Chapter 212: Liu Bowen's Science and Technology Army Makes Meritorious Achievements! The shock of the Yang Dynasty!

Inside the barracks of the Yang Dynasty.

At this moment, Zhao Meng, standing on the martial arts arena inside the camp, looked down at the many soldiers of the Yang Dynasty who were densely kneeling on the ground, his expression was cold and his eyes were gloomy.

"Damn it!"

"What is the situation? Why did our camp suddenly collapse! Who the hell did this?! "

Zhao Meng roared angrily.

The situation was so weird that he couldn't understand what was going on.

He only remembered that just now he brought many masters from the Yang Dynasty, as well as the million-strong army under his command to slash the King of Northern Liang in front of the battle, and he was about to destroy the Great Snow Dragon Rider here, but he didn't expect that suddenly the heavens descended from the divine power, causing the military camp of the Lianyang Dynasty to collapse in an instant.


What made him even more puzzled was why not only did the Yang Dynasty military camp collapse, but even the Great Snow Dragon Rider was also burned by this heavenly descent fire...


Suddenly, in the distance, there was a loud shout.

Immediately afterwards, I saw two figures flying quickly, and soon appeared in front of Zhao Meng, it was the spies who were sent over to investigate the news first!

"How? Do you know where this divine fire was cast? "

Zhao Meng immediately asked440.

There was a hint of anxiety in his eyebrows.

This time attacking Northern Liang, he was not prepared to rely on the treasury of the Lianyang Dynasty, but relied on the army and crushed the Great Snow Dragon Horse with the strength of the army!

But now that the barracks have been destroyed by mysterious energy, there are not even a few Great Snow Dragon Riders left, and such a result is absolutely unbearable for him.

If he knows who caused this, he will definitely find out and torture the other party fiercely.

"Pray to your lord, humble position... Impotent! "

"The lowly position can only determine that this divine fire was released by some supreme master, and what kind of master it is, the lowly position is not clear. However, the humble position found that this divine fire was spreading in the direction of the Northern Liang King City! It seems... In helping the Northern Liang King City! "

"Northern Liang King City?!"

Hearing this, Zhao was stunned.

Then, his eyes suddenly widened, and his eyes showed shock and disbelief!

Although the Northern Liang King City was not far from their Yang Camp, it was definitely not close!

That there was actually someone in the Northern Liang King City who could manipulate the heaven and earth elements to condense into a flame, and pointed directly at the military camp of the Lianyang Dynasty?

It's just incredible!

If he hadn't heard it with his own ears, he would have suspected that someone else had framed him on purpose!

"When did the Northern Liang King City have such a strong statue? Could it be..."

Thinking of this, Zhao Meng's pupils shrank suddenly!


Liu Bowen couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth at this time, after all, the principle pursued by the scientific and technological army has always been the first battle and the final battle, since he decided to destroy this army of the Yang Dynasty, how could he let him escape?

After Daming's scientific and technological army entered the territory of the Lianyang Dynasty, it was the first time to lock this army!

And then......

Under Liu Bowen's arrangement, this bomb was directly detonated!

On the contrary, Lan Yu's expression was hideous, and his eyes looking at the army of science and technology were full of disbelief, he never expected that the army of science and technology that he had always looked down on actually arrived in the Yang Dynasty first before him.


Unexpectedly, in just one blaze of incense, he destroyed the 360,000 army he had worked so hard to train?!

Not only that, but even the main camp of the Lianyang Dynasty was blasted away by this laser cannon, which was unimaginable!

"How is this possible!"

"Damn, their army of science and technology is only faster than our army of immortal cultivators, do you really want them to steal their head skills?!"

Lan Yu was indignant, and her heart was extremely depressed and hated the army of science and technology!

If it weren't for the surprise of the scientific and technological army, taking advantage of the fact that his army was not paying attention, and directly smashed the yellow dragon by surprise, how could he achieve such a huge achievement?

After Zhu Yuanzhang saw the power of the scientific and technological army, he nodded with satisfaction, turned his head to look at Zhu Bai and said excitedly: "Or we have foresight, this scientific and technological army really lives up to expectations." Hahaha, in this way, this conquest of the Yang Dynasty, we will definitely win! "

Zhu Bai smiled and said, "What Father Emperor said." "

Although the power of this scientific and technological army is indeed very strong, he is not proud of it! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Because the advantages of the army of science and technology are obvious, fast and powerful, but the disadvantages are also obvious, that is, the gap between flexibility and functionality and the army of immortal cultivators is too big, for example, the army of immortal cultivators has a variety of spells, spells, treasures, etc., and the army of science and technology has nothing, it is just a bunch of machinery.

But despite this, he still feels that the value of the technology army is irreplaceable.

Because, the army of science and technology is a pure killing machine!

It is most suitable to use it to conquer the world!

The reason why he invested in this group of science and technology in the first place, in addition to wanting to cultivate his own power, another important goal is to lay a foundation for the future!

Now it seems that these investments are great value for money!

"Report! The war report came from the front, and a super laser cannon fired by the scientific and technological army caused heavy losses to the 360,000 troops of the Yang Dynasty, and now the army of the Yang Dynasty is losing and retreating..."

"Report! The army of the Lianyang Dynasty has now collapsed, and the army has suffered heavy casualties! "


One after another good news came back from the battlefield, the corners of Zhu Yuanzhang's mouth could not stop rising, as a representative of the scientific and technological army, Liu Bowen also smiled like a chrysanthemum blooming.

An hour later.

When the latest good news came, the entire tent was full of cheers, and everyone's eyes fell on Liu Bowen and Lan Yu.

This battle is the credit of Liu Bowen!

Not only did he destroy most of the enemy army with the power of the scientific and technological army, but Daming did not suffer any casualties, not even a single soldier was injured!

Such a result is enough to amaze anyone!

Liu Bowen smiled slightly, and said humbly: "Your Majesty is wrong!" Without your will, where would the last general have the courage to lead the army of science and technology to charge? All this is thanks to His Majesty's wisdom and martial arts, and His Highnesses Fourteen strategize and give the highest support to the scientific and technological army, so that the last general has the glory of today! "

Lan Yu snorted coldly when she heard this, but did not speak again.

Because he found that no matter how he refuted, the facts were there.

The army of science and technology was indeed the first to take the lead, and the army of the Immortal Cultivator had already defeated the army of the Yang Dynasty before it reached the battlefield!

"Well, good! Liu Aiqing, you did a very good job, and after this pacification of the Yang Dynasty, I will definitely reward you! "

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed loudly, looking at Lan Yu and Liu Bowen's eyes full of gratification!

The army of science and technology is Daming's hole card and his killer weapon!

And the army of immortal cultivators is also a sharp blade, naturally it is necessary to pay equal attention, and this kind of benign competition between the two armies is an absolutely good thing in the eyes of the emperor.


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