Chapter 203: The terrifying breakthrough scene, the Heavenly Gate opened the Yuan God Law Phase, and everyone was shocked!

As soon as Zhu Yuanzhang approached Zhu Bai's palace, he was stopped by Li Hanyi.

"Bo'er in retreat?"

Stopped by Li Hanyi, Zhu Yuanzhang was not angry, and after listening to what she said, he asked anxiously: "How is the situation now?" "

He now wanted to know more about the specific situation of Zhu Bai's retreat breakthrough.

"I don't know..."

Li Hanyi's expression was cold, and he shook his head slightly: "His Royal Highness King Xiang just asked me to guard outside the palace to protect the Dharma and not let anyone approach, as for other things, he didn't talk to me more." If His Majesty wants to know the situation, he can only wait for His Highness's retreat to end. "


Zhu Yuanzhang nodded slightly, and did not say more~.

Since Zhu Bai has explained clearly, then he can only wait.

Just then...

Zhu Biao, Little Zhu Di, Old Zhu Di, and other princes and grandchildren also rushed over!

At this point,

Their faces were full of shock!

I probably know what's going on!

"The twelfth brother is really about to break through?"

Little Zhu Di came to Zhu Yuanzhang's side with an excited expression, and couldn't wait to ask: "Old man, what is the situation now?" Why don't you stay here and take a look? If the twelfth brother breaks through the realm of the Transformation God, then the Daming Heavens Alliance will have a super terrifying powerhouse! "

For Zhu Bai to break through the realm of Avatar God, Xiao Zhu Di was very excited and full of expectations at the same time!

Before Zhu Bai and him probably said how terrifying the power of the powerhouse of the Transformation God Realm was!

He has long been yearning for it!


He definitely can't break through the realm of Avatar God in a short time...

But his brother's breakthrough is also a happy thing, allowing him to see how terrifying the incarnation realm is!

"Shut up! Don't disturb your twelfth brother! "

Zhu Yuanzhang glanced back, looked excited and shouted at Little Zhu Di, and scolded in a low voice: "If something goes wrong with him, let's see how we clean you up!" "


Xiao Zhu Di suddenly shut up.

Don't dare to say more.

If something really happened to Zhu Bai...

But it's a big trouble!

Zhu Biao, Old Zhu Di, the major princes, and even Empress Ma and others all rushed over.


All eyes on it,

They all stared at Zhu Bai's palace, and there was a strong look of anticipation in their eyes.


Jubai's palace,

At this moment, the divine light was shrouded, the breath was boiling, and a mysterious powerful aura fluctuation emanated from the palace!


Above the sky dome above the palace, a huge black vortex appeared, and in the black whirlpool, there were faintly mysterious rune laws, and the light was flickering, Zhu Yuanzhang and others stared at the black whirlpool, feeling as if their souls were about to be sucked away by the black whirlpool.

This feeling...

Their scalp is numb!

"The Gate of Heaven is open..."

Seeing the terrifying black vortex, the look on Zhu Yuanzhang's face was extremely excited and excited, because he remembered that Zhu Bai said that when entering the realm of the god of transformation, the Yuan God will communicate with heaven and earth, open the Heavenly Gate, and eventually the Yuan God will be baptized in the Heavenly Gate and transform!

After the transformation of the Yuan God is successful, the cultivator will successfully break through the realm of the Transformation God.



In the middle of heaven and earth, there was a slight trembling sound.

Followed by

Zhu Bai's palace divine light was even more dazzling.

I saw that in the hall, a figure suddenly appeared.

It was a golden figure of the Dharma.

At a glance, you can see that it is Zhu Bai's Yuan Shen Fa Xiang.

Zhu Bai's Yuan God Law Phase is as high as a hundred zhang, full of golden brilliance, like a sun, exuding a terrifying coercive aura!

ZHU Yuanzhang et al.,

Looking at that Yuanshen Faxiang, I only felt a tingling in my scalp and felt a strong sense of oppression!

From this Yuan God Law Phase, they clearly felt the power and terror of Zhu Bai now!


Ying Tiancheng Ying Tiancheng,

Countless Daming people have been affected by the coercion of the Yuan God Law!

One by one, the Daming people looked up at the sky with a horrified expression, wanting to find the source of that mysterious coercive aura, but they couldn't find the source.

They...... (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

You can't see the scene inside the blessed land!

Dongtian Blessed Earth is equivalent to opening another world, and the Hongwu Daming World are two worlds!


The people could only feel the terrifying aura fluctuations coming from the blessed land, and their scalps were numb and shivering by the powerful coercion, and some of the weaker people even had a feeling that they wanted to sit on the ground with their legs limp!


That mysterious coercive aura did not contain any malice, so...

Although the people of Daming were shocked, their legs were soft, and their breathing became a little depressed, they could still stand.

Ask for flowers

And at this time,

Inside the blessed earth,

Everyone had a look of horror and shock on their faces.

"Bai'er's Yuan Shen Law Phase is out!!"

As soon as Zhu Yuanzhang saw Zhu Bai's Yuanshen Law Phase appear, he immediately trembled with excitement: "As soon as the Law Phase comes out, it means that the breakthrough has officially reached the key point..."

When the Yuanshen Law Phase appears, it will be baptized by the Yuanshen black hole; In the end, the Yuan God Law succeeded in transforming the gods and broke through. At that time, Zhu Bai will become a cultivator of the realm of Transformation God in the true sense, and there will be a qualitative transformation from Yuan God to cultivation power.

Zhu Biao, Zhu Di, and even a group of ministers of culture and martial arts, looking at the powerful aura exuding and the coercive Yuanshen Fa Xiang, all of them felt numb in their scalps, and a huge wave was set off in their hearts, deeply shocked by Zhu Bai's strength and terror.

Under the spotlight.

Zhu Bai's Yuan God Law Phase.

Suddenly stepped out and instantly entered the Yuanshen black hole.


When Zhu Bai's Yuanshen Law Phase entered the Yuanshen black hole, the brown-red divine thunder in the Yuanshen Law Phase suddenly stormed away, madly impacting on the Yuanshen Law Phase, constantly refining the Yuanshen Law Discovery, making the Yuanshen Law Phase more and more solidified, and the coercion emitted became more and more terrifying.

Inside the main hall.

Zhu Baipan sat in the void.

Shrouded in a mysterious divine light.

Like a god lurking in the chaotic void.

At this moment, he is majestic and mysterious...


It has completely broken the shackles of mundane and stepped into a completely new field!

"Boom !!"

With an earth-shattering thunder roar, Zhu Bai suddenly opened his eyes, and at the same time a golden light suddenly poured into his body, it was the Yuan God Law Phase that had completely transformed after baptism. After the transformed Yuan God Law Phase entered his body, his aura suddenly rose sharply.


Before he was in the Yuan Infant realm, the mana in his body was like a huge lake...

Right now

The mana in his body is already majestic like a vast ocean, inexhaustible!

"Broke through..."

Zhu Bai's eyes were deep, feeling the majestic mana like the ocean in his body, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face: "After truly stepping into the realm of the Transformation God, you can feel the subtlety and power of this realm!" Before, I still felt that the Yuan Infant Realm was quite strong, but now..."

"Yuan Infant Cultivator..."

"Raise your hand to suppress!"

... Enter....

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