Chapter 226: This is the strength of my Daming Science and Technology Legion

Follow the idea of becoming a guard.

Even if these heavenly people are powerful, as long as their own army carries out fixed income.

You can't stop coming down, can you?

As long as you come down for close combat, then follow the elite strength of the Yang Dynasty.

Even if it is 10 for 1, some hit.

Could it be that these enemies in the sky can still not have logistics.

Directly crossed into a thousand miles to attack the Yang Capital City?

It's just that this guard probably doesn't understand a truth.

General, times have changed!


With a loud roar, it sounded.



Liu Bowen stood in the command room, while looking at the battle situation below through the holographic screen.

While cheerfully said: "Although these soldiers from the Yang Dynasty are very useful. "

"But it's just a mantis as a car."

"Just now, His Royal Highness King Xiang has ordered that we end this war within half an hour."

"But we don't take so long, and the half-incense time must end, you know?"

As the supreme commander of the scientific and technological army, Liu Bowen has always been very unhappy with Blue Jade's dragon riding army.

It's not because of anything else, but Lan Yu is arrogant and domineering, and it is a meritorious service in Huaixi.

He has always looked down on him, so Liu Bowen also wants to take advantage of the prestige of the Science and Technology Legion to kill Blue Jade well.

It's just that today's battle, Lan Yu and Xu Da and Tang He three people commanded.

So there are not many opportunities for the Tech Corps to perform.

According to the order given by Xu Da, the Science and Technology Corps first carried out long-range bombing.

After finishing the matter, the Blue Jade Dragoon carried out the finishing work.

This is not the proper harvest of the fruits of victory.

Liu Bowen would not give Lan Yu such a chance.

Therefore, at the beginning, Liu Bowen directly ordered all warships to launch the most powerful and intensive fire attack.

He believed that as long as he did not use the Doomsday Cannon, he would not disobey His Royal Highness Xiang's order not to harm the people.

Moreover, all ships had their identification systems turned on before attacking.

This is one of the top technologies of the Daming Science and Technology Corps.

As long as you pass the identification system, you can immediately compare whether you are a soldier or an ordinary soldier.

And the accuracy rate is 100%.

With such a terrifying identification system, Liu Bowen definitely does not need to worry about making mistakes.


A huge explosion.

The walls of the border city were attacked by the first wave.

In an instant, the wall of the border city collapsed directly.

Those soldiers who hid in the arrow tower to avoid the first wave of Daming's attacks were all blown to pieces.

Many people in the city were frightened and fled because of the huge explosion.

So much so that the generals who originally maintained order in the city had to take the form of killing to stabilize the order in the city.

However, this does not have any effect.

The Daming Star Destroyer shot down.

Don't say it's people.

Even the well-trained war horses in the city were all frightened and ran around.

Before many soldiers realized what was going on, they were blown to pieces.

Others covered their heads and stood on the city wall in pain and vomited.

At this time, Xu Xiao and the others on the spaceship saw such a terrifying way of fighting for the first time.

Xu Xiao stopped talking.

Xu Fengnian watched with interest the implementation of the battlefield dropped by the drone.

"His Royal Highness King Xiang, is this flying little guy also an immortal?"

Zhu Bai smiled slightly: "No, this is called a drone, it is a product of my Daming Science and Technology Corps."

"As for Xiu Xian's words, it is the Daming Dragon Ride led by General Blue Jade."

"You've seen it before."

Xu Fengnian nodded.

Daming Dragon Rider he knows, the power is indeed extraordinary.

However, no matter how powerful the Daming Dragon Rider was, he saw the Daming Star Destroyer today.

After all, he immediately realized that Daming had the strongest combat effectiveness.

It should be the warship on which he stands at the moment.

Although all of the Daming dragon cavalry soldiers cultivated immortals, their cultivation was indeed strong. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, Xu Fengnian can still be keenly discovered.

This Daming warship in the case of a hundred simultaneous attacks.

There can be no individual or army that can rely on the flesh to stop it.

If you want to stop the Daming Science and Technology Legion, you can only have the same strength of the Science and Technology Legion.

Now, he finally understood why his father advocated surrender.

If this does not surrender, the Northern Liang Royal Mansion is afraid that if it does not last for a quarter of an hour, it will all die in battle.


Another sound like bees fluttering.

Xu Fengnian looked at the holographic screen curiously.

Suddenly, he froze on the spot.

I saw the warships of the Daming Science and Technology Legion, and a gate opened in front of the hull.

Then countless things like drones in front of you flew out.

Dense, at least a few thousand.

All of these drones flew towards the location of the city wall.

Xu Fengnian didn't know what it was, and quickly asked: "Your Highness, are these the drones that His Highness said?" "

"Exactly, also called a swarm, it is a swarm strike tactic."

Seeing that Xu Fengnian didn't understand very well, Zhu Bai smiled slightly: "Why, are you very interested in my Daming Science and Technology Legion?" "

Xu Fengnian just wanted to say, but the words came to his lips and swallowed back.

Zhu Bai couldn't see it: "If you are interested, then wait for the matter of leaving the Yang Dynasty to end." "

"How about King Ben ordering you to serve in the Tech Corps?"

"Your Highness doesn't break his word?" Xu Fengnian was a little excited.

Such a mysterious and powerful thing, if he mastered it.

Then in the future, Beiliang can also build its own science and technology corps.

Zhu Bai nodded very calmly: "This king has a word, how can he break his word?" "

"In the future, you will study with Mr. Liu Bowen of the Science and Technology Corps."

At this time, the bee swarm had flown densely towards the remaining soldiers on the city wall.

When the defenders in the city saw this situation, the defenders immediately ordered the preparation of catapults.

In the entire border city, there are probably about a dozen catapults.

If you are dealing with a siege team of the same strength, this catapult is still useful.

You can use catapults to deal with the swarms inside the Daming Star Destroyer.

That's kind of hilarious.

I saw a commander cut the rope of the catapult (Li Li's) with a sword.

With the first stone being thrown.

Immediately afterwards, the second and third stones were thrown.

A dozen huge stones headed towards the swarm of bees in midair.

However, just as the stone was about to approach these drone swarms.

Suddenly, countless drones launched laser attacks.

More than a dozen boulders were instantly shattered.

"General, the enemy will enchant the law, we can't win." One soldier has collapsed.

The general in charge of the command killed the soldier with a sword.

"What demon law, prepare for the second wave of attack."

"I can't let the enemy attack the border city, otherwise I will be finished with the Yang Dynasty."

The general shouted excitedly as he directed the soldiers to continue loading the stones.


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