Chapter 197: Mecha Legion, hitting Blue Jade's face, extremely exaggerated and terrifying!

Liu Bowen's vision for science and technology surprised Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Bai and others.


Zhu Yuanzhang planned to ask his advice on the combination of Daming and technology.

As soon as Liu Bowen heard Zhu Yuanzhang ask his opinion, he suddenly felt energetic, the expression on his face became more serious, and a light of deep thinking flashed in his eyes, and he quickly sorted out the various thoughts he had been thinking about in the recent period.


He spoke in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty..."

Liu Bowen looked serious: "Weichen believes that science and technology can become a supplementary supplement to the power of Daming, and can solve the path of becoming stronger for some Daming people who do not have cultivation talent. When some Daming people can't make too big a breakthrough along the way to cultivating immortals, they can completely switch to science and technology. "


"You can use the power of science and technology to make Daming's conventional army more powerful."

"Today's Daming army, not everyone is a powerful immortal cultivator, and the cultivation of many Daming generals is very ordinary."


"When these cultivators are ordinary Daming warriors combined with powerful scientific and technological weapons, their combat power will increase exponentially!"

"A soldier in the early stage of condensation, the combat effectiveness of 323 is nothing to some powerful enemies."

"But if you let a soldier in the early stage of condensation drive a powerful space battleship, or a powerful energy mecha..."

"Weichen believes that he can fight with a cultivator at the peak of foundation building, and even, it is possible to fight with a strong person in the Jindan realm!"

"This is no nonsense!"

As soon as Liu Bowen's words came out, the ministers of culture and martial arts who rushed over happened to hear it.

"How is that possible?!"

Lan Yu exclaimed: "A soldier in the early stage of condensation has the ability to fight with the powerhouse of the Jindan realm?" Just kidding! "

Xu Da also looked incredulous: "A strong man in the Jindan realm, flying through the sky, turning over the river and the sea, like probing for things, how can a soldier in the early stage of condensation compete with it?" Master Liu, you are blowing this a little too far! "


The rest of the ministers of culture and military affairs obviously did not believe what Liu Bowen said.

Feel like he's bragging.


Liu Bowen didn't care about what they said at all, his gaze only fell on Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Bai, Zhu Biao and others.

He knew that these were the backbones of what decided.

As long as they agree with their own words, then everything is easy to say.

"You're really right..."

Zhu Bai's eyes flickered slightly, glanced at Liu Bowen appreciatively, and nodded: "Powerful scientific and technological weapons can indeed allow mortals to have the power to kill gods, and the strong people in the Jindan realm are indeed very strong, but in front of those with powerful scientific and technological weapons, they are not necessarily victorious." "

Zhu Bai was obviously clear about this, so he agreed with Liu Bowen's words.

And Xu Da, Lan Yu and the others, when they heard Zhu Bai say this, they were immediately stunned and felt very incredible.

"Why, Wei Guogong and Liang Guogong, do you think it's impossible?"

Zhu Bai's gaze glanced at Xu Da, Lan Yu and the others, and his eyebrows raised slightly: "Do you want to go and confront that space battleship?" "

Saying that, Zhu Bai raised his hand and pointed to the flagship of the huge space battleship in the sky.

Everyone: "..."

Xu Da looked up at the huge space battleship, the corners of his mouth suddenly twitched slightly, looking at the cannon muzzle that could stuff himself in, he suddenly felt a little creepy and felt a chill.

At this moment...

They were all silent!

Looking at their silent appearance, Zhu Bai shook his head with a smile and stopped talking nonsense with them.

"Dad, according to what I said before, integrate science and technology into the Daming power system." Zhu Bai's gaze fell on Zhu Yuanzhang, and slowly said: "Daming established the Royal Academy of Sciences, recruited people from all over the world, and was specifically responsible for studying topics related to science and technology. "

"No problem!"

Zhu Bai's suggestion, Zhu Yuanzhang naturally did not have an opinion, but focused on the head: "Since you want to establish the Daming Royal Academy of Sciences, then... Liu Bowen! "

His gaze fell on Liu Bowen, and Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly said: "You, who are also the vice president of the Daming Royal Academy of Sciences, are responsible for manipulating this matter, right?" "

Liu Bowen suddenly looked pleased, this was Zhu Yuanzhang's trust in him.


With a deep understanding of the potential of (BBCD) science and technology, he knows that as the vice president of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Daming, he will have great power in the future!

"Your Majesty rest assured!"

Almost without any hesitation, Liu Bowen nodded excitedly: "Weichen will definitely not live up to Your Majesty's trust, establish the Daming Royal Academy of Sciences at the fastest speed, and cultivate scientific and technological talents for Wei Daming!" "


"Weichen has already prepared for this matter before this!"

Liu Bowen's words surprised Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Bai and others, and their eyes fell on him, quite surprised.

This Liu Bowen...

It's a little far, a little much!

"What did you prepare?"

Zhu Bai asked Liu Bowen curiously.

Zhu Yuanzhang and the others also looked at him with a curious face.

"His Royal Highness King Xiang, Your Majesty..."

Seeing that everyone's eyes were staring at him, Liu Bowen did not dare to hide it, and quickly said: "When Weichen was in the Avatar World, he sent a large number of people to search for various scientific and technological talents in the Avatar World, and used means to tie them all up!" "

"Now..." (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Weichen has tied up more than 3,000 talents whom they call scientists!"

"This is just a preliminary action!"

"Weichen's people are still continuing to search for all kinds of scientists!"

"These scientists will become the seeds of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Daming and ignite the civilization of science and technology for Daming!"

Speaking of this, Liu Bowen was a little proud and proud of his foresight.

Heard him.

Zhu Bai, Zhu Yuanzhang and others looked at each other.

"Good fellow—"

Zhu Bai couldn't help it, and gave Liu Bowen a thumbs up: "Nice job!" In this way, you will greatly improve the speed of scientific and technological progress in Daming! However, those scientists you captured are really willing to sincerely contribute to the development of Daming Science and Technology?! "

"Hey, of course not..."

Liu Bowen shook his head and pouted: "At the beginning, they were very resistant, and even some scientists preferred to die, but..."

"When they learned that we were immortals..."

"And after they can also become immortals, they will give in."

"After all..."

"They are also human beings, they also want to become immortals, and they also want to have a long life, right?"

Everyone: "..."

Makes sense!!

"Very good!"

The smile on Zhu Yuanzhang's face smiled and said to Liu Bowen: "This time, we want to give Liu Bowen a big credit to you!" We know that you have always wanted the title of Duke of the Kingdom, as long as the affairs of the Daming Royal Academy of Sciences are done well, so that science and technology enhance the power of Daming, the Duke of this country, you have it! "


Liu Bowen's face, like a boiled prawn, turned red and trembled with excitement!

Guogong !!

This is much higher than his sincere earldom, he Liu Bowen is really the ancestor of the Guangzong, and the family tree is single!


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