Chapter 214 We just need a working boy


Fortunately, they were ancients and did not know that there was a word called pretending.

Otherwise, they will definitely ask now, you kid said this, you are definitely pretending, right?

But alas, it didn't.

Zhu Bai really did not pretend, Daming is indeed this strength now.

Moreover, this is not even counted, such a strong combat power as Zhu Bai.

In addition to him, there are also a few golden pills.

If nothing else, the old man must really want to find someone to fight with, and his hands are itchy.

This time it took nearly two minutes before Xu Xiao could barely digest the news.

He turned to a wry smile and said, "If your strength is so strong... There may be hope for controlling the whole world. "

"Since you are so powerful, why are you looking for you now?" 023""

Zhu Bai sat up straight and said with a smile: "It's very simple. "

"We are outsiders, and we only know a general understanding of the world."

"Although we are strong, we can't always spin around like a headless fly, right? How much time that would have to be wasted. "

"Besides, after the occupation, people will also need to manage here."

"For a variety of reasons, finding a local is definitely the best option."

Speaking of which, everyone also understood.

To put it bluntly, just find a part-time worker.

However, Xu Xiao did not immediately express his position, but after some thought, he slowly said: "Northern Liang Royal Mansion, how can you betray the Yang Kingdom." "

Zhu Bai was not surprised by this, stood up and looked at the others.

Especially Xu Fengnian.

He said, "I can fully understand that you have such perseverance in your hearts. "

"But now that the situation is so clear, Emperor Lianyang has made it clear that he wants you to die, do you still want to adhere to this ridiculous foolish loyalty?"

"If it weren't for us appearing today, we wouldn't have been able to wait for dark, and among the people present, I am afraid that a few of them would have passed away."

"Besides, after we succeed, leaving the Yang Country or leaving the Yang Country will only become a subsidiary of Daming."

"It is better for the people to have a better life than they are now."

"You should know better than me what kind of person that Emperor Lianyang is."

Zhu Bai's gaze swept around, and finally stopped at Xu Xiao.


"Wang Ye, you can't pull others to die because you don't have much time, right?"

Zhu Bai's words were pure criticism, how could Xu Xiao have such a thought.

But at this time, it is to give him a little stimulation, whether he is cursed or not, anyway, I said so!

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, he heard a burst of angry reprimands from people on both sides.

"What are you talking nonsense, Wang Ye will never be that kind of person!"

"No matter how strong you are, but Wang Ye is by no means something you can easily insult, otherwise, even if I fight for this life, I will have to bite off a piece of your meat!"

"You are presumptuous!"

The room suddenly became a mess, and then I saw Xu Xiao slamming the table and making an explosion.

"Shut up for me!"

The gap in strength between the two sides is too big, and all the courage is just a joke.

He knew that these threats were meaningless to Zhu Bai, but they might provoke Zhu Bai's anger.

Now Bei Liang wants to escape, and there is only one way.

After scolding everyone, Xu Xiao took a deep breath and let his tone be as gentle as possible.

"King Xiang is really powerful, I wonder how you can see that my time is numbered?"

Zhu Bai just smiled, not to mention that he already knew that he could easily see it just by the look in his god-level eyes.

But there is no need to explain this.

Zhu Bai's expression suddenly became serious, and he looked at Xu Xiao: "Wang Ye, I have made it clear. "

"Today's Emperor Lianyang, he is not worthy of this position, and the people are suffering from it, so why not change a Ming monarch and seek the welfare of the people?"

"When he is the emperor, is he still worthy of the Yang Country that you stick to?"

"In this way, I will add one more condition."

"I can help you get back to health."

The fluttering words once again made everyone's hearts hit hard.

Xu Fengnian, who had never spoken, finally couldn't help it at this moment, hurriedly stood up, and asked, "What did you say?" Can you cure it? Seriously? "

Zhu Bai's tone was firm: "Naturally, if it really doesn't work, you can cure him first, and then it's not too late to make a decision." "

With Daming's current conditions, let alone cure Xu Xiao, it is also very simple to let him cultivate immortals and prolong his life after the past.

Xu Fengnian's eyes flashed, and he said busily: "Okay, then it's settled." "

"As long as it can be cured, then we will fully cooperate with you!"

Zhu Bai smiled, and then got up: "Then what are you waiting for, let's go..."


Before reaching cooperation with the Northern Liang Royal Mansion, Daming's army temporarily stopped moving.

And the news from this side also spread back to the palace at the fastest speed. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Inside the palace, Emperor Lianyang looked at the secret report in front of him, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

Below, several people were crawling on their knees, only feeling a mountain of pressure, although their muscles began to ache, they did not dare to make a fool of themselves.

Move it, in case you are angered by the Emperor Lianyang, I am afraid that it is not just a death...

And the anger of the Yang Emperor finally reached a peak.

He slammed the secret report in his hand down and shouted angrily almost like a roar: "Can anyone explain to Xuan, what the hell is going on!" "

"The army that is several times more than Northern Liang has not yet allowed Northern Liang to lose a single soldier, but it is almost completely destroyed!"

"What powerful enemy from heaven, who wrote this news? I was really confused and cut off his head, but I really wanted to see what was inside his head! "

The person below who handed the fold trembled, although this was not written by him, but it was always handed by him, and he could be angry in the end.

He could only resist the pressure, and his voice trembled: "Your Majesty is angry." "

"I have verified this news several times, it is true, and there is not the slightest falsehood!"

Emperor Lianyang looked at the person who made the sound, his chest rose and fell several times, probably because he had vented a little anger just now, and this matter could still be restrained.

"No false words?"

Could it be that Feizhen 3.0 has enemies from the sky and powerful weapons?

Heavenly soldiers?

After a long silence, Emperor Lianyang sat down again and calmed down a lot.

"What about Zhao Meng?"

The man hurriedly said, "General Zhao is seriously injured and unconscious, I don't know what the situation is now." "

"This waste." Emperor Lianyang cursed lowly, and then said, "Immediately send someone to Northern Liang to explore the truth of this gang." "

"If it is really as powerful as the above, then send someone to make peace."

The people below were stunned for a while: "Talk, talk about peace?" "

The anger that Emperor Lianyang had just subsided had the tendency to rekindle: "Go quickly!" "


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