Chapter 204: Successful breakthrough, the threat of Northern Liang becomes smaller, it's time to go!

After successfully breaking through the realm of the Transformation God, Zhu Bai personally felt the gap between the Transformation God cultivator and the Yuan Infant cultivator.

It can be described as...

Worlds apart!!!

"With my current strength, when I descend to the Northern Liang World, there will be no accidents at all..."

A light flashed in Zhu Bai's eyes, and a calm smile appeared on his face: "If it is only the Yuan Infant realm and comes to the Northern Liang World, you may need to prepare well, but now..."

"Even if I'm alone..."

"It can also suppress the Northern Liang World!"

Strong strength, full of confidence with Zhu Bai.

Right now

He was sure that he was alone and suppressed the entire Northern Liang World.

From the system, I learned that the strongest in the Northern Liang world is only the peak of the Yuan Baby.

Even if he hadn't broken through to the realm of the Transformation God before, he was not afraid of the "three-four-seven" world of Northern Liang.

Not to mention, it has already broken through to the realm of the Avatar God.

After gathering his breath, Zhu Bai's figure slowly fell from the void.

"So many people watching..."

With a sweep of his thoughts, Zhu Bai found that there were many people surrounding his palace.

The figures of Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao, Empress Ma and others were suddenly in the crowd.

This discovery made a look of surprise appear in his eyes.

After thinking for a while, Zhu Bai knew that the reason why they appeared must have been shocked by their breakthrough movement.

He didn't think too much, raised his footsteps, and slowly walked towards the gate.


Under the nervous gazes of Zhu Yuanzhang and others, the hall door slowly opened, and Zhu Bai's figure appeared behind the door.

Brush brush brush !!

One after another, his gaze instantly gathered on Zhu Bai's figure.

"!! Parker"

When Zhu Yuanzhang saw Zhu Bai appear, his face suddenly showed a touch of excitement, his figure flashed, and he instantly walked towards him quickly and came to him, but as soon as he arrived in front of Zhu Bai, his face was suddenly shocked, and a flash of horror flashed in his eyes.

The footsteps froze abruptly!

A little puzzled looked at Zhu Bai!


Zhu Yuanzhang found that the breath on Zhu Bai's body at this time was quite terrifying, like a terrifying abyss, and it was bottomless!

He, a cultivator at the peak of the Jindan realm...

In front of Zhu Bai, there was an illusion that an ant faced the divine dragon.

This feeling...

Make his scalp tingle!

Not only Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Biao, Little Zhu Di, Old Zhu Di, Lan Yu, Xu Da and others who hurriedly ran over...

Also calmed!

They looked into Ju Bai's eyes. It's all full of shock, horror.

After Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned for a while, he came back from his horror, and his face showed ecstasy: "Bai'er, you really managed to break through?!" Now he is a Avatar Cultivator?! "

His voice trembled with excitement!

Although the movement just now was very terrifying and scary, he was not sure that Zhu Bai had really managed to break through...

And now,

Feeling the horror of Zhu Bai's breath, he finally believed that Zhu Bai's cultivation realm had broken through!

"Well, a breakthrough."

Looking at Zhu Yuanzhang's excited and shocked appearance, Zhu Bai smiled indifferently: "Now, I am already a cultivator of the Avatar God." "


Zhu Bai's words were undoubtedly like thunder on a sunny day for Zhu Yuanzhang and others, really their scalp was numb and excited at the same time, and suddenly Xiao Zhu Di and others couldn't help but cheer!

"Twelfth brother, well done!"

"Hahaha! It is worthy of our old Zhu's good son! "

"Congratulations Your Highness!"


Zhu Yuanzhang and the others couldn't help but congratulate Zhu Bai excitedly.

Even Empress Ma showed a gentle smile on her face, walked to Zhu Bai with a smile, and straightened his messy collar: "Bai'er, congratulations, go to a new level, you are really... With his own strength, he completely changed Daming! "


Empress Ma is also a powerful immortal cultivator, the whole person exudes a dignified and generous, but dusty atmosphere, more with the temperament of the motherly world, every move, full of style.

"The Queen Mother is serious..."

In front of Empress Ma, Zhu Baidao showed considerable humility, and said with a smile: "This is the result of dad, and everyone's joint efforts!" If I were to rely on myself alone, Daming would not be as strong and prosperous as it is now! "

Listening to his modest words, Empress Ma only smiled slightly and didn't say much.

Empress Ma is already a little confused about today's Daming, and she only knows that the root of all this is in Zhu Bai.

If it weren't for Jubai... (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It is impossible for her to cultivate immortals, nor can she return to her youth.


Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but ask at this time: "You have now broken through the realm of the Transformation God, according to what you said before, you should now have the strength to suppress the entire Northern Liang World with your own strength, right?!" "

As soon as these words came out,

Everyone was shocked suddenly, and their eyes showed a strong curiosity...


They all know that Jumbai is very strong,

However, for the Northern Liang World, they don't know as much as the bamboo raft, and they dare not say whether Zhu Bai's strength can suppress the Northern Liang World with his own strength!

"I can only say that now I can guarantee Daming and successfully complete the attack mission of the Northern Liang World." Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang's burning eyes, Zhu Bai smiled slightly: "As for other situations, it is still clear until the Northern Liang World!" "

"Dad, I plan to open the door of time and space in the Northern Liang World in advance..."

"So, it's time to speed up the arrangement."

After breaking through the realm of the Transformation God, Zhu Bai was full of confidence in his strength, and he was already a little impatient, wanting to immediately descend to the Northern Liang World, suppress the Northern Liang World, and complete the task to get rewards.

"In advance?"

"Bai'er, how many days are you going to advance?!"

"His Royal Highness King Xiang, now that their army of immortal cultivators is complete, they can leave at any time!"

"The army of science and technology is also ready, as long as an order is given, it can be dispatched immediately!"


Zhu Bai's words surprised Zhu Yuanzhang and the others, and their faces showed surprise. However, Xu Da, Lan Yu and the others all said that the army was ready, and as long as Zhu Bai gave an order, they could leave at any time.

"All ready?"

Zhu Bai listened to everyone's words, a look of surprise flashed in 3.1's eyes, and then nodded: "Since everything is ready, let's leave in three days, in these three days, I will help the father emperor break through the Yuan Infant realm..."

Zhu Yuanzhang's cultivation has already touched the barrier of the Yuan Infant realm.

Zhu Bai knew that as long as he gave him another boost, he would be able to successfully break through the Yuan Infant realm.

Breaking through the Yuan Infant realm is the most urgent thing for Zhu Yuanzhang now.


Upon hearing Zhu Bai's words, Zhu Yuanzhang was immediately excited, and a look of excitement appeared on his face: "Bai'er, without further ado, let's start immediately!" If we break through the Yuan Infant realm, we can also make the mission of attacking the Northern Liang World smoother, right?! "


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