Chapter 195: The arrival of the army of science and technology, Old Zhu Da was overjoyed, and both heads went together!

The huge sound of the engine, the roar and roar, and the terrifying sound waves emitted shook the entire Yingtian City, making Yingtiancheng shake. Countless Daming people, feeling the huge sense of vibration, all felt their scalps numb, and looked up at the sky.

At last

What they saw was that a huge space battleship with a silver-black luster appeared in the sky through the door of time and space.

The huge battleship is like a floating steel island, covering the sky.

Exudes a strong sense of oppression.

"What kind of monster is this?!"

"Other worlds are coming?!"

"That's not right! There is a banner of Daming! This is the Daming stuff?! "

"Wouldn't this be the legendary Avatar world's technological weapon?!"

"What a strong sense of oppression! Can this technological weapon fight with the Jindan realm?! "


The vast majority of the Daming people have never seen the space battleship of scientific and technological civilization.


The moment the space battleship appeared, countless Daming people were frightened, and the exclamation resounded throughout Yingtian City; Hundreds of people are speculating one after another, discussing whether this huge space battleship that suddenly appeared can fight with immortal cultivators.

At this point,

Zhu 11 Yuanzhang, Zhu Bai, Zhu Di and others also looked up at the sky.

Saw the huge space battleship.

The scene that slowly comes out of the door of time and space.

This scene,

It made Zhu Yuanzhang's face show a look of surprise...

"This space battleship..."

Zhu Yuanzhang said in surprise: "It's much bigger than the space battleship I saw before, this is a new type of space battleship?" Just captured? Liu Bowen, this guy, seems to be not idle, and made some things..."

Space battleships that appeared at this time.

It was the space battleship that Liu Bowen was the first to capture.

It was larger than the space battleships seen when the army of Daming Xiuxian descended on the Avatar World before.

It gives a stronger sense of oppression and is quite terrifying.

"This space battleship..."

Zhu Bai's divine thoughts, instantly scanned the battleship that appeared first in the sky, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes: "The strength is quite strong, and with one blow with all his strength, it is estimated that it can severely damage the powerhouse of the Jindan realm, and even directly kill." "

He could feel the power contained in the energy core of the space battleship.

After some comparison, they can be sure that if they can lock the Jindan powerhouse, they will hit it with one blow.

That Jindan powerhouse will face a terrifying killing calamity.

"God?! This battleship ... Can it be compared with the Jindan powerhouse?! "

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned, and his face showed a thick shock: "That is, we can't beat this battleship?" Impossible, right? When I came to the Avatar World before, I didn't think this battleship was so terrifying! "

Zhu Biao, Xiao Zhu Di, Old Zhu and the others were also calmed by Zhu Bai's words, and their faces showed a thick look of horror.


Zhu Bai had already told them before that scientific and technological weapons had developed to the extreme, and their strength could not be underestimated, and they could even be compared with immortals, but in the end, they still did not quite believe that powerful immortal cultivators would lose to scientific and technological weapons!


Zhu Bai looked at the shocked appearance of Zhu Yuanzhang and the others, narrowed his eyes slightly, and slowly said: "However, compared to the flexibility of immortal cultivators, this huge space battleship is too clumsy, and the sci-fi weapons of the space battleship are difficult to lock on the Jindan realm powerhouse. "

"With its strong physical strength and flexible constitution, this space battleship really fights, and it is definitely not your opponent."

"Of course, if you want to be tough with him, then I won't say anything."

Zhu Bai's words made Zhu Yuanzhang and the others breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, it's okay..."

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed: "Is there a problem with our brains, how can we carry the muzzle of this ghost thing?" He will definitely walk around him through various immortal methods, look for the right opportunity, and kill with one hit. "

For this point, Zhu Yuanzhang is quite confident.

Recently, (read violent novels, on Feilu Novel Network!) )

Zhu Bai taught him a lot of powerful body immortal arts, and his speed reached a rather terrifying point, even if it is impossible to exceed the speed of light when traveling through the universe like a spaceship, he can still deal with powerful space battleships flexibly.


The roaring roar of the engine came out one after another.

When the first huge space battleship appeared, a large number of space battleships flew out from the gate of time and space, forming a huge fleet of interstellar battleships above the sky of Yingtian City.

The moment the huge fleet was formed, it exuded a terrifying coercive aura that destroyed the world and the earth.

Even if he has become an immortal cultivator, he thinks that he has become an immortal.

In Yingtian City,

Countless Daming people still felt heavy pressure at this moment, feeling that the terrifying fleet of space battleships in the sky could instantly turn the entire Yingtian City into flying ashes, and these people would also die and die!

The largest space battleship is the flagship of the entire fleet.


Liu Bowen is inside the flagship battleship.

Inside the battleship, he was able to see the scene of Yingtian City below clearly through the technological tools of the spaceship.


When he saw clearly the scene of Ying Tiancheng below, the person was dumbfounded.

"What's the situation?! What about the Royal Palace? What about a royal palace so big? Where's it going? "

Liu Bowen looked at the disappearing palace below, leaving only a huge deep pit, and only felt that his brain was buzzing: "Could it be that during my time in the Avatar world, the old nest of Daming was taken by someone?" The royal palace is gone?! "

He didn't know that the palace had been moved to Dongtian Blessed Land and became a heavenly palace.


He saw the scene below and was completely frightened.

"Liu Bowen, you are quite 150 awe-inspiring."

Just when Liu Bowen was frightened, Zhu Yuanzhang's voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "What do you want to do with leading such a huge army of science and technology back and making such a big movement?" Want to rebel? "


Zhu Yuanzhang's divine thought transmission suddenly made Liu Bowen's brain roar, his body was shocked, and his face suddenly became panicked: "Your Majesty, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, Your Majesty!" How dare Weichen rebel?! This is Daming's fleet, and Weichen just brought it back..."

Liu Bowen was frightened by Zhu Yuanzhang's words!

If the mighty army of science and technology he is now leading is regarded as a rebellion, then he will be finished...

He knows very well.

Although these scientific and technological armies are very powerful, in the face of the Daming Immortal Cultivation Army, it is still not enough to see after all!


Daming still has the terrifying existence of King Xiang!

That Wang Ye, he can destroy the flagship he is in with a raised hand, without ambiguity at all!

Liu Bowen, who came back to his senses, did not dare to hesitate, and quickly left the battleship in a panic, and then the imperial sword flew and quickly went in the direction of Zhu Yuanzhang!


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