Chapter 202: The Northern Liang World is not simple, prepare to break through, Li Hanyi guards!

Zhu Yuanzhang's face was full of surprise.

Behind him,

Zhu Biao, Zhu Di and the others also showed a strong look of shock on their faces.

They were all shocked by...

Big Snow Dragon Ride!

"How strong and weak is the Great Snow Dragon Rider and the Daming Dragon Rider Army in the Northern Liang World?"

When Zhu Bai heard Zhu Yuanzhang's words, his face showed a look of shock, and he was quite surprised: "Presumably, Daming's dragon cavalry army is a little stronger." Moreover, the Great Snow Dragon Ride of Northern Liang is just a title, and their soldiers are riding horses, not dragons..."

As soon as the words came out.

Zhu Yuanzhang and the others were dumbfounded.

There was a thick incredulity in their eyes.

For a while, he looked at Zhu Bai a little confused, as if he felt that he had heard it wrong.

"Huh?! Are they riding horses? Not a dragon? "

After a while, Zhu Yuanzhang came back to his senses, and the corners of his mouth twitched wildly: "They are riding horses, why are they called Daxuelong Ride?" Dragoon Dragon Ride... What kind of dragon ride is without a dragon? Isn't this? It's kind of funny..."

He was a little confused!

Originally, he thought...

This Great Snow Dragon Knight, like the Daming Dragon Rider Army, is an army of immortal cultivators with dragons!


It's a group of horseback riders!

What is this 277 Dragoon?

"A group of troops on horseback is the strongest army in the Northern Liang world?"

Xiao Zhu Di suddenly pouted, and said with some disapproval: "It seems that this so-called Northern Liang world is really not as terrifying as we imagined, how strong can a group of troops on horseback be?" Our wyvern can blow over a large piece of horses in one breath..."

Zhu Biao couldn't help but shake his head.


He didn't say anything to look down on the Northern Liang army.

But from the look in his eyes, it can be seen that he does not seem to pay much attention to the Great Snow Dragon Ride of Northern Liang.

"In the Northern Liang World, the cultivation system is not the same as Daming after all, and it cannot be simply compared..."

Zhu Bai didn't think it was strange to Zhu Yuanzhang and the others' reaction, but said in a deep voice: "Although the Great Snow Dragon Rider is not as good as the Daming's Dragon Rider Immortal Cultivation Army, the top masters of the Northern Liang World, such as Li Chungang, Nangong Servant, Little Clay Man, Xu Zhibao, etc... All are quite scary characters! "

"Yes, eldest brother, fourth brother..."

"You must not take it lightly!"

"Otherwise, it's still easy to get into trouble!"

Ju Bai had to be reminded.

After all

As the strength increases.

Zhu Yuanzhang: These people have become more and more confident.

If you don't remind them, you may be overconfident.

They are the most comfortable workers under their own hands, and if something goes wrong, they will lose a lot.

"Understand, Bo'er, you don't have to be careful..."

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard Zhu Bai's words, he immediately laughed: "Although we said it lightly, we still know very well what to do, isn't this what you once said... Despise the enemy strategically, value the enemy tactically? Rest assured! It won't be taken lightly! "

Zhu Bai: "..."

Why does this sound weird?


Zhu Yuanzhang just understands!

His gaze fell on Zhu Biao, Little Zhu Di, and Old Zhu Di again.

The three of them saw his gaze fall on themselves, and you also nodded to show that you understood what to do.

"Now that everyone already knows what to do, let's go separate and get ready."

After the matter was discussed, he did not intend to waste time, but took advantage of the recent free effort, first broke through his cultivation realm, waved his hand, and let Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao and others leave.


Zhu Biao and these people left one after another, and in Zhu Bai's palace, only Li Hanyi, who was silent and stayed silently on the side.

"Winter clothes..."

Zhu Bai suddenly turned his head and glanced at Li Hanyi, who was standing silently on the side.

"His Royal Highness King Xiang, what are your orders?"

As soon as Zhu Bai spoke, Li Hanyi's figure suddenly appeared in front of him like a ghost, and asked him in a low voice.

"I'm ready to retreat to impact the realm of the Transformation God, and you will protect the Dharma for me." Zhu Bai's eyes were sharp, and he said to Li Hanyi: "I will probably retreat for half a month, and during this half a month, you should not let anyone near my retreat place." "

"Understood!" Li Hanyi was in a mood for a while, and nodded abruptly: "As long as Hanyi is still alive, no one can get close to within a hundred zhang." "

Jumbo nodded.

A hot light flashed in his eyes.

The Northern Liang World was about to open, and he had to break through to the cultivation realm.

The major masters of the Northern Liang World are terrifying, and only by breaking through the cultivation realm to the realm of the Transformation God can he have absolute certainty and be able to control everything that appears in the Northern Liang World.

Under the gesture of Zhu Bai's eyes, Li Hanyi obediently exited the hall, and then guarded outside the hall.

She attached great importance to the things that Zhu Bai explained, and raised her twelve-point spirit to protect Zhu Bai and prevent everyone from disturbing his breakthrough.

With a crunch, the door closed.

Inside the main hall,

Only Zhu Bai was left.

Standing in the empty hall, Zhu Bai took a deep breath and awakened the system in his heart.

"System, use the realm to improve the reward."

With a silent recitation in his heart, Zhu Bai communicated with the system: "I want to break through the realm of Transformation God immediately!" "

【Ding! Host extracting the Avatar Realm reward confirmed successfully! 】

Start using rewards now! 】

Two system tones sounded in my head.

Suddenly time,

Inside the blessed earth,

Suddenly, a terrifying aura suddenly erupted!


In a flash

The sky in the entire Dongtian Blessed Land instantly heard a faint thunder roar, and the entire sky turned into a golden piece in an instant, and one after another divine light fell from the sky and shrouded the entire Dongtian Blessed Land. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


A huge pillar of light suddenly fell from above the sky and fell into the palace where Zhu Bai was located.

The moment that golden pillar of light fell, the whole world seemed to be quiet in an instant, and a terrifying aura that was suppressed to the extreme enveloped the entire Dongtian Blessed Land, and then spread from the Dongtian Blessed Land, making this Yingtian City feel it in an instant!

The sudden terrifying movement instantly alarmed countless people.

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly raised his head.

Looking at the terrifying vision of heaven and earth in the sky, his eyes showed a thick horror: "This movement... Is it the direction of the Park Palace? He...... Going to break through? Almost instantly, Zhu Yuanzhang realized what was going to happen.


Without any hesitation, Zhu Yuanzhang's figure instantly disappeared in place and went straight to the direction of Zhu Bai's power supply.


Zhu Biao, Little Zhu Di, Old Zhu Di, and others...

Almost at the same time, he went straight to the direction of Zhu Bai's palace!

"Your Majesty, please stop."

When Zhu Yuanzhang rushed to the outside of Zhu Bai's palace, Li Hanyi's figure suddenly appeared in front of him and blocked his way: "His Royal Highness the King of Xiang explained that no one should approach within a hundred zhang until he successfully broke through. "


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