Chapter 223 Between talking and laughing, Bei Mang surrendered

Then, Zhu Bai withdrew his coercion.

The heavy burden that was originally still on the old man disappeared directly.

The old man breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Old Immortal said the wrong thing, capital crime, and asked His Royal Highness King Xiang to read it for the sake of old age and ignorance."

"Bypass the old age this time." The old man said.

The other Bei Mang's entourage guards were all in a cold sweat.

In this scene just now, although several entourages were not targeted by Zhu Bai.

But everyone can see that the old man is suppressed ~ complains for days.

With the old man's position and cultivation in Beimang-.

He didn't want to fight back, and these people of him were really ants.

"What do you call it, old man? Do you want King Ben to keep calling you an old man? Zhu Bai frowned.

"Under the Bei Mang messenger Taiping Order." Taiping Ling hurriedly bowed.

It turned out that the old man in front of him was Taiping Ling.

"Taiping Order, you listen to King Ben."

"Don't play such a little temper, don't say that this king has the temper of the Son of Heaven."

"If King Ben is willing, even if it is to say to my father, I want to be the emperor."

"My father and the emperor will also abdicate to me immediately, and no one in the Manchu Dynasty will disobey."

"You are playing such a trick in front of King Ben, you must think that you have lived too long."

"So want to end your life early?" Zhu Bai looked at Taiping Ling coldly.

And Taiping Ling also wiped his cold sweat, and his heart was shocked.

Unexpectedly, this Xiang King was already so powerful in this strange Daming Dynasty.

It seems that he still made a mistake.

"It was the old man's rudeness, and he also asked His Royal Highness King Xiang to forgive him." The Taiping Order pleaded guilty again.

"Okay, don't be pretentious, let's say, how is your emperor thinking about it?" Zhu Bai stretched.

Taiping Ling hurriedly said: "My Majesty deeply feels the strength of Daming. "

"And also received a letter from Xu Xiao, the king of Northern Liang, and my majesty decided to surrender the whole country."

"I just hope that King Xiang can protect my Bei Mang Sect Temple." Taiping Ling said.

"The sect temple is where the ancestors are, and this king is not an animal, so naturally he will not destroy other people's ancestral temples."

"King Ben agreed." Jumbo nodded.

"Thank you King Xiang, thank you King Xiang." Taiping Ling said excitedly.

Then, I saw him wave his hand, and a retinue came up with a large box.

"What is it?" Zhu Bai asked curiously.

"Hui Xiang's words, this is the head of the messenger of the Yang Dynasty."

"It can be regarded as a meeting gift from His Majesty to the King of Xiang."

"That's it." Zhu Bai waved his hand in disgust: "I'm not interested in watching." "

"King Ben will fight against the Lianyang Dynasty tomorrow."

"You Bei Mang whole army just do your own thing."

"Destroy the Lianyang Dynasty, when the time comes, King Ben will see that Your Majesty has decreed to abdicate."

"At that time, King Ben will naturally take your family and His Majesty and other people."

"Let's go together, my Daming cultivation immortal has a long life."

"Thank you King Xiang, thank you King Xiang." Taiping made a series of excited hands.

As early as before, the female emperor of Beimang had received Xu Xiao's letter.

This female emperor herself liked Xu Xiao.

I have a deep affection for Xu Xiaona.

After knowing what Xu Xiao saw and heard in Daming.

The female emperor of Bei Mang moved the mind to surrender.

The main thing is that the warship of Daming fell from the sky.

But in an instant, hundreds of thousands of Lianyang troops were wiped out.

Such a terrifying scene was naturally seen by the spies of Beimang.

At the beginning of the period, the female emperor of Bei Mang still did not believe it.

How can there be a warship in this world that can fly?

Shouldn't it be in the sea?

There is also how can there be something round in this world that can shoot out one after another.

And then there was no grass wherever those rays went.

What a powerful divine skill this is.

However, as Bei Mang's spies came back one after another with the news of leaving the Yang Dynasty.

The female emperor of Bei Mang understood.

These so-called extraterrestrial visitors are really immortals.

Coupled with the letter of Xu Xiao, the king of Northern Liang, this made the female emperor of Northern Mang decide to surrender the whole country.

It is not possible not to surrender, if it is not to surrender. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

That Bei Mang is afraid that there is not a single living mouth in the whole country.

After receiving Zhu Bai's promise, Taiping Ling rushed back to the capital of Northern Liang with people as soon as possible.

The next day.

There were at least dozens of people from all over the Northern Liang Royal Mansion, led by Xu Xiao.

Directly boarded Zhu Bai's warship.

Li Yishan, Blue Bird, Sweet Potato and others were seeing the Daming elite warship.

All of a sudden, they were stunned in place.

Especially Li Yishan, who has been looking left and right.

Those eyes never left a single part of the ship.

No way, the heavens and minds are now exploding in science and technology.

This ship is no different from a Star Destroyer.

Naturally, where had Li Yishan seen such a thing.

Instead, Chen Zibao on the side had a murderous look in his eyes.

There also seems to be small movements in the hands.

In fact, Zhu Bai had already noticed Chen Zibao.

According to the plot in the original work, this Chen Zibao himself has the idea of wanting to establish himself as the King of Northern Liang.

Therefore, if he is sensible today, he does not mess around.

Zhu Bai may still spare his life.

If he dared to mess around, then Zhu Bai would directly kill a hundred people.

At this time, Li Yishan looked shocked and said to Zhu Bai: "Caomin Li Yishan meets His Royal Highness King Xiang. "

"Is there something going on?" Zhu Bai looked at him coldly.

This very wise character in the original book is shocked at the moment.

But you can't blame him, after all, anyone who sees this Daming warship will be shocked.

"May I ask His Royal Highness King Xiang, why is Daming's warship so different from the warships of other countries."

"And why can this Daming warship still fly in the air?" Li Yishan looked at Zhu Bai with a curious expression.

"It is worthy of being something famous in the world from the Yang Dynasty." Zhu Bai was not angry.

He admired Li Yishan's attitude.

If you don't understand, just ask, nothing.

Zhu Bai has a good heart and can't see others being ignorant.

"When you arrive at my Daming and follow the immortal cultivation, you will naturally understand."

"Thank you King Xiang." Li Yishan is also a smart person.

Seeing Zhu Bai say this, he also accepted it when he saw it.

At this time, Chen Zibao suddenly stepped forward.

Zhu Bai glanced at him.

Chen Zibao had a dark weapon in his hand.

Being so close to himself, it seems that he is planning to assassinate himself.

However, Zhu Bai did not make a difficulty, but planned to quietly watch Chen Zibao perform.

I saw Chen Zibao bow his hand and say, "His Royal Highness King Xiang." "

"The master of Daming is majestic and powerful, and the national strength of Daming is also like the sky."

"In this way, this time the Xiang King will destroy the Yang Dynasty just around the corner." Chen Zibao raised his hands and pointed his wrists at Zhu Bai.

Zhu Bai saw it in his eyes, but he understood it very well in his heart.

This kid probably intends to take advantage of such a close distance.

Then give yourself a surprise.

It seems that this guy is iron-hearted and wants to assassinate himself.

It's just that he can't figure it out, what is this Chen Zibao's intention to assassinate himself?


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