Chapter 225 Your Highness, you can attack!

"His Royal Highness King Xiang, everything is ready, just wait for the order of His Royal Highness King Xiang." Lan Yu stood aside and said.

Zhu Bai slowly walked in front of everyone and looked at the wall of Border City 2 under the battleship.

Although countless soldiers from the Yang Dynasty looked terrified, they still stood in place and held spears and weapons.

Such a scene made Zhu Bai feel a little funny for a moment.

There really is a feeling that modern people fight primitive people.

"Attack, leave no one!"

Zhu Bai waved his hand lightly and returned to his chair.

At this time, Xu Fengnian and Xu Xiaoxiong and others all walked to the place where they could watch the battle.

Especially Xu Xiao, his head was about to see below.

For him, although he had also seen the power of Daming's warship before.

But at that time, Xu Xiao did not see with his own eyes what the Daming warship was.

In an instant, the hundreds of thousands of troops of the Yang Dynasty were completely wiped out.

Moreover, what kind of divine weapon is on this warship.

It can emit a light like Xu Fengnian said, it is a sword qi.

Can you kill hundreds of thousands of people invisibly?

What is this concept?

However, at this very time.

After the hull of the Daming 31 warship shook for a while.

Suddenly, a deafening sound sounded.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Xiaoyu saw how the Daming warship was fighting.

I saw that under the entire titanium alloy hull, a dense round iron bar suddenly appeared.

At least from Xu Xiao's direction, it was an iron bar.

I saw these iron rods coming out of the hull of the ship.

Then, these iron bars automatically changed direction.

After Xu Fengnian and Xu Xiaoxiong saw each other, the two looked shocked: "Dad." "


The expression on Xu Xiao's face at this time could not be described as shock.

Because the shock may not be able to describe Xu Xiao's mood at the moment.

"Feng'er, Xiong'er, it seems that Daddy's decision is not wrong, we can be regarded as saving our lives in Beiliang."

When Xu Xiao said this, he was still a little afraid in his heart.

That's right, if you really listened to Chen Zibao's words.

Then maybe there are really no living people in Beiliang now.

If nothing else, just looking at the warship of King Zhu Bai of Xiang in front of him, these iron bars will actually turn on their own.

What is this concept?

What kind of immortal law is this?

After all, Xu Xiao has just returned to Daming, and naturally does not understand the future technology like Daming's star destroyer.

However, this was also Zhu Bai's original intention to let them get on board and let them see the battle of the Daming warship.

Although Zhu Bai's own strength, as well as Xu Xiao and Xu Fengnian have already visited Daming.

I also know the wealth of Daming and the horror of everyone cultivating immortals.

But after all, this is only a demonstration of Daming's economic strength.

If you really want others to be pleased, how can you just have carrots.

There has to be a big iron rod!

Let the Northern Liang Royal Mansion visit the battle, it is the big iron rod in Zhu Bai's hand.

"Guys." Zhu Bai took a sip of tea and said lightly: "You can take a good look at how my Daming warship fights. "

"Tang He, Xu Da."

"The end is coming!" The two walked out, and the momentum was very high.

"This battle is commanded by the two of you and the three of you together."

"King Ben has a request that you must end all battles within half an hour."

"A small border city away from the Yang Dynasty, King Ben doesn't want to spend too much time."

"Yes, His Royal Highness King Xiang." The two of them threw up their hands and said, "Then Your Highness, the people in this city? "

"Activate the identification system and don't hurt the people."

Originally, it was for the heavens and the great ming to conquer all worlds.

And if it is not a tartar butcher who kills indiscriminately, how can he harm innocent people.

Ju Bai can't do such a thing.

"Yes." The two saw that Zhu Bai was so benevolent and righteous, and they were overjoyed in their hearts.

His Royal Highness King Xiang is really becoming more and more regal.

In fact, this is the case throughout the Ming and Manchu dynasties today.

If it weren't for the fact that Prince Zhu Biao was still there, everyone might have supported Zhu Bai, the King of Xiang.

Only, even so.

In fact, everyone can see that the current Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

For King Xiang, the twelfth son, he also likes it even more.

And almost half of Daming's army was in the hands of Zhu Bai.

There is also a separate power to govern the government.

A two-finger-wide strip in the Xiang King Mansion was thrown on the ground.

Places are received according to the specifications of the Holy Decree.

And Prince Zhu Biao is now even more obsessed with cultivating immortals.

Be realistic and know it in his own heart.

If in the past, he really had the strength of other younger brothers and was qualified to be this prince.

But because of the time when he saved Zhu Qizhen before.

Zhu Biao looked at the history after it and knew that he died young.

This led to a series of turmoil in the back of Daming.

If it weren't for his younger brother Xiang King Zhu Bai, the fierce man descended from heaven at a critical moment.

Then maybe Zhu Biao himself would not be able to live until now, and he would still be able to cultivate immortals.

Therefore, now, although the position of the prince is still Zhu Biao's.

But in fact, from the Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang to Zhu Biao and then to the minister.

In fact, he had already decided on Zhu Bai, the king of Xiang, in his heart.

And this time to conquer the Lianyang Dynasty, Emperor Hongwu also let Zhu Bai personally handle it.

Most of the time he simply went to cultivate immortals.

Such obvious favoritism, as long as it is not blind, can basically be seen.

Therefore, now Xu Da, Tang He and others are strictly enforcing Zhu Bai's orders.

And Zhu Bai also demanded himself strictly according to the standards of a holy emperor.

That is to do what is benevolent and righteous, not to kill innocents indiscriminately, not to slaughter cities.

Of course, there should also be a decision to kill.

When the emperor is angry, the means of ambushing millions of corpses must also be retained.

Otherwise, what is the difference between being benevolent and cowardly?

At this time, Li Yishan and the others had been staring at the changes below.

I saw those 300 iron bars on the battleship, and suddenly all of them were head down.


"What is this sound?" A strange sound made Li Yishan's face change greatly.

Xu Fengnian said with a solemn face: "The Daming warship is about to attack. "

"I remember this voice very well, before leaving the Yang Dynasty hundreds of thousands of troops."

"It's because of such a sound that it disappeared in an instant."

Li Yishan looked suspicious, but did not speak.

Now everyone is staring at the city below.

And in the eyes of the soldiers of the city below.

I don't know how to describe it.

These warships that can fly in the sky are all pointed at themselves with strange iron rods.

But the heads of these iron rods faintly appeared blue light masses.

These blue light masses seemed to burst out, not pressing the strength of a Yang master.

Cold sweat was all over the guard's forehead.

Everything in front of him was so shocking that he didn't know what to do.

"General, what should we do?"

"The whole army obeyed the order and entered the arrow tower to hide."

"General Ben doesn't believe that these heavenly enemies can not come down to engage us."


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