Chapter 207: All eyes have entered Northern Liang, and the door of time and space is wide open!

Under everyone's attention, the door of time and space was opened by Zhu Bai, exuding a terrifying aura of time and space turbulence.

Countless Daming people looked up at the newly appeared huge gate of time and space, and their faces showed excitement.

Everyone knows that a new world is about to open, and the Daming army is about to attack the new world.

"What world is Daming going to attack this time? Or is it not the Daming plane? "

"Shouldn't it be? Perhaps a stronger world! "

"How many armies will Daming mobilize this time? Will it be like before, pouring out the nest? "

"You don't know that Daming's army of science and technology, army of immortal cultivators, and army of dragon horses have all been assembled? It's a big move! "


Countless Daming people talked about it, speculating about what world Daming was attacking this time.


Zhu Yuanzhang and the ministers of the Great Ming Dynasty, as well as Zhu Biao, Zhu Di and other princes and grandchildren, were also looking at the gate of time and space.

Looking at the door of time and space opened by Zhu Bai, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes flashed with hot light,

After breaking through to the Yuan Infant realm, his self-confidence has been greatly improved.

I also very much hope that there will be a strong opponent, and I will have a hearty battle with him to experience the power of the ultimate outbreak of the Yuan Infant powerhouse.


Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes flashed with a hot light, and he said to Zhu Bai with a smile: "Now that the army has been assembled, you can go directly!" "

He didn't seem to want to wait longer for a second, he just wanted to brush to the Northern Liang World immediately.

Looking at Zhu Yuanzhang's eager and expectant appearance, Zhu Bai couldn't help but shake his head.

Thinking that Lao Zhu, a tool man, is really powerful, and I can't wait to work for myself all the time.

His gaze, glancing at the others, found that not only Zhu Yuanzhang was so excited and expectant.

The same goes for everyone else.

However, at this time, Zhu Biao suddenly stood up and asked Zhu Bai: "Twelfth brother, the Northern Liang World also needs to complete the corresponding task, right?" "

Brush brush brush!

Everyone's eyes instantly fell on Zhu Bai, and a curious look appeared in their eyes.

The first few times,

When attacking other worlds, there will be a variety of missions.


Everyone has reason to believe that there will be various tasks waiting for them to complete this time.


Zhu Biao's question made Zhu Bai a little stunned, and shook his head: "There is no task yet." "

After thinking about it carefully, Zhu Bai found that he really did not receive any system tasks now.

Therefore, he felt that this was the task of the Northern Liang World, and it should be until the Northern Liang World was arrived before the system would be issued.


Zhu Biao shook his head with some disappointment: "I thought that now that I knew the task, I could prepare for it in advance."

After all, this can minimize Daming's losses.

At the same time, it can also allow Daming soldiers to receive the highest intensity of training! "

As the prince of Daming, Zhu Biao naturally hoped that the fewer soldiers of Daming died in battle, the better.

Of course, on this basis, he still hopes that the soldiers of Daming can obtain enough experience.

"Let's go over first!"

Zhu Bai's eyes flickered slightly, and he said slowly: "With the strength of Daming today, there should not be much problem."

Even if the worst happens, I can still close the door of time and space. "

Northern Liang World.

Ju Bai is bound to take it.

He is also confident that he can solve all the surprises that arise.


He was no longer going to waste time by continuing to grind.

"Good!" When Zhu Yuanzhang heard Zhu Bai say this, his face suddenly showed an excited look: "Everything is subject to Bai'er's arrangement!" Anyway, the army is already ready, we can set off immediately! "

Zhu Bai nodded slightly.


Outside the Emperor Castle.

The Daming army has been assembled.

The army of immortal cultivation, the army of science and technology, the army of dragon riding of immortals, and the three strongest army forces of Daming were gathered outside the imperial city. The mighty three armies almost completely obscured the sky outside the imperial city.

Countless Daming people,

At this moment, they all gathered outside the Imperial City.

Looking at the Daming army in the sky from afar.

The people of Daming felt quite excited.

They watched with their own eyes, and Daming's army continued to strengthen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It has reached the current level...

To the point of the ancients!

Even, (read violent novels, on Feilu Novel Network!) )

Countless Daming people still firmly believe that today's Daming is invincible, and the one who can defeat half of Daming's army must be the other half of Daming's army!

Brush brush brush brush -

When countless Daming people were excited for the Daming army, one after another (BDDI) figures appeared on the tower of Yingtiancheng Imperial City, it was Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Bai, Zhu Biao, Little Zhu Di, Old Zhu Di and others!

"Your Majesty has arrived!"

"His Royal Highness King Xiang has also arrived!"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is also here? Will His Royal Highness the Crown Prince go on a campaign this time?! I heard that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince wanted to follow the army to fight before, but because he had to oversee the country, he could only stay in Hongwu Daming..."


When the figures of Zhu Bai, Zhu Yuanzhang and others appeared in the imperial city, countless Daming people who came to send the Daming army out to fight broke out into earth-shattering cheers, and at the same time, many people were discussing the current situation of Daming.

Above the castle towers.

Zhu Bai in white clothes wins the snow.

Looking at the Daming army in the sky in the distance, a look of relief appeared in his eyes.

As soon as his divine thoughts swept away, he had a clear understanding of the overall strength of the Daming army.


The Daming army has undergone a qualitative transformation!

Just now, Zhu Bai found many powerful immortal cultivators from the army, and many powerhouses in the Jindan realm had already appeared!


Just as Zhu Bai was observing the Daming army, Zhu Biao came to Zhu Yuanzhang's body and spoke to him with an expectant expression: "This time to attack the Northern Liang World, can I go?" I don't want to stay in Hongwu Daming to continue to oversee the country!" I also want...... Go to the world of Beiliang to see! "

Previously, he could only stay in the Hongwu Daming Prison Kingdom.

It can be said that Zhu Biao is extremely depressed.

Right now

He felt that he had to fight for it and follow Zhu Bai to the Northern Liang World!

Zhu Biao's words made Zhu Yuanzhang raise his eyebrows, and also made Xu Da, Lan Yu, Li Shanchang and other ministers of culture and martial arts show a surprised look on their faces.

"Let's go together."

Just when Zhu Yuanzhang's eyebrows twisted into a knot, after hearing Zhu Biao's words, Zhu Bai glanced back at him and said with a smile: "Now that Hongwu Daming is very stable, the eldest brother can leave for a while!" "

Zhu Yuanzhang, who just wanted to open his mouth to refuse.

When I heard Zhu Bai say this, I couldn't help but be slightly stunned, opened my mouth, wanted to say something, and finally fell silent.

Since Zhu Bai has spoken...

That old Zhu felt as if he didn't have to refuse!

After all

Ju Bai said it's okay, then it must be okay!

"Let's go!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's silence seemed to Zhu Bai to be the default, so he didn't say more, his figure flashed, and he instantly soared into the air, appeared above the sky, glanced at all the army, and spoke in a thunderous voice: "The Daming army listens to the order!" "

"Go with King Ben!"

"Attack the Northern Liang World!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhu Bai's figure flashed and went straight to the gate of time and space. At the same time, Zhu Yuanzhang and the others, their spirits suddenly shocked, also moved to chase him.


Daming's army of immortal cultivators, dragon riders, and science and technology also moved at the first time, following Zhu Bai, Zhu Yuanzhang and others, and went straight to the gate of time and space!

The Daming army...

Start entering the world of Northern Liang!!


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