Chapter 224 Chen Zibao, this king admires your loyalty

Now as long as you are not a fool, you are not blind.

It can be seen that Daming's combat power is crushing the Yang Dynasty.

Even if Chen Zibao is truly loyal to the Yang Dynasty, he should know that leaving the Yang Dynasty will perish.

Let's not talk about whether Chen Zibao can kill himself.

Even if he really killed himself.

Wouldn't Daming take more crazy revenge on the Yang Dynasty?

It seems that this Chen Zibao's motives are really not something that ordinary people can figure out.

"King Xiang." Chen Zibao handed over his hand again: "Chen Zibao has a question for King Xiang." "


"Since Daming is so powerful, why would he bully my weak Lianyang Dynasty?"

"Could it be that the big man likes to bully the weak in his life to fulfill his vanity?"

"Chen Zibao, you don't want to die, dare to talk to His Royal Highness King Xiang like this." Xu Xiao was a little angry. "177" Chen Zibao, as his righteous son, actually has some feelings.

What's more, Chen Zibao himself is also a brave general under his command.

Now talk to Ju Bai like this.

If Zhu Bai is not happy.

Killing him was easy.

Chen Zibao asked on the spot: "King Xiang, is what Chen Zibao said wrong?" "

Zhu Bai looked at Chen Zibao, and then smiled slightly: "Okay." "

"Chen Zibao, I'm a man."

"You have a dark weapon on your wrist, right?"

"Being so close to King Ben, are you sure you can kill King Ben?"

"Do you want to come closer?"

"Lest there be no front sight." Zhu Bai said lightly.

Hearing Zhu Bai's words, Xu and the others' faces changed greatly.

"Chen Zibao, what a big boldness."

"You dare to threaten His Royal Highness King Xiang." Xu Fengnian was also anxious.

Qingniao, Li Yishan and others also didn't know how to be good.

Unexpectedly, Chen Zibao surrendered in the Northern Liang Royal Mansion.

Unexpectedly, he wanted to assassinate Zhu Bai, the king of Xiang, with a dark weapon.

Isn't this an excuse for Zhu Bai to destroy the Northern Liang Royal Mansion?

Who knows, Chen Zibao actually laughed: "I do things by myself and do things by myself." "

After speaking, Chen Zibao's hands suddenly appeared.

Only two subtle sounds of "boom" were heard.

Two silver needles covered with poison flew out from Chen Zibao's wrist.

Chen Zibao and Zhu Bai were only three steps apart.

Such a close distance is a small dark instrument such as a silver needle that is not easy to find.

Three steps away, that can definitely kill the opponent.

However, except in front of Zhu Bai.

The surrounding Daming guards, including Xu Da and the others, did not make any moves.

Nor did anyone show any panicked expression.

Everyone is very calm.

It was as if he had turned a blind eye to Chen Zibao's assassination of Zhu Bai.

Zhu Bai, on the other hand, was still sitting on the chair.

The body did not move, and there was no expression on the face.

In the next second, I saw Zhu Bai's body burst out with a white light.

This light enveloped Zhu Bai.

The two silver needles were after touching the white mang.

It actually stopped in mid-air.

"You used these two little things to assassinate King Ben?" Zhu Bai looked at Chen Zibao with a playful expression.

Seeing that the dark weapon he had carefully prepared was easily dissolved by the other party.

Chen Zibao's face changed, his eyes darkened, and he lowered his head and said, "I can't assassinate." "

"If you want to kill, you can do whatever you want."

Chen Zibao is also a man.

He also knew that he could not be assassinated, and he had no intention of escaping.

However, this is mid-air, if there is no Daming soldier to send him down.

He jumped and was also a death.

Zhu Bai threw two poison needles on the ground.

Asked coldly, "Why did you assassinate King Ben?" "

"Better to be honest." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"No why, because I am a person from the Yang Dynasty." Chen Zibao said directly.

"Oh? The kings of Northern Liang have surrendered, why don't you surrender? Zhu Bai was interested.

The Chen Zibao in front of him was beyond his imagination.

"I don't know how strong your Daming really is."

"But I am the one who left the Yang Dynasty, and they can surrender."

"They can not recognize the Yang Dynasty, but I Chen Zibao can't."

"If I don't recognize Chen Zibao, then for so many years I have led my generals to the Hell Bei Mang army."

"And to protect whom?"

"You don't need to say much here, since I failed to assassinate."

"Go fast."

Chen Zibao is now courting death, and he has no other ideas.

Seeing this, Xu Xiao and the others also came over to intercede: "His Royal Highness King Xiang, please forgive His Royal Highness King Xiang." "

"For his faithful sake." Xu Xiao quickly knelt down and said.

A group of people from the Northern Liang Royal Mansion knelt down with them.

And Zhu Bai shook his head: "Assassinate King Ben, if King Ben lets him live." "

"Then in the future, will the people of your Northern Liang Royal Mansion also find an opportunity to assassinate King Ben?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone present changed slightly....

Knowing that Chen Zibao is dead.

And Zhu Bai also looked at Chen Zibao: "If you are bent on death, if this king does not fulfill you." "

"Then it's disrespectful to you, but Chen Zibao."

"King Ben will remember you."

After speaking, Zhu Bai waved his right hand gently.

Chen Zibao's head fell directly.

Seeing the righteous son he had cultivated die with his own hands, Xu Xiao had no choice.

Who would have known that Chen Zibao had the audacity to assassinate His Royal Highness King Xiang on the spot.

This is a death at all times.

Zhu Bai is not implicated in the others, which is already considered Zhu Bai's benevolence.

So the crowd did not dare to say anything.

And Zhu Bai saw that the matter was handled, so he said: "Bring Chen Zibao's body back to Daming Hou for burial." "

"King Ben respected him as a loyal courtier who was loyal to the Yang Dynasty."

"Okay, the army will set out with King Ben and destroy the Yang Dynasty!"

With Zhu Bai's order, Daming's warship slowly started.

Flying towards the territory of the Yang Dynasty in mid-air.

Northern Liang was originally the territory of the Yang Dynasty.

It is only because of the Northern Liang King Xu Xiao to guard it, so it can be regarded as a territory that has established itself as a king.

In fact, the Yang Dynasty has always had arrangements to guard against Xu Xiao.

And Gu Jiantang, who was previously occupied by Zhu Bai with one arm, was a move to guard against Northern Liang Xu Xiao.

It's just that now Gu Jiantang's left arm has been cut off, which can be regarded as losing half of his life.

Moreover, it was Daming's battleships that attacked Northern Liang.

This kind of dimensionality reduction blow can not be resisted by the heaven and earth of the 5.5 Yang Dynasty.

Soon, the Yang Dynasty appeared in Zhu Bai's sight.

At this time, the soldiers of the Lianyang Dynasty on the city tower saw ships flying in mid-air.

They all ran out and pointed at the ship that was flying in the air.

Who has ever seen such a scene.

Ships actually fly.

And the hull of this ship is also different from the warships of the Yang Dynasty.

The warships of the Yang Dynasty were made of wood.

And this hull doesn't look like it's made of wood.

This surprised many of the guards who left the Yang Dynasty.

At this moment, the guard who took over from Gu Jiantang to guard the border pass saw this scene. 、

Those who know that it is from heaven who want to attack the Liyang Dynasty.

He quickly ordered the soldiers to prepare for battle.

What's the use, though? It's completely futile.

Because Daming's battleships are completely dimensionality reduction strikes.

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