Chapter 215 This is Daming? Isn't this the Immortal Realm?

The battle situation here soon spread throughout the world.

Many secret existences exclaimed.

There were also many forces who sent people to test it, but because Zhu Bai was not there for the time being, no one saw important people.

Of course, not all of them went back, and Zhu Yuanzhang still stayed here.

It's just that Zhu Yuanzhang is just when his self-confidence is bursting.

Originally intended to conquer this world, why should these sent people see them?

If it weren't for Zhu Bai's initiative, the Northern Liang Mansion below would have been the next target.

Since Zhu Bai mentioned it now, then don't move him.

But besides the Northern Liang Mansion, what else does he care about?!

Among these forces, the most noteworthy is the Yang Dynasty.

They were the next target in the plan, and Zhu Yuanzhang naturally would not see them.

It's just that the banner they are playing is quite interesting.


They actually want to make peace?

Could it be that our Daming army has reached the point of being terrifying?

A huge Lianyang dynasty, just because of the battle of Northern Liang, it is necessary to talk about peace?

16 In his heart, Zhu Yuanzhang despised Emperor Lianyang fiercely.

On the other side, Zhu Bai took Xu Xiao's father and son and returned to Hongwu Daming.

Passing through the gate of time and space, the three finally stepped on the land of Ying Tiancheng.

From a distance, the huge stone monuments and towers that seem to reach into the sky are truly impressive.

Father and son saw such a majestic building for the first time, and they were stunned in place for a while.

Zhu Bai waited for a while before he spoke up: "Okay, there will be time to see it in the future, let's go." "

Only then did the two come to their senses, without saying a word, and followed Zhu Bai towards the center of the city.

Now everyone in Daming knows that it was His Highness Zhu Bai who led them to cultivate immortals and was the great benefactor of the entire Daming.

But not many people have actually seen Zhu Bai.

At most, when Zhu Bai was flying in the air, he glanced at it from a distance, but he didn't know what Zhu Bai looked like.

So this way, no one bothered.

The gazes of Xu Xiao's father and son never stopped.

They were all curiously looking at this strange country.

Most of the people along the way were smiling, and more importantly, they saw many elderly people walking like flying.

Everyone cultivates, this is in their world, it is a distant thing, how to look here... It's really everyone who is cultivating, they came all the way, and not a single ordinary person saw it!

How is this possible!

Xu Fengnian was obviously paying attention to other things.

The spiritual energy between heaven and earth was so rich, more than ten times richer than the Yang Kingdom.

The most important thing is that when he looked at the stone tablet just now, he seemed to be attracted by something strange.

He wanted to investigate, but he could feel an invisible barrier blocking him.

I wanted to try a different method, but unfortunately, before he could explore the result, what was this strange thing, he was interrupted by Zhu Bai and sobered up.

He wouldn't be angry about it, after all, it was someone else's thing, just very curious.

Zhu Bai is at the forefront, which can be regarded as a guide, and by the way, he also plays the role of a tour guide.

"This is my Daming Kingdom."

"Heaven and earth are rich in spiritual energy, and everyone can cultivate immortals."

"That tower, called the Dao Tower of Enlightenment, in which people cultivate, the speed can be increased a hundred times."

"That stone stele is called the Heavenly Palace Divine Monument, and all my people of Daming can visualize it and comprehend the exercises."

"Another stone stele, called the Dan Dao Inheritance Divine Monument, is left in it is the perception of countless Dan Dao grandmasters, and visualization is of great benefit to the art of alchemy."

"In addition, my Daming also has facilities such as Dongtian Blessed Land, Royal Immortal Cultivation Academy, and so on."

"And also..."

Zhu Bai told the current Daming, partly because he introduced the two, and he was also coordinating.

I didn't pay much attention to it before, but now that I took stock, I found that Daming had developed to this extent.

It's really embarrassing.

Compared with Zhu Bai's full of embarrassment here, Xu Xiao's father and son were full of shock.

Can anyone cultivate immortals? Observing the monument to comprehend the exercises, the art of elixir? Blessed? Royal Academy?

All this is simply beyond their understanding.

But all this around them is telling them that this is not Zhu Bai lying.

The two only felt like a dream.

Such a country, even if they are desperately imaginary, cannot appear in their dreams.

But now, it really appears in front of their eyes.

This, is this the immortal world...

Xu Fengnian's face was full of shock, and he suddenly woke up after a moment, gritting his teeth: "Is there really such a country in this world?" I don't believe it! "

"In case you are talking nonsense, or simply pretending to be..."

Zhu Bai glanced back at him. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


"Tell me, what method can I use to pretend to be this rich heaven and earth aura?"

"Or do you think that the weight of your Northern Liang Royal Mansion is heavy enough for me to spend a huge price for you to arrange all this?"

"You think too much of yourself."

"If nothing else, before the battle in Beiliang, I believe there must be many people and many forces who are willing to come and be my Daming's lackeys."

"We need local natives to lead the way, but it definitely doesn't have to be your Northern Liang Royal Mansion!"

"Besides... This is really not your original world. "

"The gate through which we came is the passage between the two realms."

It can only be said that it is a pity that the cultivation of these two people is not too high, and they cannot feel the power that penetrates the two realms in that passage.

In their original world, it is true that such a kingdom could not be born.

But still that sentence, Daming needs local lackeys, not the Northern Liang Royal Mansion.

If Zhu Bai had not taken the initiative to propose it before 680, Zhu Yuanzhang's first target would have been the Northern Liang Royal Mansion.

Now Xu Fengnian, to put it bluntly, has no qualifications for Zhu Bai to face it squarely.

Xu Xiao was much more sensible, reached out to stop Xu Fengnian, and then looked at Zhu Bai with a smile.

"His Royal Highness King Xiang was angry, and the dog was also too shocked in his heart to say anything."

"Daming is so strong, we naturally have no reason to refuse."

"What King Xiang said before, we agreed."

Daming is a behemoth, the Northern Liang Royal Mansion has no power to resist, if you join in exchange for the right to use all this, it is simply a big profit.

So, what other reason is there to refuse?

Zhu Bai chuckled and didn't care too much.

Then he said: "Then I will start to heal your wounds, at least I will never break my promise about what I promised." "

After speaking, he saw that he raised his hand a little, and a white light suddenly disappeared into Xu Xiao's eyebrows.

Xu Xiao's body froze, but he sensed that Zhu Bai was not fierce, and Sheng Sheng held down the hand that wanted to fight back.

After the white light, he felt that there seemed to be something more in his mind.


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