Chapter 210: Zhu Yuanzhang sneered, what is far from the Yang Dynasty, there is only Daming under the whole world!

Zhu Yuanzhang's words made the officers of the Lianyang Dynasty suddenly creepy, and a terrified look appeared on their faces.

He never dreamed that this mysterious army that suddenly appeared had the idea of wanting to destroy the Lianyang Dynasty.

Although he had just come into contact with this mysterious army that did not know where it came from, he could see at a glance that this army was extremely terrifying.


If the other party has the intention to destroy the Lianyang Dynasty, the Lianyang Dynasty will definitely have no resistance.


He only felt that his body was cold, cold sweat broke out, and he looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and the others in horror.

Zhu Yuanzhang's words fell in Zhu Bai's ears, but he raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Destroy the Lianyang Dynasty?" Zhu Bai squinted his eyes and said slowly: "This is not impossible, but I don't know what the task of this world is now..."

Until now, the army has descended on the Northern Liang World.

Zhu Bai found that the system still did not update the task, so he was a little helpless.

He is very clear that the strength of Daming today can actually be easily swept away, like these forces of the Lianyang Dynasty.

Whether it is the army of the Yang Dynasty or the army of Northern Liang, in front of the Daming army, it is not enough to see.

As long as he wants, he can easily wipe out these armies completely.


It can continuously sweep the major forces of this world and expand the territory of Daming with the momentum of destroying the thunder of decay.


Zhu Bai is also very clear that there are some very powerful beings in this world.

Those old guys who hide in the dark are quite tricky existences.

A bad deal, those horrible old guys. It can definitely bring great trouble to Daming.

Considering all the circumstances, Zhu Bai's brows wrinkled slightly.

And just as he frowned and thought about it. A system prompt suddenly sounded in his head.

【Ding! 】

[Detected that the host led an army to the Northern Liang World. 】

[Now start sending out the Northern Liang World mission. 】

[Mission details: Take a piece of territory in the Northern Liang World, use this as a base, continue to radiate outward, expand Daming's influence in the Northern Liang World, and eventually unify the Northern Liang World, and include the Northern Liang World into the territory of the Daming Heavens Alliance. ] 】

After the host completes the task, the system scores the host based on how well it completes the task. 】

[The higher the score, the more generous the reward the host.] 】

[Please try to complete the task! ] 】

A series of system prompts sounded in Zhu Bai's mind.

Listening to the system prompt sound in his mind, a bright light suddenly flashed in Zhu Bai's eyes.

At this moment, a fierce light flashed in Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes, and he suddenly said to Zhu Bai: "Since Bo'er you think it's okay, then take down the Lianyang Dynasty first and take a foothold for Daming!" "

His words were immediately endorsed by the others present.

Zhu Biao, Old Zhu Di, Xu Da Lanyu and the others all showed a fanatical light in their eyes.

Now, whenever they come to a new world, the first thing they think of is to take a foothold for Daming, and finally use the foothold as a stronghold, constantly expanding outward and winning the whole world.

"It's done! I would like to lead the charge! "

"The Daming dragon riding army is willing to open up territory for the empire!"

"His Royal Highness King Xiang, Lao Xu is willing to be the first to fight!"


Xu Da, Lan Yu and other fierce generals opened their mouths one after another, expressing their willingness to be the first to go out.

Listening to their warlike words, Zhu Bai's eyes flickered slightly.


Zhu Bai ignored Xu Da, Lan Yu and other generals, but glanced at Zhu Yuanzhang, and said in a deep voice: "Our task is to take a base area completely controlled by Daming in this world now..."

"Then, starting from the base area, continue to radiate outward, and finally dominate the Northern Liang world!"

Zhu Bai roughly explained the task situation with Zhu Yuanzhang and others. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After listening to the details of the task he explained, the light in the eyes of Zhu Yuanzhang and the others became even more hot and exciting.

"Good! This task... We like it! Get dry now! "

The light in Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes was as hot as fire, and he laughed loudly: "Aren't there hundreds of thousands of Yang Dynasty troops in the distance?" Fix them first! After solving these hundreds of thousands of troops, it will directly hit the Lianyang Dynasty hard! "

His idea, simple and crude, was to immediately take down the Lianyang Dynasty!

Xu Da, Lan Yu and the others were all eager to try and ready to move.

The general of the Yang Dynasty, listening to their conversation, was frightened and trembled.

"It's over..."

"It's over!"

"How the hell did the Empire mess with these monsters? Why did they shoot at the Reich? "

The officers of the Lianyang Dynasty were desperate and terrified in their hearts, and he couldn't understand why such a powerful Daming army had set their sights on them.


At this time, Zhu Bai and the others were not interested at all, and they went to explain something with him.

Looking at Zhu Yuanzhang's warlike appearance, a sharp light flashed in the depths of Zhu Bai's eyes, and he nodded slightly.

"Then... Go for it! Destroy the army of the Yang Dynasty first! "

Zhu Bai slowly spoke, his voice was calm, but there was an unquestionable majesty: "If they surrender, accept it there, and if they resist, then there will be no amnesty." "


After making up his mind, Zhu Baibian faced all the armies and gave the order to attack.

With his order, Daming's army of immortal cultivators, science and technology, and Daming's dragon cavalry army immediately took action.

Above the flagship of the Xiu Immortal Army, Commander Liu Bowen, at this moment, his eyes bloomed with a blazing and excited light.

"Brothers, the opportunity to make great achievements has arrived..."

Liu Bowen showed a hideous smile on his face, and said murderously: "Today, we want to let the brotherly troops see the strength of our scientific and technological army!" "6

"All fleet ships, immediately turn on the fire control system and lock on the enemy forces in front!"


"Listen to my orders to fire and give the other party an empowerment!"

Since taking control of the army of science and technology, Liu Bowen decided to rely on the army of science and technology to make a name for himself and fiercely suppress the majesty of Xu Da, Lan Yu and others.

The people who control the spaceship are all ordinary Daming generals who are not as talented as others in cultivating immortals.

After they heard what Liu Bowen said, a hot light appeared in their eyes.

"The fire control system is on!"

"Start locking the enemy!"

"All battleship fire control systems to lock the enemy successfully!"

"You can fire and annihilate the enemy at any time!"


In the spaceship communication system of the scientific and technological army, the voice of a big captain came.

Liu Bowen listened to the reports of the major captains, and watched the dragon cavalry army led by Xu Da and others pass by at a rapid pace, heading straight for the army of the Yang Dynasty, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"For now, your speed can't be faster..."

Liu Bowen gritted his teeth, his eyes instantly became fierce, and he ordered murderously: "Fire!" First destroy part of the enemy in front of the brotherly troops and win the first achievement! "


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