194: Tiangong completed, Liu Bowen returned, and the scientific and technological warships gathered!

Under the terrified gaze of countless Daming people, the entire Daming Palace slowly rose into the air, and on the ground appeared a deep space that was difficult to see the boundary with the naked eye, and the deep pit was hundreds of meters deep.

The entire Yingtian Palace was uprooted.

The royal palace that rose into the sky, under the combined control of Zhu Bai, Zhu Yuanzhang and others, slowly flew towards that huge void crack.

At the same time, the Void Rift is expanding.


The huge imperial city, under the attention of everyone, slowly flew into the void crack and entered the cave heaven blessed land!


Within the blessed earth, the spiritual energy is turbulent, much richer than the outside world!

The huge royal palace, after entering the cave heaven blessed land, fell on a huge plain!

"Boom !!"

With a huge booming "June 13" sound, the earth trembled violently, and the Daming Palace completely fell into the Dongtian Blessed Land!

"It's !!"

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was sweating profusely, saw his palace fall in the cave blessed land, and his face suddenly showed a look of relief, just now he was really tired enough, and at the same time very worried, for fear of a little problem.

You know, it's his royal palace!

And still in Yingtian City, the royal palace was raised from the ground!

If there was a little accident, the huge palace fell from the sky and smashed into Yingtian City, the consequences would be unimaginable!


Everything went very smoothly!!

"The Great Tomorrow Palace has finally been completed!"

Zhu Biao, Zhu Di and others were also very excited and excited.

In the major worlds of the Daming Heavens Alliance, the first sky city was born from their hands.


It was Zhu Bai who moved the palace to Dongtian Blessed Land and became the main force of Sky City.

But they were also involved.

This makes them feel honored.

In Yingtian City,

Countless Daming people who were paying attention to this matter also burst into cheers and shouts when they saw the palace smoothly fall into the cave heaven blessed land. Everyone understood that the completion of Daming's Heavenly Palace was of great significance to Daming and greatly enhanced Daming's prestige.


It can make the people of Daming more proud and proud!

"Sky City..."

Old Zhu Di's eyes were full of yearning, and he came to Zhu Bai's side, and asked him with an expectant face: "Twelfth brother, can the Yongle Dynasty also have a heavenly palace?" Can you help the Yongle Dynasty and move the palace to the Dongtian Blessed Land? "

As soon as these words came out,

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly raised his eyebrows, glanced back at Old Zhu Di, and then snorted softly: "Bastard boy!" What do you think? The Heavenly Palace is the symbol of Daming, which Hongwu Daming is qualified to have, and you Yongle Dynasty also want to have it? Do you want to crush your Lao Tzu? "

Old Zhu Di: "..."

You listen...

What are these words?!

"What's the matter?" The speechless old Zhu Di showed a look of crying and laughter on his face: "Dad, I just think that the palace is in the sky, and the prestige of the royal family has been greatly improved, how can I think of pressing you?" How dare I have the courage..."

Even if he had this idea, Old Zhu Di did not dare to say it.

After all

Old Zhu beats people really hurt!


If he wanted to beat someone, few people dared to fight back, so he could only bite the bullet and be beaten in vain.


Zhu Yuanzhang snorted lightly and glared at Old Zhu Di: "You'd better think so!" If you let us know that you want to crush us, look at your brain, how I clean you up, it's over! "

Lao Zhu was stunned and speechless.

Zhu Biao, who rushed over, heard Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di talking, and he couldn't stand it.


Zhu Biao said to Zhu Yuanzhang speechlessly: "Other people's families hope that their children will be stronger than the ancestors, why did they come to you, but you don't want our brothers to be stronger than you?" This...... Isn't that good? The stronger our descendants are, the more face you have, daddy? "

Zhu Yuanzhang: "..."

Zhu Biao's words made him choke for a while, and he couldn't refute it.

Zhu Bai had been watching quietly from the sidelines, watching their grandfather's behavior at this time, and shook his head quite speechlessly.


Zhu Bai raised his eyebrows, looked at the door of time and space to the world of Avatar, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes: "They are back." "

"What's back?" Speechless Zhu Yuanzhang, as soon as he heard Zhu Bai's words, glared at Zhu Biao, Zhu Di and the others, and quickly turned to Zhu Bai and asked, "Bai'er, what are you talking about?" You mean...... Liu Bowen they are back?! "

Zhu Yuanzhang noticed Zhu Bai's gaze and was looking at the door of time and space to the world of Avatar.


He reacted and guessed what Ju Bai was talking about.

"That's right."

Zhu Bai nodded slightly, and a curious look flashed in his eyes: "I don't know, what did Liu Bowen say about the scientific and technological army?" "

For the scientific and technological army of the avatar world, Zhu Bai is still quite interested.0 (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Although it is impossible for him to study any technology...


He can let other people study technology!

After the research came out, he just used it.

"Brush brush brush-"

Zhu Bai's words made everyone's eyes instantly fall on the door of time and space to the world of Avatar, and their eyes showed a strong look of surprise and curiosity, wanting them to be full of interest in the scientific and technological army of the Avatar world.

Under their gaze.

I saw the door of time and space to the world of Avatar.

Suddenly, the light burst out, and the blinding light lit up the entire sky.

Such a movement immediately attracted countless lights.

"Liu Bowen is back!"

"What kind of tech army is this guy doing?!"

"Hmph! This guy is not in business! If you don't raise dragons well, what kind of science and technology college? Monkey business! "


Xu Da, Lan Yu, Li Shanchang, and other great Ming and military officials also noticed the movement of the Gate of Time and Space at this time, and they all stared at the shining Gate of Time and Space one by one, and discussed in a low voice.

For Liu Bowen's behavior in the world of Avatar.

People like Li Shanchang, Liu Bowen, Lan Yu and others were a little unimpressed.

I think this guy is not doing his job.

Of course

Not many people know what Liu Bowen did in the Avatar world, only the 3.7 court members know, and as for the ordinary Daming people in Yingtian City, they do not know about it. They looked at the shining Gate of Time and Space at this time, and they were more puzzled and speculated.

Under the spotlight.

A roaring roar suddenly came from within the Gate of Time and Space.

The roar grew louder and louder from far and near, and finally resounded throughout Yingtian City.


With the terrifying roar of the engine, a huge space battleship with a silver-black luster slowly flew out from within the gate of time and space. The moment the space battleship flew out from within the gate of time and space, the ordinary people of Yingtian City were instantly stunned.


The new book of the old author is released, absolutely strive to burst more, quality assurance!

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