Chapter 211: Liu Bowen Steals the Credit? How could Blue Jade give him a chance and go straight out!

Now. In the Daming sphere of influence. For Xiu Immortal, it is undoubtedly the most respected.

Science and technology, although recognized by Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Bai and others.

I feel that most of the Daming people are not very optimistic about the development of science and technology and pursue the power of cultivating immortals.

This also led to the fact that although Liu Bowen commanded the Daming Science and Technology Army and was responsible for leading the development of science and technology, his status could not be compared with Li Shanchang and other people responsible for the work of cultivating immortals, which made Liu Bowen quite depressed, and at the same time held his breath, wanting to prove that technology is no worse than Xiuxian cultivation!


This time out to the Northern Liang World, Liu Bowen wants to limit himself to everyone before, let the army of science and technology exert its strength, grab a head skill, in order to prove that the army of science and technology is equally powerful, and even no worse than the army of ordinary immortal cultivators!

The reaction of the scientific and technological army, Xu Da Lanyu and others naturally noticed.

Under their gaze, the speed at which the army of science and technology erupted was extremely terrifying.

After all

The scientific and technological warship that can travel ultra-long distances in the universe has reached the speed of light, even if it is not able to speed up to the speed of light in an instant, the speed is still extremely terrifying, far from being comparable to the speed of ordinary immortal cultivators!

Almost in the blink of an eye...

The army of science and technology ran in front of the army of flying dragons!

"Damn !!"

Lan Yu watched the mighty army of science and technology disappear from the top of his head in an instant, and went straight to the army of the Yang Dynasty in the distance, his face suddenly changed wildly, and he couldn't help but scold angrily: "Liu Bowen, this dog thing wants to grab credit!! "

"Speed up!"

"They must not be allowed to take credit!! ~"

Lan Yu naturally looked down on one of the people in the army of science and technology, and when he saw the army of science and technology running in front of his own flying dragon army, he naturally couldn't bear it, roared angrily, and ordered his flying dragon army to speed up. Because he didn't want to see the limelight of the flying dragon army and the preemption of the science and technology army happen!

The soldiers of the flying dragon army were also stimulated, one by one, they looked hideous, angry and roaring, the flying dragon increased its speed, wanting to catch up with the scientific and technological army, but it was still a step slower...

When they were frantically chasing the science and technology army, Liu Bowen had already ordered that the science and technology army warships lock the enemy thousands of miles away!

In the frightened gazes of the Immortal Cultivators, the warships of the scientific and technological army opened fire one after another, and pillars of energy light shot out from the battleships, containing terrifying destructive power, heading towards the locked target!


Since the emperor of the Yang Dynasty ordered, the army pressed the Northern Liang.

The army of the Yang Dynasty was full of depression.


They all knew very well that what they were facing was also the strongest Great Snow Dragon Rider in the Northern Liang World!

The terrifying reputation of the Great Snow Dragon Rider has long resounded throughout the Northern Liang World, and the army of the Lianyang Dynasty knows that it has faced the horror of the enemy, and it is naturally worried.

Of course......

There are also some generals of the Lianyang Dynasty army who are eager to make meritorious achievements, but they are a little unimpressed by the Great Snow Dragon Ride!

"General... ~..."

In the barracks, a soldier from the Lianyang Dynasty came to the commander of the army of the Lianyang Dynasty, and said with a solemn expression: "Our scouts have found signs of movement of the Northern Liang Great Snow Dragon Riding Army, and they may be killed from the territory of Northern Liang at any time..."

Zhao Meng, the commander of the army of the Yang Dynasty, was a strong man who cultivated to the realm and approached the land immortals.

He has always had a heart to challenge Xu Xiao.


He received an order from the emperor to lead an army to press the Northern Liang, and he was very happy.


He thought of taking this opportunity to completely raise his reputation and use Xu Xiao as a stepping stone to achieve his prestige!

Hearing the soldier's report, Zhao Meng's deep eyes flashed, and the corners of his mouth showed a look of disapproval.

"Xu Xiao is going to die soon..."

Zhao Mengqing snorted and said disapprovingly: "Without Xu Xiao's Great Snow Dragon Ride, it is equivalent to being drained of the main heart bone, and the combat power will be greatly weakened!" Now they must have fallen into chaos, and it is normal to have movement! If they dare to kill it, it will be more in line with my heart! "

"This battle..."

"I will definitely level all the people who are not subject in the territory of Northern Liang!"

Listening to their words, the faces of the generals of the Lianyang Dynasty around him were a little changeable, they did not have such strong self-confidence as Zhao Meng, and they were full of fear and fear of Northern Liang, if it were not for the emperor's coercive order, these people really did not want to lead an army to besiege Northern Liang.

After all......

Xu Xiao's prestige, the prestige of the Great Snow Dragon Ride, that is obvious to all!

Although they now say that the number of troops they lead is more than three times that of the Great Snow Dragon Rider, they have no confidence that they will be able to defeat the Great Snow Dragon Rider!

Zhao Meng naturally noticed the change in everyone's expressions and felt the emotion in their hearts.

"How? Are you so afraid of Xu Xiao, a dying person? "

With a mocking look in his eyes, he glanced at the generals around him, and Zhao Meng sneered: "A dying person, what is there to be afraid of?" Without the leader of the Great Snow Dragon Ride, what is there to be afraid of? Could it be that we are three times their elite soldiers, and we can't take them ?! "

Listen to what he said.

The arrival of the Yang Dynasty, their faces changed, and they all lowered their heads and did not speak. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

See this situation,

Zhao Meng's eyes deepened, a flash of irritation flashed, and he was about to open his mouth to reprimand, suddenly...

He felt a terrifying coldness that enveloped his whole body, making his sweat hair explode instantly!


The faces of the other Lianyang Dynasty generals present also changed suddenly, and their eyes showed a look of horror, because they also felt that sudden sense of terrifying crisis, which made them chill!


Before they could come to their senses, suddenly there was a terrifying roar and explosion outside!

And also

The miserable wails of countless soldiers!


The whole world instantly became chaotic, and screams of horror rose and fell one after another outside.1

"What's going on?!"

After Zhao Meng came back to his senses, a flash of horror flashed in his eyes. Suddenly exclaimed: "Why is there such a big movement?" Come! Come on people! "

While yelling, he rushed out towards the outside of the big tent.

After the rest of the generals came to their senses, they also rushed out with him.

At the moment when Zhao Meng and the others rushed out of the big tent, they saw a scene that they would never forget, their expressions instantly became sluggish, and a thick look of horror appeared in the depths of their eyes!


One after another dark red pillars of light came from the distant sky towards the direction of their army camp, and each pillar of light fell, it was an earth-shattering roaring explosion, and the terrifying energy slammed out one terrifying pit after another in the ground, and above the deep space...

The original barracks completely disappeared and turned into flying ash...


The end is generally terrifying!!

Before they could react, the scientific and technological army from Daming, the attack of warships from thousands of miles away, caused the army of the Lianyang Dynasty led by Zhao Mengshuai to suffer heavy losses, countless deaths and injuries, and the camp was beaten to pieces!


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