Chapter 208: Northern Liang's current dangerous situation, the army of Lianyang is pressing, and the little clay man is sad and indignant!

Northern Liang World.

Xu Xiao, the king of Northern Liang, has reached the point where the oil runs out and the lamp is dry.

Everyone knows that he won't last long~.

The entire Northern Liang fell into a low air pressure because of this.

Everyone was worried.

And at this moment,

Because of the Yang Emperor, he did not trust Northern Liang. An army of hundreds of thousands has already arrived in Beiliang.

Right now

As long as the king of Northern Liang dies, the army of the Lianyang Dynasty will attack Northern Liang as soon as possible.

This also caused the entire Northern Liang, and now there is a scene of panic and anger.

Inside the palace of the King of Northern Liang.

Xu Xiao's son, Xu Fengnian, his face was as gloomy as water.

"Shizi, hundreds of thousands of troops from the Yang Dynasty have completely blocked the realm of Northern Liang."

Xu Fengnian's maid, the little clay man, gritted her teeth and said to him: "Now it is certain that the Lianyang Dynasty has the intention of overthrowing Northern Liang!" "

Listening to the words of the little clay man, the people of the Northern Liang Royal Mansion present were all livid and gloomy.

In their eyes, there was a raging flame of anger.

"Abominable! The dog emperor really doesn't talk about it at all! "

"Bei Liang has done so much for the imperial court and resisted Bei Mang's threat, but the imperial court has treated us like this?"

"Damn it! You shouldn't serve the imperial court! Directly rebelled! "


The people of the royal palace cursed angrily through gritted teeth.

He was quite angry at the behavior and behavior of the emperor of the Lianyang Dynasty.

"Rest easy."

Xu Fengnian listened to the discussion and scolding of everyone around him, and said in a deep voice: "Now everything is still under our control, there is no need to worry, let alone panic." "

"What if..."

"Emperor Lianyang, if you really want to kill everything, then don't blame me."

In the depths of Xu Fengnian's eyes, a sharp cold light flashed.

He was quite angry about the court's practices.

The imperial court did not put him Xu Fengnian in his eyes at all, thinking that as long as his father Xu Xiao died, he would destroy Northern Liang.


The emperor did not know that he Xu Fengnian was not a soft persimmon, and he also held the hole card in his hand.

He has already decided, after the old man's affairs are resolved, if the imperial court does not retreat, he will completely destroy the imperial court!

The little clay man listened to Xu Fengnian's words, gritted his teeth fiercely, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes: "That's right, if the imperial court dares to be a bad person, then we don't need to be polite with them, let them see how powerful Northern Liang is!" "

The rest of the people in the royal palace, listening to the little clay man's words, also nodded one after another, and their eyes flashed with fierce light.


These people from the Northern Liang Royal Mansion did not have much awe for the imperial court.


It was not because of the King of Northern Liang, his loyalty to the imperial court, those of them who followed the King of Northern Liang would not have endured the behavior of the imperial court for a long time.

"Keep an eye on it at any time to guard against a sudden attack by the imperial court army..."

Xu Fengnian listened to the words of everyone around him, gritted his teeth fiercely and said: "If they suddenly attack while my father has an accident, then they must be given a resolute and merciless counterattack!" "

Among them, the people of the royal palace listened to his words, and suddenly their spirits burst, and they nodded suddenly,

"Don't worry, Shizi, we will keep an eye on it!"

"The people of the imperial court will never be allowed to succeed!"

"The Northern Liang Royal Mansion is not a soft persimmon! Not everyone can pinch it! Not even the imperial court! "


All the people of the royal palace showed a murderous look on their faces and gritted their teeth.

Because of the Northern Liang King Xu Xiao, the entire Northern Liang territory was dignified and tense.

Outside Northern Liang, hundreds of thousands of troops of the imperial court locked almost all the main passages of Northern Liang.

The army of the Yang Dynasty was high in morale at this time, and the killing intent was boiling.

Emperor Lianyang's order had already spread among the army.

All the generals of the Lianyang army knew that as long as they entered the territory of Northern Liang, they would gain a lot of battle merits.

As long as you can kill more enemies in the territory of Northern Liang, it is not a matter of being an official and a judge.

With the temptation of huge interests, the morale of the entire army of the Lianyang Dynasty was extremely high.

They were all waiting, and the horn to attack Beiliang sounded.

While the two sides were at loggerheads, far from the sky away from the position of the Yang Dynasty's army.

The void suddenly twisted violently, and then a crack slowly opened, emitting a mysterious aura fluctuation.

And at this time, the distance from the space fluctuates high below. A team of Northern Liang scouts, who went deep into the enemy territory and were responsible for spying on the news, noticed the movements on both sides.

"Captain! Look at what's going on there? "

A young scout, looking at the magical scene in the sky, couldn't help but exclaim in a low voice: "The sky above is distorting!" Cracked! It looks like something is coming out! "

The scout captain had already noticed the movement above and was already staring at the sky above. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Under his gaze, the void was violent, twisted and turbulent, and the cracks were getting bigger and bigger.


A door of time and space slowly appears above the sky.

At the moment when the Gate of Time and Space appeared, the scout captain felt that he saw the Divine Gate leading to the Celestial Realm.

"This is ... What is this situation? Celestial...... Is anyone going to go to mortal? "

The scout captain looked at the gate of time and space blankly, his brain buzzed, and he couldn't help but exclaim: "How could there be such a terrifying movement all of a sudden?" What the hell is this? "

At this time, the scouts around him were also frightened. He looked at the Gate of Time and Space that suddenly appeared above the sky with a horrified expression.

And under their gaze, first came the deafening roar of the engine,

Then, a huge starship slowly flew out of the Gate of Time and Space.

The moment the space battleship flew out of the Gate of Time and Space, all the scouts felt that they saw a giant steel city appear in the sky.

In the pouring room,

I felt an unprecedented sense of terrifying oppression, rushing from the sky.

With the appearance of the first space battleship, two or three hundred space battleships followed one after another, appeared in the sky.

The space battleship fleet has completely covered the entire starry sky.

A few Northern Liang scouts, looking at the terrifying scene in the sky, were completely frightened.


Before they could come to their senses, another deafening dragon roar came from the Gate of Time.


The old dragon king, which was larger than the flagship of the spaceship fleet, slowly flew out of the gate of time and space.

Today's old dragon king has already undergone transformation with the help of Zhu Bai.

Every time the old dragon king's wings flapped around, the wind howled, lightning and thundered.

Under its wings, it seems to be pregnant with infinite thunder, transforming into a divine dragon that controls thunder.

With the appearance of the old dragon king, a huge dragon groan instantly resounded through the heavens and earth.

The terrifying aura of the divine dragon made countless forests below tremble.

"This... What kind of monster is this? These monsters... Where did it come from? "

Beiliang scouted, looking at the old dragon king in the sky, completely frightened and stupid, trembling violently, cold sweat Cen Cen: "Is it difficult... Is it really a heavenly immortal?! "


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