Chapter 209: Lianyang wants to overthrow Northern Liang? Sorry, now it belongs to Daming!

The Daming army, led by Zhu Bai, appeared from the gate of time and space.

As soon as the army appeared, it immediately changed the entire world, and it was full of oppressive feelings.

The Northern Liang scouts, looking at the mysterious army that appeared in the sky, turned pale with fright and were terrified.

"Where the hell is this army? It's also terrifying..."

The scout captain trembled all over, and his face turned white: "These large armies, I feel more terrifying and powerful than our Northern Liang Great Snow Dragon Ride..."

The Great Snow Dragon Rider is the most powerful army in the Northern Liang world,


At this moment, the Northern Liang scout, but felt that the Great Snow Dragon riding in front of the army in the sky must be vulnerable.

This feeling made him creepy and cold.

"Captain, what now?"

"These mysterious "877" troops that suddenly appeared, shouldn't they be coming for us? "

"Shouldn't it be? We Beiliang should have never provoked such a powerful enemy! "


The other scout members beside the scout captain couldn't help but talk about it at the same time.

Listening to the discussion of the team members, the scout captain's face changed and changed.

"Whatever their purpose, first ... Send someone back to report immediately! Let the world know that there is a mysterious force in this world, a terrifying force that can make the whole world tremble..."

The scout captain quickly calmed down, gritted his teeth and ordered the people around him: "Speed, must be speed..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the scout team immediately focused their heads, and then quickly left and went straight to the direction of Beiliang.

They wanted to send the news to Beiliang as quickly as possible, so that the Beiliang Royal Mansion knew that a mysterious powerful force suddenly appeared in the world and was ready.


Above the sky dome, on the body of the old dragon king, Zhu Bai, who was dressed in white and victorious, carried his hands on his back and looked at the scenery of mountains and rivers below.

Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao, Little Zhu Di, and Old Zhu Di all stood behind him.

At this point,

They all had a strong look of curiosity on their faces, and like Zhu Bai, they looked at the world below.

Zhu Yuanzhang took a deep breath, a thick look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but mutter.

"It seems that this Northern Liang World is really not simple, and the concentration of heaven and earth spiritual energy here is quite high..."

Zhu Yuanzhang narrowed his eyes slightly, and felt it carefully: "Even if you can't compare with Hongwu Daming, it won't be worse than the Young Song World, no wonder there will be a Yuan Infant cultivator in this world..."

Zhu Biao, Zhu Di and the others couldn't help but nod slightly, agreeing with what Zhu Yuanzhang said.

Indeed, as he wished, they carefully felt it, and they all found that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here was quite rich.

Zhu Bai looked calm, towards the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains below, listening to the words of Zhu Yuanzhang and others, the light in his eyes flickered slightly.


Zhu Yuanzhang glanced at Zhu Bai, who looked calm, and suddenly asked, "Where is the location where we are now?" The King of Northern Liang, which you mentioned earlier, what is the situation now? "

When Zhu Bai introduced the Northern Liang World to them before, he focused on the King of Northern Liang.

The life trajectory of the King of Northern Liang made Zhu Yuanzhang quite appreciated, and he felt that the other party was a person worthy of respect.

Now he was a little curious about what was the situation of the King of Northern Liang.

When Zhu Bai heard Zhu Yuanzhang's words, his eyes flashed slightly and he shook his head.

"What is the specific situation in this world now, I still don't know..."

Zhu Bai was telling the truth, and now he was not very clear about what the plot progress of the Northern Liang World was.

Saying that,

He swept his mind and instantly saw the situation within a radius of thousands of miles.


His divine thoughts captured the movement of the Yang Dynasty's army in the distance.

"The Yang Dynasty... What is the situation? Why did hundreds of thousands of troops gather outside the borders of Northern Liang? "

Zhu Bai was a little surprised, the current situation, and the plot he knew, seemed to be a little different: "Could it be that the plot of this Northern Liang world is somewhat different from what I knew before?" "

Muttering in his heart, Zhu Bai narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly said: "Send someone out, grab a few tongues and come back to ask about the situation." "

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, and then glanced back at Xu Da.

Xu Da instantly realized, his figure flashed, then disappeared in place, and began to scratch his tongue.

Xu Da's cultivation realm has now broken through to the peak of the Jindan realm, and he can break through to the Yuan Infant realm at any time.

His strength is already very strong.

Therefore, his divine mind was also quite powerful, and he soon discovered the army of the Lianyang Dynasty in the distance.

"That's it!"

After discovering the army of the Yang Dynasty, Xu Da did not hesitate and went straight to the other party.

A quarter of an hour later.

Xu Da carried a frightened officer of the Liyang Dynasty with a pale face and trembling, and returned to Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao and the others....

"Your Majesty, this person is an officer called the Lianyang Dynasty." Xu Da threw the officer of the Lianyang Dynasty in front of Zhu Yuanzhang and said to him: "If you want to know something, it should be clear if you ask him." "

This person was obviously frightened and collapsed directly in front of everyone.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the other party's frightened trembling appearance, his brows furrowed slightly, and he stepped forward and kicked the other party.

"The Yang Dynasty... Isn't this the dynasty where the King of Northern Liang is located? What are you doing now? "

Zhu Yuanzhang apparently also discovered the army of the Lianyang Dynasty through the temple, kicked the other party and asked, "Why are you encircling Northern Liang?" What does your emperor want? "

The officer of the Lianyang Dynasty was kicked by Zhu Yuanzhang, and his face was deformed in pain. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At this point,

He has realized that these people in front of him are not simple and very terrifying. It is the kind of big horror character who can decide his life and death at will.


In the face of such a terrifying person, this officer was quite knowledgeable and quickly said everything he knew.

"Time is running out for the King of Northern Liang, and after His Majesty learned the news, he immediately gathered hundreds of thousands of troops and prepared to pacify Northern Liang."

"Because, our Emperor Majesty is worried that if Northern Liang is not leveled, it will become an unstable factor for the dynasty."

"According to the information we got, at most half a month, the King of Northern Liang will not be able to hold on."

"The moment the King of Northern Liang dies, it is the time when our army attacks Northern Liang."


The officer said everything he knew in 4.4, one fifty and ten.

Listening to what he said, Zhu Yuanzhang and the others showed a look of amazement on their faces.

They couldn't have imagined that this would be the case.

What they had learned from Zhu Bai before was that the King of Northern Liang was a rather terrifying figure who had made great achievements for the dynasty...

And now,

This heterogeneous king who has made great achievements for the dynasty is about to end, and he will be liquidated immediately after his death!


Zhu Yuanzhang's face was a little strange, and he glanced back at Zhu Bai: "What should I do now?" We...... Is it going to destroy the Lianyang Dynasty? "


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