Bai's words, Zhu Yuanzhang's face showed a strong shock: "You want to move the entire palace directly to Dongtian Blessed Land, can this really be done?" "

What Zhu Bai wants to do is not to build another royal palace in the blessed land.

Instead, the current imperial palace was dug up directly from the ground and moved to the blessed land, and this brain-opening idea completely calmed Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Twelfth brother, your idea is really amazing..." Zhu Biao also had to sigh and be shocked: "Where do ordinary people dare to think of such crazy things? The whole royal palace, how heavy is that, can it be moved?! "

It's not that he doesn't believe in Jubai's means.

It's this kind of thing...

It's so weird!

Daming Imperial Palace, countless palaces, want to carry it directly, move to Dongtian Blessed Land, think about it makes people's scalp numb 213!


Zhu Bai's eyes flickered slightly, a smile appeared on his face, and said with a smile: "Of course, it's still a little difficult, I need your father to help me together..."


Zhu Bai is now a Yuan Infant cultivator, but it is still quite difficult to cause the entire palace intact from the ground and finally send it to the Dongtian Blessed Land.


If there were Zhu Yuanzhang and Li Changsheng to help, it would be much easier, and this could be done safely.

"Then do !!"

Old Zhu Di's eyes showed a look of excitement: "Hongwu Daming is the center of the Daming Heavenly Alliance, and the palace is in the heavenly cave blessed land, this is domineering enough!" "

"Moving the palace to Dongtian Blessed Land, can it still be regarded as an ordinary royal palace?" Xiao Zhu Di also looked very excited, and his eyes were full of fanaticism: "This is... Daming's Heavenly Palace!! "

Daming's Heavenly Palace!!

Xiao Zhu Di's words made Zhu Yuanzhang and the others' hearts a little hot.

This is an unprecedented event!

The symbolism is great!

It is enough to raise the pattern of the Daming Dynasty to a higher level!

The royal palace in the sky...

What dynasty could have done it before?!


(BACJ) Boer, when are you going to do it?! "

Zhu Yuanzhang also got up a little impatiently, and asked Zhu Bai: "Do you want to do it now?" After letting everyone in the palace come out, we will work together to send the palace to the blessed land! "

Brush brush brush !!

Everyone's eyes were focused on Zhu Bai, and their eyes showed a strong excitement, expectation, as long as Zhu Bai gave an order, they would immediately take action to build the Daming Heavenly Palace!

"Then let's act..."

Seeing everyone's expectant look, Zhu Bai no longer hesitated after thinking for a while: "Hanyi, you go and call your master and let him come over." "

"It's a little easier with his help."

As soon as Li Hanyi heard Zhu Bai's words, he quickly nodded: "Okay, His Royal Highness King Xiang, I'll go and inform the master." "


Li Hanyi did not hesitate without any hesitation, brushed his figure and disappeared in the original, and quickly went to inform Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng, as the second Yuan Infant cultivator of Daming, is strong and terrifying, and his move can relieve a lot of pressure on Zhu Bai!

Just as Zhu Bai, Zhu Yuanzhang and the others were discussing how to act, Li Hanyi rushed back with Li Changsheng.

"His Royal Highness King Xiang, you want to move the entire palace to Dongtian Blessed Land?" Li Changsheng had obviously learned the situation from Li Hanyi's mouth, and his face was full of shock: "The Daming Palace is so huge, can this really be done?!" "

At this time, (read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

Li Changsheng looked at Zhu Bai's eyes, full of shock, as if looking at a monster, frightened by his huge brain hole!

He didn't dare to imagine that Zhu Bai dared to be so crazy.

"As long as you cooperate, it's not a big problem."

A calm smile appeared on Zhu Bai's face, and said with a smile: "Prepare, start right away." "

Zhu Bai said so, and Li Changsheng naturally could only nod.


The people in the palace all got the news.

After getting the news, the people in the palace evacuated from the palace one after another, and walked out of the palace in shock, all kinds of discussions and exclamations.


The hundreds of military officials of the Chaozong Sect, and even the hundreds of people in Ying Tiancheng, all learned the news.

"Why would His Royal Highness King Xiang bother, they want to move the palace to the sky?" Xu Da, who rushed over after receiving the news, almost widened his eyes in shock, and exclaimed: "Isn't this practice too crazy?" That's the whole palace! It's the equivalent of a city..."

"It's crazy indeed!" Lan Yu, who also rushed over, was also numb by the shock, looked at the figures of Zhu Bai, Zhu Yuanzhang and others in the sky with a terrified expression, swallowed his saliva, and shouted in horror: "If it succeeds, then the meaning is too great..."

Daming built the Heavenly Palace.

This is definitely a big event that deserves to go down in history.

When they thought that they would go to heaven in the future, they were shocked and excited, and at the same time felt a little dreamy.

Of course

There are also some officials with relatively low cultivation realms, who feel a little numb, because they can't fly yet, and after the palace moved to the sky, they went to the upper dynasty... What's the whole thing? Can't go up!

And the people in Yingtian City were more excited and shocked when they learned the news.

Countless people of Daming Yingtian were cheering for this matter.

The crowd cheered.

In the sky,

After Zhu Bai, Zhu Yuanzhang and the others finished explaining, their figures flashed and appeared in the sky in the center of the palace town.

"Brush brush brush-)"

Zhu Yuanzhang and the others also acted quickly, their figures appeared in the sky of each corner of the palace, and a large number of top cultivators of Daming, including Li Changsheng, appeared in the special position arranged by Zhu Bai!

Zhu Bai planned to use a powerful formation to pull the entire palace up from the ground and move it to the blessed earth.

"Get ready to do it!"

Standing above the sky of the palace, Zhu Bai glanced at the huge Daming Palace below, and then glanced at Zhu Yuanzhang and the others, and spoke in a deep voice: "After I made a move, everyone focused their strength on the eyes of the formation array that had been arranged below. "

His voice, roaring like heavenly thunder, spread throughout Yingtian City. Countless people could hear it clearly.

Zhu Yuanzhang and the others, hearing his words, were even more shocked, and they all said that they were ready and ready to start at any time.

"Do it!"

After being ready, Zhu Bai no longer hesitated, the huge power in his body surged instantly, and a hot essence surged out of his eyes, and the huge power penetrated out like a tide, merging into the eyes of a huge formation formation below.


Zhu Yuanzhang, Li Changsheng and others also started at the first time.

All of a sudden,

One after another dazzling golden light fell from the sky and fell into the eyes of the formation formations in all corners of the palace.


The entire palace was full of golden light, the earth shook violently, countless mysterious runes flashed in the sky, the walls of the palace, the houses, the beams and pillars, and even the flowers and plants in the palace's royal garden were shrouded in mysterious runic light!


Under the amazed gazes of countless people, the huge Daming Palace shook violently, and it slowly rose up! .

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