Chapter 216 entered the Enlightenment Tower to cultivate, and his injuries were almost healed

Xu Fengnian didn't know the details, he only saw Zhu Bai suddenly move, and he was instantly angry.

"What do you do!"

Xu Fengnian shouted angrily and quickly stopped in front of Xu Xiao.

Zhu Bai frowned slightly, this Xu Fengnian really didn't know how to lift, really felt that Zhu Bai didn't dare to kill him?

Fortunately, Xu Xiao immediately grabbed Xu Fengnian and said, "Don't worry, His Royal Highness King Xiang is not against me." "

Persuaded Xu Fengnian to the back, and then Xu Xiao surrendered his hand to Zhu Bai and said solemnly: "Dare to ask His Royal Highness King Xiang, is this for me, exercises?" "

Zhu Bai nodded lightly and said, "Not bad, it's the exercises." "

"This exercise is called the Dead Wood Spring Divine Skill, although the grade is relatively low, but because of the characteristics of the exercise, it is quite ingenious in the way of healing."

"You will enter the Enlightenment Tower later, and you will be able to cultivate to the second level in less than a day, when your injuries will be fully recovered, and you will be safe from life."

"Cultivating to the depths, adding another fifty years of life, is not too difficult."

In fact, the injuries on Xu Xiao's body can be cured by Zhu Bai casually injecting a little Qingmu Qi, or just take some pills.

The reason why I brought them here is mainly to show them the strength of Daming.

Only after seeing the strength of Daming will they agree to come down, right?

As for this dead wood spring divine skill, it is only called by name, but it is a low-level Xuan-level exercise, and now Daming, this level of exercise is simply a lot.

It doesn't hurt to give him one casually.

At the same time, he can't let him recover too easily, and the easier it is to get, the less he knows how to cherish it.

Daming is looking for a lackey, not a partner, lest they figure out their position in the future.

Xu Xiao nodded again and again and hugged his fist to Zhu Bai: "So it is, thank you His Royal Highness King Xiang." "

"I'll go to the Tower of Gokudo, but Inuko..."

Chen Xiao glanced at it lightly: "He just waits outside, just find a place to pass the time." "

Letting Xu Xiao enter the Tower of Enlightenment is already extrajudicial grace, how can he still bring Xu Fengnian.

Honestly wait.

When Xu Xiao heard this, although he felt a pity, he would not say much, after all, this should be.

After a few words of instruction to Xu Fengnian , Xu Xiao followed the direction of the Tower of Enlightenment.


Outside the Tower of Enlightenment, there are really many people here, and it seems that they are all people who want to queue up.

Xu Xiao did not make it special, in fact, after seeing Daming's current grand situation, he had already put himself in an extremely low posture.

Honestly line up, because the Tower of Enlightenment itself is restricted, and people who are not Daming cannot enter, so no one is watching here.

Xu Xiao had Zhu Bai's consent, so he could enter.

This queue took a long time, but Xu Xiao was patient.

After entering the Tower of Enlightenment, the space inside was not as crowded as expected.

In fact, when he came in, he couldn't see anyone else at all, and he was the only one in the fog.

This was probably the magic power of the tower itself, which once again made Xu Xiao's heart full of awe.

It's really hard to imagine how high the grade of this treasure is, even if it is a top magic weapon of a true immortal.

In the future, this place can really become an immortal world.

Without much delay, Xu Xiao immediately sat down on the spot and calmed down.

Close your eyes and meditate, and according to the exercises in your mind, start working.

The mist gradually began to converge towards Xu Xiao, and in a short time, it was already visible to the naked eye, forming a vortex above his head.

The lowest end of the whirlpool is naturally Xu Xiao, which is like a scene of empowerment, and anyone who sees it must be amazed.

Of course, relying only on the deadwood spring divine skill, and Xu Xiao's own foundation, can never affect this scene.

Right now, it's the effect of the Enlightenment Pagoda itself, if not, how can it increase people's cultivation speed by ten times and a hundred times?

After running for ten great Zhou Tian, with the introduction of the exercises, Zhu Bai also punched into Xu Xiao's body, and a trace of Qingmu Emperor Qi also suddenly penetrated into Zhou Tian's operation.

With the addition of Emperor Aoki's imperial qi, Xu Xiao only felt a powerful vitality force that began to scatter towards the limbs.

The injuries on his body suddenly improved a lot, and the most important thing was that he could still feel that this trace of Aoki Emperor Qi was still repairing the dark injuries left by his body.

These are all injuries that have been suffered before, and they have not been properly handled, resulting in dark wounds. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In normal times, it is harmless at that time, and it is extremely difficult to cure, and even some are difficult to detect.

But that doesn't mean it's harmless.

If one day he is seriously injured again, these dark injuries erupt together, which is a big problem.

It is not impossible to cause him to fall on the spot.

Therefore, now this trace of Qingmu Emperor Qi, even these dark injuries can be healed, which really shocked Xu Xiao's heart again.

He took a deep breath and forced down the excitement in his heart.

Xu Xiao began to run smoothly on Sunday, and after this mind was completely immersed, he could not detect the change in time outside.

I don't know how long it took before Xu Xiao's mind returned, and he slowly opened his eyes.

After feeling the condition of the body, it was transparent and soothing, and the sense of blockage that had been tormented by injuries before had all disappeared.

It seems that his body has become much younger because of this, and he only feels that there is endless energy in his body now, and he is eager to vent.

Fortunately, his heart is good, and he did not play a role here.

This Tower of Enlightenment, how to look at it, is its precious treasure, what if it is damaged?

Well, he knew that his cultivation was humble, and it was simply whimsical to want to destroy the Tower of Enlightenment.

But this kind of thing is always inappropriate.

If you want to fight, after returning to Beiliang, he can completely let go of his hands and feet to fight, and he doesn't have to do it here.

Deadwood Fengchun Divine Skill, he has successfully cultivated the first layer, and faintly touched the threshold of the second layer.

The injuries on his body are not yet better, but there is not much left.

When he cultivated to the second level, he could indeed fully recover as Zhu Bai said.

The rest is only a matter of time.

Without further delay, Xu Xiao walked towards the exit. (Noli Zhao)

Zhu Bai was originally resting in the palace, and after sensing Xu Xiao's appearance, his divine thoughts instantly enveloped the entire Ying Tian, directly locking Xu Fengnian, who was drinking tea in a certain teahouse.

Then I saw his figure flash, and the whole person disappeared in place.

In the next second, he had already appeared next to Xu Fengnian.

"Let's go, your dad is out~."

Without waiting for Xu Fengnian to reply, Zhu Bai grabbed his shoulders, and then the figures of the two disappeared in unison.

Appeared again, already in front of the Tower of Enlightenment.

Before Xu Fengnian could react to what was going on, he was already brought over.

Ahead, it was Xu Xiao who had just come out.

At present, Xu Xiao's face is rosy and full of breath, and the situation has greatly improved.


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