Chapter 196: The Daming Royal Academy of Sciences was established, becoming an auxiliary way for cultivating immortals!

After Liu Bowen, who was trembling, came to Zhu Yuanzhang, he hurriedly saluted him, and explained again and again that he did not have any thoughts of rebellion, but after receiving the order of the crown prince Zhu Biao, he returned with the army of immortal cultivators to be reviewed.

"Look at your little appearance, give you a few more dares, you don't dare to rebel..."

Looking at Liu Bowen, who was frightened and pale, Zhu Yuanzhang pouted: "What happened to the dragon breeding farm on Pandora Planet?" How many dragons can be provided to Daming in a year? Can it meet the requirements of the Ming Dragoon Legion? "


Liu Bowen let out a long sigh of relief, and the flustered look on his face finally subsided.

Fortunately, His Majesty just wanted to scare himself.

I didn't think that after staying on the planet Pandora for a long time, I had something I shouldn't have in mind.

"Back to Your Majesty, the current Daming Dragon Breeding Farm has achieved very gratifying results..."

Liu Bowen did not dare to hide anything, and reported to Zhu Yuanzhang: "At present, nine dragon breeding farms have been built, but because the time is too short, the dragon breeding farms have not yet grown, and the flying dragons provided to the Daming Dragoon Legion are all tamed wild flying dragons, so they can only provide up to two thousand dragons per year, and if you want more, it will take at least more than ten years, and wait for the Daming artificially bred flying dragons to grow up..."

What he said was based on the actual situation, and he did not dare to exaggerate anything.

He didn't want to exaggerate.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked him to take out the dragon, but he couldn't take it out.

That's a lot of trouble.

"It will take more than ten years?"

Zhu Yuanzhang listened to Liu Bowen's words and nodded slightly: "More than ten years, not long after." "

If it was when he had not cultivated immortals before, hearing about this time of more than ten years, Zhu Yuanzhang would definitely feel that it had been too long, after all, he had not lived for a few years.

But it's different now.

Now he is an immortal cultivator, and only for the realm, he has also reached the realm of Jindan.

According to Zhu Bai, with his Jindan realm cultivation, his lifespan is at least more than a thousand years, and his lifespan will continue to increase with the growth of the cultivation realm, so for more than ten years, he can completely afford to wait, or he doesn't care at all!

Liu Bowen was originally a little worried, and Zhu Yuanzhang would be a little dissatisfied after hearing the time he said.

Now listening to him, Shi Che breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Majesty, Weichen also found that Daming's dragon breeding farm can raise dragons comparable to the old dragon king of His Royal Highness King Xiang! It could even be stronger..."

Speaking of this, Liu Bowen's eyes flashed with essence, and he said excitedly: "Because, Weichen and a group of subordinates have applied the method of cultivating immortals to the dragon breeding, constantly optimizing the dragon, and making the dragon transform..."

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes suddenly burst with essence, and he was completely aroused by the curiosity in his heart.

Even Zhu Bai showed surprise.

He looked at Liu Bowen in surprise.

"Yes, Liu Bowen..."

A smile appeared on Zhu Yuanzhang's face and asked with a smile: "How did you come up with this?" What do you mean... Shouldn't it be to let the dragon also cultivate immortals? Could it be that you have also figured out exercises suitable for dragon cultivation? "

He knows

Dragons are actually quite intelligent, not even less intelligent than humans.

It's just that

He really hadn't thought about this kind of thing to make dragons cultivate like humans.

"The reason why I thought of this is because the dust thought of the mythical and legendary demon race..." Hearing Zhu Yuanzhang's praise for himself, Liu Bowen also showed a smile on his face, and he was very excited: "Isn't the legendary demon race that can cultivate and transform?" So I thought about giving it a try, and it really worked, but it's just the beginning, and I need to continue to optimize..."

"It's okay."

Zhu Yuanzhang was indeed a little surprised, and he also became appreciative of Liu Bowen: "It seems that there is nothing wrong with us letting you stay in the Avatar world, in the future, you will reside in the Avatar world and cultivate more powerful dragons for Daming." "

Liu Bowen: "..."

He wants to come back...


Zhu Yuanzhang has already said this, he knows that he can only stay in the Avatar world in the future...

"Don't worry, the world of Avatar will continue to evolve, and finally become very suitable for cultivating immortals, and you can also continue to cultivate immortals over there and become stronger." Zhu Bai had been paying attention to the change in Liu Bowen's expression, and seeing the anxious look in the depths of his eyes, he opened his mouth and said to him: "As for what you said about letting the dragon cultivate immortals, King Ben has also thought about this matter, and has some ideas, so you come to King Ben, and King Ben will discuss it with you." "


As soon as Zhu Bai spoke, Liu Bowen suddenly became excited and no longer depressed.

With Zhu Bai's words, he felt that he didn't need to worry at all, and Zhu Bai didn't have to lie to him at all.

When Liu Bowen breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, Zhu Biao, who was observing him on the side, glanced up at the starship fleet in the sky, and then his gaze fell on him, and asked him in a deep voice: "Liu Bowen, you science and technology army, what is the situation now?" "

As soon as he heard this, Liu Bo suddenly became interested. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“.. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince..."

Liu Bowen sorted out his thoughts and said with a serious face: "Weichen feels that Daming needs to pay more attention to the army of science and technology, which will greatly improve the overall strength of Daming and make Daming's power more diversified..."


"Weichen these days, in the Avatar world, through various channels, he has a detailed and in-depth understanding of scientific and technological matters..."

"The more I understand, the more Weichen's heart shakes."

"This technology..."

"Pretty remarkable!"

"This is a magical path that allows ordinary people to have the power of gods!"

"When the technology is powerful enough to be terrifying enough, an ordinary mortal with a mortal body can use powerful scientific and technological weapons to kill gods and immortals!"

When he said this, Liu Bowen's heart trembled, recently he has been understanding things in science and technology, the more he understands him, the stronger his awe for science and technology, he knows that this is an extremely strong (Nonuo good) big road!


Or a path that is beneficial to all mortals!

Zhu Bai, Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao and the others, listening to Liu Bowen's words, their faces showed surprise and looked at each other.

For Liu Bowen's opinion, they were all a little surprised.

"You're quite insightful..."

Zhu Bai had to admire that Liu Bowen was worthy of being a famous minister of the ages, his eyes were really surprising, and without anyone mentioning it, he could analyze the interests of science through various intelligence collected.

"What do you suggest?"

After Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Bai glanced at each other, they narrowed their eyes slightly and asked Liu Bowen: "Suggestions on Daming and technology." "


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